OCT/NOV 2012 IAM Fleet Service Discussions

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Duly noted and agree. But who will lead this from the bottom up movement? IMO... The GL & the District must lead and educate? If not them who?

As cliche as it sounds, it starts with one person talking face-to-face with another. Someone telling their story about how representation has made a positive difference in their life makes for a much more compelling case than any glossy mailer from Placid Harbor ever could. It takes more energy, but the reward will be greater. Of course, it's imperative to have correct information, but even that is something that is easily done at the grassroots level. I'm not saying cut the GL out completely; rather, the masses need to take the lead with the GL following/supporting that...

You are correct... the GOP would love to eliminate Unions completely, and what better way to do that, than to require a Federal Mandate declaring every State a right to work (for less) State!

Do you see the irony here? They preach downsizing Government Influence on Business, while simultaneously covertly supporting Government intervention into workers rights! The hypocritical nature of this agenda is clear... stomp on the middle-class to allow billionaires to outsource and invest the proceeds in foreign countries!

You are correct... the GOP would love to eliminate Unions completely, and what better way to do that, than to require a Federal Mandate declaring every State a right to work (for less) State!

Do you see the irony here? They preach downsizing Government Influence on Business, while simultaneously covertly supporting Government intervention into workers rights! The hypocritical nature of this agenda is clear... stomp on the middle-class to allow billionaires to outsource and invest the proceeds in foreign countries!
I absolutely see the irony. The GOP is all about supressing union represented jobs. This is because unions represent the workers' rights to safety on the job and the betterment of the workers' livelihoods. The union being on the property represents corporate america having to shoulder the cost of sharing the pie with the workers. This represents an impedement to the strategy of maximum profit and return to the shareholders. The question I struggle with is how can a brown baggin, middle class union worker possibly think the party, fore mentioned, would have their best interest in mind?
As cliche as it sounds, it starts with one person talking face-to-face with another. Someone telling their story about how representation has made a positive difference in their life makes for a much more compelling case than any glossy mailer from Placid Harbor ever could. It takes more energy, but the reward will be greater. Of course, it's imperative to have correct information, but even that is something that is easily done at the grassroots level. I'm not saying cut the GL out completely; rather, the masses need to take the lead with the GL following/supporting that...
Individuals sharing their story with co workers about how representation made a positive difference is crucial. We certainly need more of it. Too often the discussion is about the short comings. No organization is perfect... but I belive our union has had much more positive influence on our members livelihoods than negative. Kev, I do not know what station you work in... but I believe in the larger stations the positive accomplishments by the union are not being effectively discussed and shared. In the smaller (one breakroom) stations it is. Everyone tends to know each others' business. Grass roots approach... let's get more dialogue going in the larger stations. I agree with your assesment on glossy mailers. More often than not they end up unread and in the trash.
Individuals sharing their story with co workers about how representation made a positive difference is crucial. We certainly need more of it. Too often the discussion is about the short comings. No organization is perfect... but I belive our union has had much more positive influence on our members livelihoods than negative. Kev, I do not know what station you work in... but I believe in the larger stations the positive accomplishments by the union are not being effectively discussed and shared. In the smaller (one breakroom) stations it is. Everyone tends to know each others' business. Grass roots approach... let's get more dialogue going in the larger stations. I agree with your assesment on glossy mailers. More often than not they end up unread and in the trash.

Forget glossy mailers ......... If it comes down to a vote , i'm going to print out 100 Service Air job applications and list the wages and benfits that Service Air provides (11.00 an hour i think , no health care , no flight benfits, no nothing ) and then i'm going to take those applications and scatter them about the break room and start encouraging our people to vote for a union any union ....

Then i'm going to tell said people that I'M not going to bother voting because i know many of them won't because their too apthetic ... i'm going to make sure they know that THIS TIME , it's going to be THEM carrying me and not vice versa ... I'm going to make sure that every worker who's too lazy to spend the 60 minutes that's absolutely required of them not even once in a decade, is going to have their own ass on the line ...

I'm going to hammer home to every lazy ass that if they don't save themselves , i certainly won't do it for them ....
Forget glossy mailers ......... If it comes down to a vote , i'm going to print out 100 Service Air job applications and list the wages and benfits that Service Air provides (11.00 an hour i think , no health care , no flight benfits, no nothing ) and then i'm going to take those applications and scatter them about the break room and start encouraging our people to vote for a union any union ....

Then i'm going to tell said people that I'M not going to bother voting because i know many of them won't because their too apthetic ... i'm going to make sure they know that THIS TIME , it's going to be THEM carrying me and not vice versa ... I'm going to make sure that every worker who's too lazy to spend the 60 minutes that's absolutely required of them not even once in a decade, is going to have their own ass on the line ...

I'm going to hammer home to every lazy ass that if they don't save themselves , i certainly won't do it for them ....
freedom and all,
All one has to do, when considering the pros and cons of union representation, is compare the compensation and benefit packages being offered by the vendor employers for our craft and class. It should be abundantly clear, without representation, this is what ourselves and co workers would be working for. I say let's not wait until a potential election, brought about by the result of a merger, is upon us. The time for discussion and educating the membership is now. Additionally, it must be pointed out in these discussions, that many of the benefits and wages we now enjoy have been achieved through countless contracts negotiated by the IAM. The IAM has been negotiating contracts in this industry for decades. Although not perfect... let's be sure to give credit where credit is due. Talk it up! Our collective careers depend on it Sisters and Brothers.
if the IAM wants to preach solidarity,maybe they should not send me newsletters with an anti Romney ad on that calls him "the white man for the job" I found it offensive and so did many of my co workers. I am hardly so innocent to not understand that the union may place ads on politics I might not agree with but let's face facts. If they had done that ad on Obama and called him the "black man for the job " it would not been an out rage reaction.
I am going to write them to let them know that if that is the best they can do on their newsletter ,just take my name off the mailing list and and least save a small part of my dues.
Definitely a poor choice of wording, and sending the wrong message. I have no problem with unions sending out politcal ads against the very same republicans who want to see the union's demise.
if the IAM wants to preach solidarity,maybe they should not send me newsletters with an anti Romney ad on that calls him "the white man for the job" I found it offensive and so did many of my co workers. I am hardly so innocent to not understand that the union may place ads on politics I might not agree with but let's face facts. If they had done that ad on Obama and called him the "black man for the job " it would not been an out rage reaction.
I am going to write them to let them know that if that is the best they can do on their newsletter ,just take my name off the mailing list and and least save a small part of my dues.
I have not seen or been mailed the newsletter you reference. If in fact this newsletter was mailed with this message it is certainly in poor taste. How a newsletter with that message was put in print and distributed by the IAM is beyond explaination. Was the newsletter mailed by your IAM local?
Additionally, it must be noted any political mailings distributed by the IAM, are paid for and distributed by the MNPL (Machinists Non-Partisan Political League). The MNPL is funded by voluntary contributions from all IAM members. It is illegal for the IAM or any other union for that matter, to use members' dues monies for political contributions or propoganda. It is simply not done.
This does not justify,however, any mailing in such poor taste. Please research where this newsletter came from and what organization found it acceptable for distribution to our membership.
I have not seen or been mailed the newsletter you reference. If in fact this newsletter was mailed with this message it is certainly in poor taste. How a newsletter with that message was put in print and distributed by the IAM is beyond explaination. Was the newsletter mailed by your IAM local?
Additionally, it must be noted any political mailings distributed by the IAM, are paid for and distributed by the MNPL (Machinists Non-Partisan Political League). The MNPL is funded by voluntary contributions from all IAM members. It is illegal for the IAM or any other union for that matter, to use members' dues monies for political contributions or propoganda. It is simply not done.
This does not justify,however, any mailing in such poor taste. Please research where this newsletter came from and what organization found it acceptable for distribution to our membership.

ograc it come from the local lodge in CLT
ograc it come from the local lodge in CLT
Sad... very sad. The better person sees past the ignorance of others. This is a perfect example of the need for change and improvement within the union and apparently within your local in CLT. It's very disturbing, that while the volunteers stuffing envelopes at your local, none saw this message as offensive and racial. Solidarity requires looking past the faults, mistakes and shallowness of others and remaining true to the greater good of the membership. Was the message wrong, off target and ill advised? Absolutely! Should it deter you from wanting to build a stronger, more solidified and smarter union? Absolutely not! If anything it should encourage and motivate involvement to bring about positive change. Member involvement is definately lacking. Until this happens the membership will be lead and represented by the minority who choose to be involved. CLT is one of many examples.
if the IAM wants to preach solidarity,maybe they should not send me newsletters with an anti Romney ad on that calls him "the white man for the job" I found it offensive and so did many of my co workers. I am hardly so innocent to not understand that the union may place ads on politics I might not agree with but let's face facts. If they had done that ad on Obama and called him the "black man for the job " it would not been an out rage reaction.
I am going to write them to let them know that if that is the best they can do on their newsletter ,just take my name off the mailing list and and least save a small part of my dues.

I don’t condone race as an issue in ANYTHING! Poor judgment and/or oversight was most certainly at work here. I know many of the people in key positions at the CLT Local, and none of them, to my knowledge, would intentionally convey a message that contained racial connotations.

Further, I work with many people that share your beliefs in terms of Political Party support and affiliation. All I ask is that everyone that has chosen to support the GOP, do a little independent research from a number of reliable nonpartisan sources. Read the Ryan Budget Proposal carefully… I’ve done all of this… and I cannot find a single thing that would benefit me personally, or within the workplace! Maybe I’m stupid and brainwashed as many of the GOP supporters claim! All I can say is this… the proof is in the policies and past legislative agendas… these facts cannot be glossed over with rhetoric… they are very real! They are recorded, and archived as American Legislative History, and can easily be researched!

As a supporter of Democracy, I will honor whichever candidate prevails as the will of the People. However, I will encourage EVERYONE to thoroughly research before deciding on a candidate… and most importantly… VOTE !

Your future is your decision!
I don’t condone race as an issue in ANYTHING! Poor judgment and/or oversight was most certainly at work here. I know many of the people in key positions at the CLT Local, and none of them, to my knowledge, would intentionally convey a message that contained racial connotations.

Further, I work with many people that share your beliefs in terms of Political Party support and affiliation. All I ask is that everyone that has chosen to support the GOP, do a little independent research from a number of reliable nonpartisan sources. Read the Ryan Budget Proposal carefully… I’ve done all of this… and I cannot find a single thing that would benefit me personally, or within the workplace! Maybe I’m stupid and brainwashed as many of the GOP supporters claim! All I can say is this… the proof is in the policies and past legislative agendas… these facts cannot be glossed over with rhetoric… they are very real! They are recorded, and archived as American Legislative History, and can easily be researched!

As a supporter of Democracy, I will honor whichever candidate prevails as the will of the People. However, I will encourage EVERYONE to thoroughly research before deciding on a candidate… and most importantly… VOTE !

Your future is your decision!

and i would ask that everyone who's thinking about voting for the Democrats remember that it's YOUR PARTY that's insourcing the third world labor right now ... how many MILLIONS of our people are unemployed right now , and the president is authorizing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to work legally within our country ....

i mean seriously what IS that ? really ? seriously .......
and i would ask that everyone who's thinking about voting for the Democrats remember that it's YOUR PARTY that's insourcing the third world labor right now ... how many MILLIONS of our people are unemployed right now , and the president is authorizing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to work legally within our country ....

i mean seriously what IS that ? really ? seriously .......

Since there's so many unemployed looking for these jobs, I guess the illegal immigrants will also have trouble finding work. Or, will they be able to find work because it is jobs that most unemployed people refuse to do?
Since there's so many unemployed looking for these jobs, I guess the illegal immigrants will also have trouble finding work. Or, will they be able to find work because it is jobs that most unemployed people refuse to do?

They are willing to do it at a cheaper rate, because if an employer paid more, Americans would be willing to do those jobs. It isn't as if we have a shortage of unskilled, uneducated, illiterate, uninsured poor people so much so that we, as a nation, need to find more from across our borders.

I have said many times that the fruit and vegetable farming is the great hidden Corporate Welfare insofar as it is cost shift for farm owner to encourage uninsured poor people to come to this nation to work for cheap, and then dump the costs of education the migrants' children, cost of emergency healthcare, social service spending, and prisons upon the general public. Some would say that undocumented workers are net gain to Society given the costs, but if the costs of educating a child run about $8,000/year, healthcare insurance runs minimum $200/month, public services of police and fire, and then relatively high incarceration rates which run tens of thousands of dollars per year -- how much in the way of taxes are collected from someone making $12,000 a year being paid under the table?

Employers need to either pay more or develop more automation to handle tedious, dangerous, dirty and back breaking work, as many segment of industry have already done so.

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