Grassroots Efforts at DL for ACS and FAs, no personal attacks.

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well southwind  at least one poster makes the posts all pro dl and makes all the other airlines look bad  even when peeps such as myself have posted positive things  regarding airlines.    I will tell u  when I flew dl back in May  it was nice    The only thing that really surprised me was the FAs on my originating flight was also on my connecting flight   I had never seen that before  then again til this yr I have not flown in quite a while.  As far as Im concerned  I will always say there is the good the bad and the ugly in each and every airline regardless of who it is. 
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One person out of 500,000 current and 750,000 total is no big deal. Is that the best you can do?
700UW said:
One person out of 500,000 current and 750,000 total is no big deal. Is that the best you can do?
You know there's more than one that's not happy, but there is only one dumb enough to try to raise money for a lawsuit. Maybe she should raise money to try to get the RLA changed? I'm sure there's plenty of anti-labor lawyers who would take on her case pro bono if it were legit. But don't try to make it sound like they're all happy- just look at all of the Mx posts.
southwind said:
According to some, on these boards, DL does no right.
How dare you shed a negative light, on the IAM, while there's a push going on.
Why should possible voters have "ALL" the facts?
Speaking of "all the facts," have you traveled to any line stations to see how life in ACS is these days?
How 'bout talking to some all the F/A's doing visibility in ATL?
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you've used that comparison before.

It is not ANY company's responsibility to pay any employee a certain percent of REVENUES.

It IS the company's responsibility to pay their employees well relative to the market.

And the reason why DL FAs average total salaries is less than their peers is because DL is rapidly growing which means newhire employees are coming in to the company.

With another 1800 FAs coming on the payroll in the coming months, DL is able to grow using new hire FAs.

The notion of aggressive growth is a strategy that the low fare carriers, including WN, have used to keep their overall costs down.

Apparently when DL uses the same type of strategy that WN has used - just like profit sharing - it is a loss for the employees but it is a win if the employees are unionized.

DL employees can see the difference and have resoundedly said they aren't interested in further unions at DL.
Apparently when DL uses the same type of strategy that WN has used - just like profit sharing - it is a loss for the employees but it is a win if the employees are unionized.
That sounds like the dissonant mindset in this thread that howls when anyone from outside of DL dares advocate for representation, but has no problem holding non-employees up as examples as long as they're against it...
there is nothing dissonant about saying that it is mgmt.'s responsibility to use the assets they have - and that includes employees who are the greatest assets - to generate the most amount of revenue.

Strangely, unions at any company are quick to distance themselves from mgmt. when mgmt. makes stupid decisions about how to deploy its assets (ie routes to fly) and say it isn't labor's responsibility to make those decisions - and in that sense I agree.

But labor cannot also cry against mgmt. when it uses its assets to produce higher revenue than its peers, which is what DL has done. There are endless articles that note that DL has the highest RASM among large US carriers.

The reason why DL employees don't have as high of a total percentage of revenue is because DL generates more revenue.

Add in that DL is growing and DL is able to keep labor costs from growing because it is bringing in many new employees and DL is also offsetting the pay raises which more senior employees are getting with new employees who are further down the scale.

WN has been a master at growing to keep labor costs down but is now hiring at a far lower rate and their employee cost growth is one of the highest in the industry - right behind AA. Go back to the last quarter and you will see DL's non-fuel cost growth was the lowest of the big 4 with UA a big higher and then AA and WN both with 8% plus increases in labor costs.

DL is generating more revenue than its peers and is also growing which is why labor costs at DL are not growing as quickly and why labor gets a higher share of REVENUE.

And yet DL employees still enjoy the richest profit sharing in the airline industry and one of the most generous in all of corporate America. DL employees do participate in the success of the company. To argue otherwise is just plain inaccurate.

To try to argue against the real drivers and turn real business reasons into an argument for labor highlights yet another way that DL employees know what drives the success of their company and know the difference between the truth and the union's attempts to distort reality.
obviously the employees carry out the decisions of mgmt. but so do the employees of other airlines.

are you going to say that you are a better employee than those at other airlines because DL generates better revenue?

or is it possible that DL mgmt. made the tough decisions such as to pull down certain hubs, redeploy those assets elsewhere, and are enjoying revenue premiums because of it? Employees outside of the headquarters at no airline make decisions about where to fly, the equipment to buy, the price to charge, and the schedule those services on which those flights will operate.

of course, part of the revenue premiums are indeed because DL employees run an outstanding operation and provide excellent service but DL also has been laser like in its commitment to fix what has been broken with the way airlines historically operated, both financially and operationally.

DL provides the resources to its employees, removes obstacles that prevent them from doing their best, and deploys all of the company's assets in order to maximize profits.
(oops!  This post is supposed to be a response to the IAM recruiting poster on the previous page.)
Yeah, and I have a friend who is a senior DL f/a who will once again vote against representation.  When I asked her why last time she voted NO, she said, "I know we need a union, but just not right now."  I then asked her why she felt this was not the time.  Her response, "My supervisor told me."
I would love to wake up the morning after the vote closes and find that DL f/as are now represented, but I don't think I'm going to start planning a celebration day just yet.
If employees aren't the one generating the profits, then why are they getting profit sharing?... ;)
no, 700, it isn't facts....

not terribly surprising that you are playing the divisive role that unions play but the people at headquarters that make the decisions about where to fly ARE DL employees.

DL operates the airline using a team approach.

No one ever said the FAs, pilots, maintenance, and airport personnel aren't part of the success. They absolutely are.

But they don't make the decisions about where to deploy DL's assets any more than AA mechanics or UA FAs do at their airlines.
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