IAM Fleet Service topic

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here's the loop Roa billy ,
the neg boys didn't pack enough underwear are going to have to recycle. going

back to the table 1 more day ..
here's the loop Roa billy ,
the neg boys didn't pack enough underwear are going to have to recycle. going

back to the table 1 more day ..

I hear yahh O'man !

Sound's like tha boy's .... gonna hammer sumthin' out !

Let's hope it's workable !

Ain't nobody forgot how tah check NO !
Fleet! WILL EQUATE TO MECHANICS! Remember the IAM screwed up and put fleet under mechanics. NOW! We will WATCH the results of the VOTE!Big WOW! from fleet. It's the old guys against the new guys! Looks like the results mean it's enough to live on and we'll get on! Luck to those who weathered the worst of the economy the last 20 years. Hope we can hang on.

Seems, the company is trying to help mechanics, but, it is NOT! enough, but you guys will prevail!

Darn, the results of the war and the economy!

Us Airways WILL BE A SURVIVOR! America will show what sacrifices WE! have taken. But, WE will show the world this airline is the result of being beaten down awhile and come out SHINING!
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My thoughts for what thier worth and what I've heard. Two of the members of the NC
have told me that the company has indeed presented them with a proposal and that they
will be issueing a counter proposal Friday. Now, with that being said I think they should
thank the company and walk away. If indeed the mechanics agree on thier TA than we are
put in an even more ''cat bird'' seat. Why take a proposal in the midst of an ongoing vote
between the company and another faction. Wait, they are in a need, Big Time, to get us under
an agreement. The writing is on the wall. They want to sell us or merge us and retain
thier CIC agreements that they had put in place for themselves while all the while trying to
take them from us. That language no matter how weak some of us may feel it is, is still scaring
the daylights out of the boy's club.

Sure, lets post we need to reach an accord and work from that but how soon after an accord
in met may we be sold or merged and lose all the so called TA offered. Do not let ourselves be
fooled, the company wants the CIC Language removed and in asking for that we need to ask WHY ?
Thier protected in case of a sale or merge, why not afford us the same protection.

Isom just purchased a 2.5million dollar home and I struggle to meet my mortgage, monthly. I've
given over 20+ years and Isom has given what ? They take care of each other off our backs. I'm not
asking to be able to afford a 2.5million dollar home but I am asking why can he ? According to them
were a struggling airline. Oil is over $100, the economy is desperate and we need to make more
concessions to help. $2,500,000 for his home...where did he live before that this is a sell down ?

just a rant alittle.
Also, if you're a topped out West employee it's more like $4/hour and that's IF you assume $19.something/hour. Topped out West going to East Class 1 is probably a wash at best, and West to Class 2 is a paycut.

from jester "By the way, for any FSA who can explain to me how the West vs. East benefits are worth more than $10,000/year [2,080 hours per year x $5 pay raise], I would be more than willing to enjoy your humorous explanation.)"

Ive got one for you. You wont have a job because swissport will be handling the ground work in your station. Stand in the unemployment line plz, next.

I was not to be disappointed, as some comedic relief surely arrived!

Okay, so it is $4/hour raise for those all so few people at West who are actually topped-out? How many might that be? 30 agents? But the overwhelming majority who are either fairly new or been here several years will get $5/hour raise, but instead you focus on the tiny minority who are still getting a sizable raise? Okay, fine, let's play with your $8,000 a year raise instead... my question still stands, "By the way, for any FSA who can explain (in detailed numbers) to me how the West vs. East benefits are worth more than $10,000/year, errr... $8,000/year?"

And oh, Lions, Tigers and Bears! The East contract would Swissport PHX and LAS? I missed that part or are you all just desperately grasping for straws? Now for some harsh economic analysis, even if one was working at one of the smaller stations subject to being Swissported, what's the net present value of $8,000 (or $10,000) per year over five years? In essence, if someone came to you and said, "I'll give you $8,000 (or $10,000) extra for every year that you work for US Airways, but you must either transfer to a much larger station within five years or you will be fired," how many people would take it? Given most people wouldn't stay 5 years for the lower pay in the first place, I suspect a great many would accept the offer as it is essentially free money. What percentage of the West new hires make it 5 years? I am going to guess probably less than 20% based upon the seniority list as provided during new bids.

Gentlemen, as my statistics professor told me years ago, "If you cannot quantify it, then you cannot prove it." If you are going to attempt to make an intelligent decision, then faulty reasoning and ad hominum attacks will lead you to uninformed choices. Now please forgive me as I must catch a few nods back at the bag room couch before I go home.

So Analyzes Jester.
"Sure, lets post we need to reach an accord and work from that but how soon after an accord
in met may we be sold or merged and lose all the so called TA offered. Do not let ourselves be
fooled, the company wants the CIC Language removed and in asking for that we need to ask WHY ?
Thier protected in case of a sale or merge, why not afford us the same protection."

VERY GOOD POINT. If mtc wants to run and cash in on the fools gold and by all means do it. It ain't like
they would ever have fleets back anyway.

You like to throw the 4 or 5 dollar raise around . but never hear you talk about your 300.00 a month family insurance
your loss of ltd and std YOUR lose of your beloved 401k match into a useless pension fund. WHY . I know you could give a rat A@@
about field stations so no comment needed there since you feel so protected in PHX . We will see whoever buys this piece s#&T company
what they think of the low yields out of phx and what they want to do with it. But not to worry you'll still have your couch to sleep on
just not in the bagroom on the clock :lol: :lol:
walk away from the pipe . YOU make no since and your post are really irreverent to the topic at hand.

GO back on VACATION. and dry out.

You like to throw the 4 or 5 dollar raise around . but never hear you talk about your 300.00 a month family insurance your loss of ltd and std YOUR lose of your beloved 401k match into a useless pension fund.

At least, you can get family insurance! I have little sympathy for East on this matter as the vast majority of West FS are part-time, and thus, they are not eligible for family insurance. So what's the cost to insure just one family member? About $300 per person without group plan. Easties have the option of family insurance regardless of part-time or full-time status. So you are better off there. Your complaint of paying $300 is negated by just one family member having to pay for outside coverage.

As for this LTD and STD, I have never heard of it in the years I have been there. Not to say it doesn't have value, but I also know that worker's comp is available for all legal employees nationwide, per law. Maybe our Company or our union should explain this better to fleet service?

Pension fund you claim as little value, but I am sure the IAM would disagree. Do you have an actuarial proof of the zero value of pension fund or are you just pulling numbers from the lav panel? 401K value is overrated, much like the profit sharing. Topped-out West employee earns $30K, with 3% max matching from the Company for $900 per year? Profit sharing came out to about 22 cents per hour for a grand total of around $600?

I know you could give a rat A@@ about field stations so no comment needed there since you feel so protected in PHX . We will see whoever buys this piece s#&T company what they think of the low yields out of phx and what they want to do with it. But not to worry you'll still have your couch to sleep on just not in the bagroom on the clock :lol: :lol:

Now may I roll-over your strawman argument? If you have read my many prior posts, I have never been in favor of the East and the IAM tactic of suppression of the minority through the ballot box in the name of "democracy" and "brotherhood". I have spoken many times against the concept of Class II stations and been very much against the idea of using vendors in more outstations. I find it objectionable that the Company keeps the public face of US Airways CSA's at the gates and ticket counters, while allowing some unknown group to handle ground operations. If CSA's are handling a station, then so should FSA's. My example of an $8,000 (or $10,000) per year over 5 years net present value was to demonstrate the absurdity by some on this board in thinking it was a bad deal for even those stations subjected to being "Swissported" are better off due to the large pay increase for the majority of even those people. If you are unable to understand the concept of net present value, then upon request I could provide some online links for you to examine.

And finally, no one is buying another large player in this industry until there is another US Airways type bankruptcy meltdown that saved their butts 3 years ago. The industry has seen the ugly problems with our pilots, there is little money to fund deals given the current credit crunch for the next few years, and with the pending liquidation of three small airlines this week the capacity is coming down on its own. Furthermore, I predict there will be a couple more smaller bankruptcies in the near future and like those last week, and only the vultures will be around to pick at the bones. So my job on the bag room couch is safe for awhile.

Now get off my couch, and give me your Sudoku book!

So Ponders Jester.
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