It's not easy being a white inbred Alabama REPUBLICAN !!

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Aug 20, 2002
I mean, whats a poor 'good ol' boy' to do ?

"Heads"......Keep control of the Senate (by a 'hair') ????


"Tails".........P E D O P H I L I A ???????
I reported your racist thread. I hope they not only delete it but ban you.

I wanted you to know it was me.

Congrats, your my first report.
Is "white" racist?

How about him representing white men from the south as either inbred or pedophiles.

Frankly I am getting tired of Bears rantings and bullshit.
apparently being a stereotyping yankee bigot IS pretty easy. It must be if you can pull it off Bears
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How about him representing white men from the south as either inbred or pedophiles.

Frankly I am getting tired of Bears rantings and bullshit.

(Struck a nerve, did I) ???

I "NEVER" said or quoted that every white southern male was Inbred or a Pedophile, NEVER .

Question ?
Are there White inbred male Pedophiles in the South ? ABSOLUTELY there are, (and EQUALLY) , in every Quadrant of this country.
My DIRECT Question IS/WAS,......."What choice WILL any Southern White Inbred male Pedophile make in the Judge Roy DIDDLER election, since Judge DIDDLER is in a soon to be decided election, in ALA-BAM-AHHH, AND ALA-BAM-AHHH is decidedly located in one of the CSA (Confederate States of America) (NEVER to be confused with the real United States of America) !!

Would some Reading COMPREHENSION be helpful ????
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