How Screwed up is the US IT Department

I agree!! With one key difference, US East managed to keep customers happy and not leave them stranded because of Joe Beery's incompetence and Scot Kirby's indifference.

You can slice it any way you like, the OLD WORKED, the new one doesn't.

SABRE worked
SHARES Doesn't

12 seat vs 16 on the 320 plus no closet, Profit generated inspite of the east configuaration.

HP LOST money in '06 with their "More efficient" configuration.

Figures don't lie butt munch, but liars cheats and thieves figure.

Please feel free at any time to not bash me and address the issues at hand! Like the 100K travelers not named PineyBob that got hosed because of all that scarry talent in Tempe.

This is what happens when a third rate regional airline tries to play "Big Airline".

Time for RESULTS, not reasons UWCactus!!

When can we expect them????

Now do us all a fovor and spare us the diatribe of how negative I am and enlighten us as to when we can expect a web site and reservation system that is at least equal to Spirit, Allegiant or USA 3000!!!! Not to much to ask since you have more aircraft then the 3 of them combined.

So UW Cactus F__k YOU and the horse you rode in on.

Wow! such harsh words.
Let's not even discuss INT res. When we at FFOCUS visited INT pre-merger all we heard was how old the machines were and how much they were down and being "repaired". The machines ran Win 95 and were slower than molasses. It's a wonder that the CP desk could do the wonders they did.

Those machines were old but they were fine. All they did was run one application, CARE and that ran fine. The agents that were bitching would #### about anything. Some agents used to feel that "their" machine was broken. There were no assigned seats for the most part, except for ADA seats. If a machine was broken you had to move your butt, not sit there until a tech came to fix it.

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