NRSA SA1/SA1P on US Express non-wholly owned

john john

Sep 12, 2004
If a mainline employee use one of their vacation passes SA1P/SA1 and try to NRSA on US Express Non-wholly owned carrier due they fall under all US express non-wholly owned carrier employees of that express carrier regardless of their SA1/SA1P priority. With 2/3 of the airline express and someone can board ahead of you regardless of your priority for your one time great SA1/SA1P priority what good is it. I hope this is not the case.I was planning on using one but I see US Express Non-wholly owned carrier employees bumping mainline employees all the time if this is the case SA1/SA1P will not help………
All boarding priority is for mainline and wholly owned xpress only.

Non wholly owned xpress remains the same, they will, as they should, board their own employees over US.