I have had enough of the Teamsters!

The back and forth with defenders of these unions digging back 20 years to the times of deregulation is a waste of time. Everyone got boned back at NW, ALPA, Flight Attendants, Mechanics, god damn janitors all got locked out…it was a bankruptcy.

keeping people busy arguing about issues decades ago I’d a distraction to keep you busy working on today. Time to boot the Teamsters from UAL and help other technicians from other airlines join us afterwards. The fear these people have is losing whatever cozy positions they’ve worked themselves into as part of their respective unions. At UAL many of these stewards use Union Business to self assign Overtime as the mood suits them. They have a nice big honeypot to eat from while the rest of us have to wait in line for hours, that’s the only reason you see them show their teeth when you mention replacing the IBT.

time to just make this happen. If the TWU/IAM was honestly worried about their workers at AA..one of them would voluntarily step out of the way and allow the other to represent the unionists, but this is all about Union dues and nothing else.

Ok but you tried the IAM and you believe they failed you, you tried the AMFA and you believe they failed you, you tried the IBT and believe they failed you, you never tried the TWU but I’m sure if you did you would eventually believe they failed you. Do you ever get to the point where you start to think maybe it’s not all these Unions that you think are failing you? And no I’m not saying that maybe the IBT really is failing you. That’s your call to make.

The TWU/IAM isn’t worried about their workers at AA. Why should they be when they have the best contract in the Industry. Read it for yourself and prove the comment wrong.

And BTW for that fake AMFA raid where Seham was paid around $300,000 for “AA Issues” the TWU/IAM spent only around $5,000 to challenge the filing which they were duly bound to do. If they had been so concerned there would have been all sorts of writings and videos trying to beat back the challenge which there wasn’t. It was as quiet as a church mouse basically. Even the IAM shockingly didn’t react.

I think they knew the filing was another AMFA fraud.
Ok but you tried the IAM and you believe they failed you, you tried the AMFA and you believe they failed you, you tried the IBT and believe they failed you, you never tried the TWU but I’m sure if you did you would eventually believe they failed you. Do you ever get to the point where you start to think maybe it’s not all these Unions that you think are failing you? And no I’m not saying that maybe the IBT really is failing you. That’s your call to make.

The TWU/IAM isn’t worried about their workers at AA. Why should they be when they have the best contract in the Industry. Read it for yourself and prove the comment wrong.

And BTW for that fake AMFA raid where Seham was paid around $300,000 for “AA Issues” the TWU/IAM spent only around $5,000 to challenge the filing which they were duly bound to do. If they had been so concerned there would have been all sorts of writings and videos trying to beat back the challenge which there wasn’t. It was as quiet as a church mouse basically. Even the IAM shockingly didn’t react.

I think they knew the filing was another AMFA fraud.
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Those assumptions you rely on mean nothing to me. I am sub continental, meaning we've had IBT for 20+ years after the IAM was given the boot during the lorenzo Eastern/Continental fiasco.

And the funny thing about all of this is the guys that want AMFA back the most are the Mechanics from legacy United. They didn't give that union a fair shake and it was all knee-jerk reactions during a bankruptcy. You can nut-hug IAM/IBT/TWU all you want, I won't play along.
And we're treated to another pathetic attempt at deflection - Nice try Indeed

The iam scabbed struck work, and tried to organize the SCAB MX during a strike - make any excuse you wish, what happened was immortalized in digital print in dozens of articles at the time - THE iam SOUGHT OUT AMFA's work

But by all means continue to try to defend the indefensible - go ahead an undermine what little credibility you may have left if any - anyone with 5 minutes and a good search engine could expose your complete and utter ignorance on the matter.
Is it too hard to comprehend the ancillary duties language was in the IAM FSA CBA for decades before the AMFA failed strike?

IAM FSAs at NW performed more ancillary duties all across the NW system then AMFA represented workers way before the strike.
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Those assumptions you rely on mean nothing to me. I am sub continental, meaning we've had IBT for 20+ years after the IAM was given the boot during the lorenzo Eastern/Continental fiasco.

And the funny thing about all of this is the guys that want AMFA back the most are the Mechanics from legacy United. They didn't give that union a fair shake and it was all knee-jerk reactions during a bankruptcy. You can nut-hug IAM/IBT/TWU all you want, I won't play along.

Don’t care if you want to play along or not. But I will say you could be right that UAL Members didn’t give them a chance. But they obviously saw what happened at NWA and said we better get rid of this tiny no support union and get back in with one of the big boys. Which they did.

I’m not a fan of the IBT personally and didn’t really think too much of the IAM before the AA/US merger. But hey good luck to any of you if you think changing out the underwear again is what’s best.

Hopefully 🤞 the IBT gets you a home run contract though instead.
AMFA STOLE IAM work. There is no defending that. And AMFA was the one who fired the first shot in the War.

And YOU just can’t accept that because you hate the IAM.

Spare me your crybaby dramatics - AMFA stole nothing! - the iam was decertified by their own members for lack of representation and AMFA was brought onboard.

YOU can't accept it because you're a twu/iam sycophant

The real story. Without all the fluff.

The real story? From an twu/iam association website? LMFAO 🤣
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The back and forth with defenders of these unions digging back 20 years to the times of deregulation is a waste of time.

Perhaps - However, as the same arguments and attempts at revisionist history you see here posted over the last few days are the same as the arguments the iam and their supporters tried to float during the strike, refuting their nonsense is easy.

The sequence of events - contractual references - and news articles on the strike were all recorded - both here, and on several other cites from that time

Time to boot the Teamsters from UAL and help other technicians from other airlines join us afterwards.

Agreed - and if the rumors of Teamcare & teamster pension are true, the ibt will do most of the heavy lifting for us
Is it too hard to comprehend the ancillary duties language was in the IAM FSA CBA for decades before the AMFA failed strike?

IAM FSAs at NW performed more ancillary duties all across the NW system then AMFA represented workers way before the strike.

How long are you going to try to peddle this nonsense?

Did iam FSA members do pushback and cleaning duties before the strike? Yes - but NOT at stations where AMFA members performed those functions - like MSP, like DTW - that was struck work that the iam scabbed, and went after deliberately

All on record - All recorded - there are even threads in this forums archive from back then that chronicle it all.

The iam performed struck work, and tried to organize SCAB MX, and nothing you say now is going to change that FACT
Spare me your crybaby dramatics - AMFA stole nothing! - the iam was decertified by their own members for lack of representation and AMFA was brought onboard.

YOU can't accept it because you're a twu/iam sycophant

The real story? From an twu/iam association website? LMFAO 🤣

And here we go with the insults as expected. Any time an AMFA supporter can’t accept someone disagreeing with them they break out the standard issue insults.

Yes the real story. I was working for the Airlines during those times. AMFA has always prided themselves on being independent (Class and Craft Union) and doesn’t need anyone’s help. Well they did need help and because of their own arrogance no one was going to give it to them.

BTW since you opened the door to insults it seems to me that you’re nothing but a blind AMFA suck a**.

AMFA thought they could swim and jumped into the deep end. And all the Industry Unions watched and laughed from the Beach as they drowned and were eaten by the sharks.
How long are you going to try to peddle this nonsense?

Did iam FSA members do pushback and cleaning duties before the strike? Yes - but NOT at stations where AMFA members performed those functions - like MSP, like DTW - that was struck work that the iam scabbed, and went after deliberately

All on record - All recorded - there are even threads in this forums archive from back then that chronicle it all.

The iam performed struck work, and tried to organize SCAB MX, and nothing you say now is going to change that FACT

Get it through your head. If it’s in their Contract that they can perform that work where it’s usually written “when not in conflict with” then they HAVE TO perform that work.

Once AMFA went on strike there was no longer any conflict.

Here at AA Aircraft movements are in both of our CBA’s and AA has transferred that work back and forth at their discretion. Neither group can refuse that work if AA wants them to do it. (Absent being trained)
And here we go with the insults as expected. Any time an AMFA supporter can’t accept someone disagreeing with them they break out the standard issue insults.

This isn't a disagreement - You stated something that is categorically FALSE - you stated ... AMFA STOLE ...

AMFA did no such thing - they were duly elected per NMB certification - you want to have a discussion on policy, or structure, or negotiations etc fine - but when you insist on posting bald faced, abject falsehoods then you get a descriptor your childishness deserves
Get it through your head. If it’s in their Contract that they can perform that work where it’s usually written “when not in conflict with” then they HAVE TO perform that work.

The work was contractually performed by AMFA - it became struck work the moment AMFA went on strike - the company assigned the work to the iam who it turns out had been lobbying for it. Thus the iam performed struck work, and went so far as to state they expected to keep the work even if the AMFA strike was resolved

So get it through your head - where AMFA performed the work - it was struck work

You can try and dance around this all you want, its a 15+ year old record that the iam performed struck work - its not just me saying it

Besides, why are you suddenly getting so defensive? A few posts ago you stated if it was true, it was the greatest thing the iam had done, and you applauded it?

You seemed fine allying yourself with a union that scabbed and tried to organize scabs ... I hope you're not having a sudden change of heart 🤣
The work was contractually performed by AMFA - it became struck work the moment AMFA went on strike - the company assigned the work to the iam who it turns out had been lobbying for it. Thus the iam performed struck work, and went so far as to state they expected to keep the work even if the AMFA strike was resolved

So get it through your head - where AMFA performed the work - it was struck work

You can try and dance around this all you want, its a 15+ year old record that the iam performed struck work - its not just me saying it

Besides, why are you suddenly getting so defensive? A few posts ago you stated if it was true, it was the greatest thing the iam had done, and you applauded it?

You seemed fine allying yourself with a union that scabbed and tried to organize scabs ... I hope you're not having a sudden change of heart 🤣

You seem to just want to go back and forth which hey I got time here and there.

Nope I have ZERO problem aligning myself against a group that said the Company should take more from Fleet Service and others so they could keep there’s. You’re out of your cotton picking loopy mind if you think I’d support those kind of sc*m bags.

If our AMT’s ever tried to do something so chitty like that to us I’d spit on their strike line and later on pee on their graves if the Company slit their throats.

Am I clear? I should be crystal clear and I would order the code red.
Not really a back and forth, I'm just correcting you on your ridiculous attempts to try and rewrite what happened during the strike.

And I'm just correcting “you” on your ridiculous attempts to try and rewrite what happened during the strike.
And I'm just correcting “you” on your ridiculous attempts to try and rewrite what happened during the strike.

Well lets see -

I posted the iam tried to organize scab mx which is true

I posted the iam performed struck work which is also true

so what exactly have you corrected?