Flight Attendants now free to Unionize at Delta

Did this ONE DL FA explain how it came to be that she spoke for the entire inflight group?
Well why do you think it was necessary for the AFA to call for petition the NMB to change the rules? They know they don't have a majority of the class, so they are hoping to game the voting system rather then try to garner more support.
Well why do you think it was necessary for the AFA to call for petition the NMB to change the rules? They know they don't have a majority of the class, so they are hoping to game the voting system rather then try to garner more support.

That doesn't answer my question.

Again, how does ONE F/A on a talk show suddenly know beyond a shadow of a doubt the preferences of several thousand of her coworkers?

By the way, the AFA was far from alone in supporting this rule change, and will affect more than just us at DL.
I have just deleted posts which contained personal attacks as well as comments on those posts.

DO NOT MAKE IT PERSONAL--The cornfield awaits and the thread could be closed.
If I were you, I'd start by doing an LM2 search.

Also, you didn't answer either of my questions.
How about a link to this LM2? Certainly it is available to the public.

Your other questions? The proof of largess? The fact that there is no money isn't enough? Who has their hand in the cookie jar?

How did I get onto NW property? Thats simple, I rode the bus. I kinda miss that job, It is a shame DTW is so far north. Nice place to visit I just didn't care to live there.
Rumor has it AFA has had financial problems for some time. With this election they will either gain the extra $$$ from the DAL FA's or lose the existing $$$ from the NWA FA's. Hence the constant delays, its a fight for their life (and millions of union dues of course).
Is there really such a thing as "extra $$$" for the union? Or is it simply more dollars for union leaders to launder and line their pockets with. Regardless which way the election goes the union will still be broke.
Is there really such a thing as "extra $$$" for the union? Or is it simply more dollars for union leaders to launder and line their pockets with. Regardless which way the election goes the union will still be broke.
Kind of like the way our government work, huh?
Exactly, a bunch of politicians running around acting as if they are doing something for you but all the while robbing you blind.

Atleast the politicians didn't physically take my job like you did PTO... Don't talk about about politicians wrongdoings when you took another mans job while he was legally trying to save his.
How about a link to this LM2? Certainly it is available to the public.

It's amazingly easy. Do your own homework.

Your other questions? The proof of largess? The fact that there is no money isn't enough? Who has their hand in the cookie jar?

Still waiting for definitive proof of your allegations.

If you want to frame these as merely your opinion, that's one thing. To make a baseless allegation is something altogether different.

How did I get onto NW property? Thats simple, I rode the bus.


That's part of it; now share the rest.
The ATA will be all over this and expect this to be challenged in court.

I don't understand how someone who has a contract can honestly tell another not to have a contract. Come on guys, the "obvious" is in your face. Richard has a "CONTRACT", pilots have a "CONTRACT", and the dispatchers have a "CONTRACT" at Delta. I don't hear them having compensation issues or vacation issues etc.. I hear about all the issues and problems the "NON-UNION" employees have every freaking day! Look at it like this, By having a contract your money, vacation, seniority etc... is "private" and can only be touch threw the courts who deals with contract issues on a day to day basis. When you don't lock your matters under a contract and go with the companies unilateral relationship/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to Delta, it becomes "public" and decisions will be made in the best interest of the company. Therefor you are subject to any decisons made about you with no say so because it will done in respect to the company. The only way you can reserve your rights is by recognizing them in a contract. For those who might think the whole "FAMILY" thing still exist, I feel for you because it is truly all about business.
I don't understand how someone who has a contract can honestly tell another not to have a contract. Come on guys, the "obvious" is in your face. Richard has a "CONTRACT", pilots have a "CONTRACT", and the dispatchers have a "CONTRACT" at Delta. I don't hear them having compensation issues or vacation issues etc.. I hear about all the issues and problems the "NON-UNION" employees have every freaking day! Look at it like this, By having a contract your money, vacation, seniority etc... is "private" and can only be touch threw the courts who deals with contract issues on a day to day basis. When you don't lock your matters under a contract and go with the companies unilateral relationship/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to Delta, it becomes "public" and decisions will be made in the best interest of the company. Therefor you are subject to any decisons made about you with no say so because it will done in respect to the company. The only way you can reserve your rights is by recognizing them in a contract. For those who might think the whole "FAMILY" thing still exist, I feel for you because it is truly all about business.

Well tell that to AFA who refused to pursue the NWA FA's "Me Too Clause" that was in their supposed "iron clad contract". The "me too clause" that would have given all the NWA FA's pay increases. AFA chose not to pursue because of cost (financial problems again at AFA) of the grievance and fear that it would have alienated the DAL FA's. I guess that talking point that AFA has of their team of Attorneys, etc was just another fat lie (no surprise).

So i throw it back into your court....what good is a contract if AFA choses not to enforce?
Well tell that to AFA who refused to pursue the NWA FA's "Me Too Clause" that was in their supposed "iron clad contract". The "me too clause" that would have given all the NWA FA's pay increases. AFA chose not to pursue because of cost (financial problems again at AFA) of the grievance and fear that it would have alienated the DAL FA's. I guess that talking point that AFA has of their team of Attorneys, etc was just another fat lie (no surprise).

So i throw it back into your court....what good is a contract if AFA choses not to enforce?

If that was the case, what's wrong with that? "IF". Look 'dapoes', Richard and his buddies may not like to pull from the non-union employees pockets for the "Best interest of Delta", but its business 101, it's a whole lot more easier to give a "rationale reason" to cut pay or jobs to non-union workers than to deal with breaking contract. I ask any non-union Delta employee to read over the terms of employment at Delta. Contracts mean a lot in the world today and I make sure in any dealings I have terms and condition set before activity is taken. Dapoes, Southwind and many other anti-contract promoters know the power of a contract. Thats why I feel these guys are more than a average joe working for a hourly wages. Most anti-union workers wouldn't even take the time out to research on "why they don't need a union". I have a question for you "dapoes" hope you will answer it. What are the benefits you would obtain if non-contract, non-union workers do not unionize at Delta?
It's amazingly easy. Do your own homework.
Still waiting for definitive proof of your allegations.
If you want to frame these as merely your opinion, that's one thing. To make a baseless allegation is something altogether different.
I did my homework and have checked on your LM-2 and have found it to be most disturbing. $2,547,877.64 is paid out to salaries benefits and business expenses. I really liked this part “Salary - Wages paid to individual. NOTE: This is strictly the salary collected from the union (your dues dollars). In addition, many of the people on the list fly the line to supplement already substantial salaries.”

WOW, talk about being overpaid. Even though that is a far cry from the 55 million we decided their annual income is.

Lets take a closer look at this AFA LM2:

Allowances disbursed - not explained in LM-2. Typically a car allowance.

“Not explained in LM-2.” Where is it explained? You should take a look at some of those numbers.

Business expenses claimed - expenses reimbursed by check to the individual. This includes the per diem the individual can claim (up to $45.90 per day, even when working from home). It doesn't include items that are direct billed to the union, such as Bruce Retrum's weeks of hotel rooms in MSP (even though he lives in MSP), or items charged to a union card (cards are issued to staffers at the international, like Danny Campbell, MEC officers and some LEC Presidents), cell phones, travel, etc.

Are you reading this?!!!! Unbelievable!!! Already substantial salaries aren’t enough so lets pour the gravy on!
Looks as if there is about 52.5 million that isn’t accounted for in this LM-2. This Kev is where the “Largesse” gets divvied up. Show me that accountability. This is where unions are losing support from the non-union and union members.
I did my homework and have checked on your LM-2 and have found it to be most disturbing. $2,547,877.64 is paid out to salaries benefits and business expenses. I really liked this part “Salary - Wages paid to individual. NOTE: This is strictly the salary collected from the union (your dues dollars). In addition, many of the people on the list fly the line to supplement already substantial salaries.”

First, it's not "my" LM-2; I'm not in the AFA.

Second, what a shock that you went to somewhere called "AFA outrage," as opposed to the boring old DOL website.How does that qualify as doing your homework?

WOW, talk about being overpaid. Even though that is a far cry from the 55 million we decided their annual income is.

We? "We" didn't decide anything.

Overpaid? Overpaid is 8.4M a year, and ~ 17M in 2008.

Lets take a closer look at this AFA LM2

Yes, lets. Just as soon as you actually go read one.