Jimmy Carter

Glenn Quagmire

Apr 30, 2012
I think with his illness and his legacy being discussed, we need a dedicated thread.

Let's discuss it here.

I think he is one of the most misunderstood people in politics of my lifetime. He is the victim of being a thoughtful, caring person, who led with the long term interest of our country as his guiding principle.

Let's see if we can keep this civil and on topic.
As I recall he said we need to start getting off fossil fuel as much as possible. He said that back when we had the first gas crisis. Wish we would have listened.

He was/is a good. I did not agree with him all the time but he definitely had the countries best interest at heart. Cant really say that about any of the rest of them.
A good and honest man, something far removed from todays  political world
I didn't vote for him either time he ran (didn't vote for Reagan in 80 either).  But in looking back, he is underrated.  He put the country first - even if it meant serving one term.  He was the president who was willing to have the country endure the "short term pain" it needed to fix the economy.  His successor got the credit.  But had he played the political card...avoid "short term pain" at all costs - perhaps Reagan's legacy might not have been so glowingly remembered.   
I just find it funny that the "moral values" voters call this man "the worst president ever" when his moral values were most likely higher than theirs will ever be.  
Carter is a good man, and that goes without challenge. But being a good person doesn't make someone a good leader.

The watershed moment of the 20th century was not backing the Shah. Granted, the Shah was just a step or two removed from Saddam Hussein, but in allowing his overthrow and exile, it turned the Middle East into the crap pile it is today.

Had Carter treated the Shah as we've treated Israel and the Saudis, then Iran wouldn't be a theocracy today, nor would you have seen the explosion of Islamic militants becoming as strong as they were by the time 9/11 occurred.

Adding to the international mess... fully recognizing China without strings attached, which was the start of the end of huge portions of the US manufacturing sector. Oh, and ignoring the invasion of Afghanistan.

Domestically, it was even worse. People tend to forget that 12-14% interest rates on mortgages weren't uncommon. They vaguely remember gas lines. The only thing going for his administration was a low unemployment rate.

Politically, he was even more of a failure. Democrats controlled both houses, yet Carter couldn't get any of his policies passed. Reagan and Ford had better success working with Democrats in Congress than Carter did.

He's essentially Gerard Arpey. Nice guy, brilliant mind, and turned out to be totally inept at leading.
KCFlyer said:
I just find it funny that the "moral values" voters call this man "the worst president ever" .......
Not "ever", just in my lifetime.....
That all changed in 2001, and then again in 2009...
It is interesting to note a few things about the Carter years. Because of the crappy economy, inflation and the moves made by Fed Chairman Volcker it is conventional wisdom that Carter was a total failure.
Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase to the $699 billion debt level at the end of  Ford's last budget, FY 1977.
•FY 1981 - $90 billion.
•FY 1980 - $81 billion.
•FY 1979 - $55 billion.
•FY 1978 - $73 billion.
In raw number terms these were the lowest debt accumulations since FDR was President and fought WWII. Further under Carter Debt as a percentage of GDP was in the high 30percent range as compared to 835 under GWB abd 102% under Obama.
As I continue my research it is becoming clear that Jimmy Carter was a relatively conservative fiscally. While true he wasn't exactly an Austrian School economist, he did keep a lid on debt, especially when compared to those who followed him.
Those of you who are old enough recall Carter's WIN Campaign (Whip Inflation Now) coincided with the appointment of Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Volcker through bold moves that made no one happy at the time tamed inflation and in many ways set the stage for the Reagan Recovery. It should further be noted that the current POTUS also hired Volcker. Volcker advocated tougher regulations on banks. He soon found himself replaced.
Jimmy Carter was/remains a quiet leader, NOT a great trait to have as POTUS, in my opinion.  
SparrowHawk said:
In raw number terms these were the lowest debt accumulations since FDR was President and fought WWII. Further under Carter Debt as a percentage of GDP was in the high 30percent range as compared to 835 under GWB abd 102% under Obama.
True, but keep in mind that Carter was the only president since FDR who didn't have a significant boots on the ground war or other military action going on somewhere.

Truman and Ike had Korea. JFK, LBJ, Nixon, and Ford all had Vietnam. Bush 41 had Gulf 1, while Bush 43 and Obama had Afghanistan & Iraq. Reagan had Lebanon, Grenada, and several other deployments in Central America. Clinton had Somolia and the Serb/Croat/Bosnia mess.

When you don't have a shooting war going on, and you're downsizing the military, there's not much need to rack up debt.
Jimmy Carter Can Only Blame Himself
Carter's indecisiveness and incompetence became obvious to the rest of the World. The Soviet Union took great advantage of having Carter in the Oval Office. The Communist country invaded eastern neighbor Afghanistan, beginning an attempted power grab aimed at eventual Soviet takeovers in Iran and Pakistan. Carter's response to the invasion of Afghanistan was the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympic games held in Moscow. Need I say anymore?
Israel and Egypt are not at war, they have a peace treaty

The Gaza is not Egypt, learn history and geography before you post.
700UW said:
Israel and Egypt are not at war, they have a peace treaty

The Gaza is not Egypt, learn history and geography before you post.
Good thing they got rid of Mohamed Morsi, huh?
Wasn't that oBama's boy?
Learn the camp David accord .

I have been to Israel and Egypt several times.

The only clueless person is you.

Israel and Eygpt have a formal peace treaty.

How obtuse are you?

And Gaza is part of Israel.

Go educate yourself.
It is still part of Israel, but your buttercup snowflake thinks it's Eygpt and that Israel and Eygpt are at war.