NWA F/A's Welcome AFA

Lemme guess. Is it because:

(1) Airline management is just so enlightened and would have done things like provide crew meals, on-board bunks, 12 hours rest for reserves at home, paid sick leave, duty rigs, etc. etc. all by their generous selves without any prodding?


(2) The FAA is just so enlightened that they would have stepped in and made the airlines do the right thing as enumerated above?
Ah, come on Fly...I know that you're more intelligent than that...

JAMAKE, I thank AFA for being the largest and most powerful F/A Union in the industry. AFA has made a difference over the years as well as IFFA did with TWA. I cannot say the same about APFA <AA>. Heck, they did not even have Scope protection until they screwed the TWA f/a's....and then ta-da it was there.
One question: WHAT were you thinking???? Instead of a union that just represented one airline, you now have a union that represents NO ONE!!! (except Pat and friends)

Sky high states: You're IGNORANT. Fly. Exactly WHAT did the Independent UNION do for it's members, better yet, for ALL the Flight Attendants in this industry? On a national level? HUH? AFA has years, upon years on MILESTONES:http://www.afanet.org/default.asp?nc=6336&id=37

You're personal vendetta has no purpose on here!
Sky high states: You're IGNORANT. Fly. Exactly WHAT did the Independent UNION do for it's members, better yet, for ALL the Flight Attendants in this industry? On a national level? HUH? AFA has years, upon years on MILESTONES:http://www.afanet.org/default.asp?nc=6336&id=37

You're personal vendetta has no purpose on here!

Sky High, short and to the point. :up: I agree.
That may be. Perhaps I am ignorant because AFA sure helped the f/a on my flight who stole about 20 minis, drank about 12 of them, popped a slide and ran around the tarmac, got drug tested and showed up positive,......and then got his job back (with back pay) about 8 months later. Way To Go AFA!!!

Sorry we don't agree.
Any union is bound by law to represent every member, it is called DFR (Duty of Fair Representation), and a union reps job is to represent and not to judge.

Forgive the cliche, but unfortunately, you seem to be incapable of seeing the forest for the trees.
That may be. Perhaps I am ignorant because AFA sure helped the f/a on my flight who stole about 20 minis, drank about 12 of them, popped a slide and ran around the tarmac, got drug tested and showed up positive,......and then got his job back (with back pay) about 8 months later. Way To Go AFA!!!
Sorry we don't agree.

sky high states: That YOU have representation is what MATTERS. FLY. I've worked for a charter airline and an airline with NO UNION. TRUST ME, ever fly to Europe and have a 10 HOUR layover? I have. On Reserve, have them fly you up to 123 HOURS for the month? Have your RAISE based on "merit" instead of an actual PAY SCALE. This industry is HEAVILY UNIONIZED for a good reason. Wolf, Icahn, Lorenzo (past CEO's) and some of the current CEO's in this industry who value stock over hard-working employees!
AFA, through the years has lobbied Congress for SAFETY AND HEALTH ISSUES. On a national level, they make changes that BENEFIT ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS, regardless of carrier. And they have support and built relationships on Capitol Hill.
They continue to evolve. Even survive. More importantly, they need your support.
Still critical???????????...........RUN FOR OFFICE! :up:
Have your RAISE based on "merit" instead of an actual PAY SCALE.
You say this (merit) like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't pay be based on the actual value that is provided by your service (or in other words, merit). A second year FA that works his/her ass off and provides great service should be paid more than a 55 year old grump that only does what is absolutely necessary to get the job done. The former is a more valuable employee, and thus should be paid more. That's basic economics.
You say this (merit) like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't pay be based on the actual value that is provided by your service (or in other words, merit). A second year FA that works his/her ass off and provides great service should be paid more than a 55 year old grump that only does what is absolutely necessary to get the job done. The former is a more valuable employee, and thus should be paid more. That's basic economics.

I will agree that you raise a valid point, however in something as subjective as evaluating flight deck and cabin crews how do you do this? Let's face it, the airlines often are rushing when safety or procedural issues prevent an early or on-time push. Someone who wasn't on the aircraft and is in some nice cubicle somewhere is making evaluations that they have no clue about.

Just how do you propose to evaluate those personnel?
I have been giving great thought to this pay issue and my son's Union I think has a greater handle on it then the Airline Unions.

I am all for the Union and Company to set a pay scale at a minimum, then allow the Company to pay you more on merit, or on the condition of the Company. Of course if the company is doing well or better then expected especially thru bankruptcy (most airlines seem to fall under this)then pay or rewards for helping the company prosper can be given. As it stands, only the upper management reaps any rewards as Union contracts don't allow or provide for this. I think company moral, trust and working for a common goal would ensue. If the big shots are giving themselves raises, bonus', stock, then the employees should also be awarded.

:eek:ff: sorry....just felt like expressing some thought on this issue.
A second year FA that works his/her ass off and provides great service should be paid more than a 55 year old grump that only does what is absolutely necessary to get the job done. The former is a more valuable employee, and thus should be paid more. That's basic economics.

SKY HIGH states: A new hire? Work their ass off? LOL! :up:
Work ethics with the senior group was instilled years ago. THEY CAN and DO provide superior service. A second year flight attendant WILL PROBABLY NEVER KNOW the experience of being in the lower galley of a DC-10, cooking HUNDREDS OF MEALS. DOING A FOUR COURSE MEAL IN FIRST. Sundae's anyone? Imagine working a flight when the two bag rule wasnt enacted yet? People arguing over the SMOKING SECTION? THE JUNIOR'S NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD!!!
My POINT was, NOT KNOWING what you're going to be paid, year by year. AFA "negotiated" a PAY SCALE with increases year by year. Cost of living raises, imagine that. Now, that's basic economics.
You say this (merit) like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't pay be based on the actual value that is provided by your service (or in other words, merit). A second year FA that works his/her ass off and provides great service should be paid more than a 55 year old grump that only does what is absolutely necessary to get the job done. The former is a more valuable employee, and thus should be paid more. That's basic economics.

Where oh where is your protection from the employer that doesn't give a hoot about your "value"? Where is your protection when some younger bootlicker comes along and YOU can't keep up? You may be the best beancounter there is but when THE MAN doesn't like you anymore, for WHATEVER reason he chooses, you are out on your butt. Then we hear the boo hooing about "why me, why me?" Pilots FLY aircraft. If they don't meet a minimum standard they can be fired. For the most part they do meet the standard. With a union behind them they can do their jobs without the fear of being canned at the whim of upper management. Don't give me the old age F/A story again please. Thanks to union representation a pilot and F/A at nwa can reach a retirement age...Not in fear of being replaced by a younger (and cheaper) version. Alas poor beancounters have no such protection.