Big Announcement Coming Next Friday

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Dec 19, 2002
The Capital of the World
Heard through semi-reliable source that something is going to be announced on Friday regarding slot deals and such with Delta.

Don't shoot the messenger, not that it will stop anyone. Just wanted to scoop Chip (in case it really does happen.)

It's not a UCT with United, BTW.
Ok, I'll bite.
If true, and that's a BIG if, I'll bet it invovles A330s and LGA slots and gates.
Is that the same as getting rid of the west? I can't wait. :up:
I can't wait for the announcement that they are either selling us, parting us out, or closing the doors!! Enough of this (mis)management, all the threats, pilots (from both sides!)acting like 2 year olds, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Just get on with it already so people can go on with their lives.
, pilots (from both sides!)acting like 2 year olds, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Just get on with it already so people can go on with their lives.

Actually the pilots are saving the company over 100 mill min annually by not combining. Don't think it will turn an annual profit, but there is always a chance the economy will swing high fast late this fall.
A friend from the NW side of Delta based in LGA called a couple of days ago saying the rumour going on there involves a terminal swap since we do not utilize all of our gates.
Just get on with it already so people can go on with their lives.

Aren't you able to "go on" with your life, even before the doors shut? I mean, if you really feel that way, move on, and let those people who still enjoy working here do so. :rolleyes:
Ok, I'll bite.
If true, and that's a BIG if, I'll bet it invovles A330s and LGA slots and gates.

Some of the LGA slots, gates (a terminal swap) I would fall for. The A330's, well why would they want them if they're cutting back international flying during the recession? By the way I am disappointed that the news didn't come from our inside man.

Is this information coming from a Triangle cleaner or the people at the Beanery? They're usually pretty reliable sources. Did they mention if US would get the DL/NW terminal or The Marine Air Terminal?


Maybe the Swoosh is disappearing. Yeah that's it. It's too expensive to paint.
The A330's, well why would they want them if they're cutting back international flying during the recession?

That's a good point, but my sources are the last two A330 cockpit crews I flew with last week. Both crews said the same thing about hearing a rumor the company wants to replace the 767s quicker than planned. It's just a rumor and consider the sources.
Why are you relinquishing control of your own life to US? Thats your own choice/fault. You can "move on" anytime you like.
Yes and actually I am (moving on)!!! Just couldn't up and leave without a plan!! Certainly don't want to be old and bitter with no place to go like some!! And for the recored it was my choice to come work here, and I enjoyed most of it until recently when I took a good look around and realized that I don't want to be old, fat , bitter, nasty, etc.. or exactly what I see so MUCH of. All I said in my post was to get on with it already and let everyone move on with their lives, no reason for you to get all up in a huff! Anything else?
Aren't you able to "go on" with your life, even before the doors shut? I mean, if you really feel that way, move on, and let those people who still enjoy working here do so. :rolleyes:
Oh yes!! you're such a positive person that you must enjoy every waking moment! Get real!
That's a good point, but my sources are the last two A330 cockpit crews I flew with last week. Both crews said the same thing about hearing a rumor the company wants to replace the 767s quicker than planned. It's just a rumor and consider the sources.

Cool... I like the A-330.

Driver B)
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