Is this the new color scheme?


Nov 8, 2002
According to the airwhiners folks, this is what the new NWAC paint scheme (to be unveiled soon) will look like.

Not to be too big of a dork, but what kind of plane is that supposed to be? Those look like 747 winglets, but the plane only has two engines.

A nice-looking livery, but seems a bit of a stretch for NWA. Also, why would they change and end up having to repaint so many planes, especially at this point?
I like it a lot. Is the body a silver metallic paint or is it bare treated metal like AA? I think is has to be paint on the Airbus because of the composite material. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I can report having seen this paint scheme applied to a 757 sitting over at Boeing Field, in plain view of anyone driving down I-5. I''ve seen it myself and it''s pretty handsome.
If that's the new Paintjob, I love it! Out with the Bowling Shoe and into the 21st century!!!!
I don''t think they''re actually changing the corporate logo. From the sources that I''ve spoken with, its only going to be this way on the paintjobs. The rest, (i.e. ticket counters, podiums, stationery, etc.) will remain the same. Of course, this is just rumor. Like everything else with this company, don''t believe it til you see it!
Again, if they are engaging in a huge repainting scheme, managment should be hung out to dry. No need spending money on something that is non-essential. If its only going to be applied to new deliveries, then its not so bad. Of course, with the rate at which NW retires airplanes, they would have their entire fleet in the new logo by 2035 or so.

Having said that, I would also think that changing their name from "Northwest" to "NWA" will have many passengers, particularly in non-hub locations saying, "Who?"

Dropping "Orient" from the name, which a lot of folks probably did not say anyway, isn''t so bad. Same for Midwest dropping "Express", especially with the connection of "Express" to many regional feed operations. But "NWA" does not roll of the tounge like "Northwest", and why change when passengers already know you?
On 3/21/2003 3:20:19 AM motnot wrote:

Not to be too big of a dork, but what kind of plane is that supposed to be? Those look like 747 winglets, but the plane only has two engines.

A nice-looking livery, but seems a bit of a stretch for NWA. Also, why would they change and end up having to repaint so many planes, especially at this point?


Planes will be repainted on the normal schedule so there is no additional cost. Actually, with the simpler scheme and the reduction in red paint (which is expensive and easily oxidizes,) this will substantially reduce the painting costs. A clear coat will be added that will extend the life of the paint up to 20%. Some 75+ aircraft (old and new) will have this scheme by year-end, the first (I guess the 757-300 that was spotted at Boeing Field) to be unveiled on April 3.

I''ll miss the old bowling shoe but NW is ready for this...I do think changing the logo was a mistake.
Wouldn''t the airline have to be "Northeast" on the other side of the aircraft? I mean with the new logo on the tail, like that? Or is the arc going to be reversed?
I doubt that there will be no extra cost associated with a change in color scheme.

Just like the rest of the industry, I''m glad to see NWA is no different. Bonus for managment one week, layoffs of the workers the next.
On 3/21/2003 5:22:53 PM copilot wrote:

I doubt that there will be no extra cost associated with a change in color scheme.

Just like the rest of the industry, I''m glad to see NWA is no different. Bonus for managment one week, layoffs of the workers the next.

And that would be why you fly planes and not paint them.

Every plane has to be repainted any way during a heavy mx instead of applying blue, grey, tons of red, and is simply going to be one massive coat of metalic, some red, and a little grey and black.

Also about the NWA name on the plane...I''m going to hazard to guess this is to help build brand recognition (read: while still having the Northwest Airlines name on the plane.
I like the new paint job but mgt will have to add the name to the side. Upper mgt gets lost in the "red tail" image. Most folks don''t care. This was brought to my attention by a passenger when Delta change paint. When the aircraft is at the jet bridge the NWA or in Delta''s case the name is covered up. The passenger said, "gee that''s stupid, do they honestly think that I should remember every airlines paint scheme, tell me again who''s the one with the stupid tail?"

Bottom line it''s all about brand recognition and you need to have the name on the side.

I also understand the need to repaint aircraft during maintenance heavy checks. But is now really the best time?

First off it''s perception, both in house and the publics.

The employees no doubt will feel that this is wasteful and ridcule the change. "How many employees/$$$ is this costing us/me"? It reminds me of a buddys boat. Lot''s of work and effort but the wife hated it. "it sank before it left the dock".

But more importantly is the publics perception. The current opnion of airlines in general is not good. I would not want my brand attached to a reduction in service, cut backs, possible BK, yada yada. Wait until the economy is good and you can tie the new logo in with improved service or whatever. Not cut backs.

Secondly their is a possibility that NWA could be facing new competition in their bread and butter region. Do you think that maintaining the current brand recognition would be better? Why change it at exactly the same time that someone else could be entering the market? You want to be known as the home town favorite, the known quantity. Not the other new paint job at the airport.