Oh NO. the IOWA Straw Poll CANCELLED by the IOWA GOP !

Aug 20, 2002
BUT...But...but ................THIS can't Be  ???????
Sounds like LACK of INTEREST by the Iowa GOP to Me.
(then again, when you look at the F'n STOOGES running this time, it's No surprise ) !
( At least 4 years ago they had MITT )
Huckleberry was Really counting on Iowa.  Well don't worry MIKE, the REPLUGS up here in NH will give you a boost ...." NOT " !
The Republican Party
The GIFT that  A L W A Y S ......Keeps on   G I V I N G !
Really? How many bullsh!t topics do you have to start, in a given week.
Mods please locked this thread and please limit this idiots number of topics started per week to 50 or less!
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southwind said:
Really? How many bullsh!t topics do you have to start, in a given week.
Mods please locked this thread and please limit this idiots number of topics started per week to 50 or less!
What I posted was a National News occurance !
IMAGINE...... " Y O U ".......referring to Anyone...as an " IDIOT "  !!
Fear of Rand Paul taking the play away from establishment Republicans. Consider if you will
 A brand new Public Policy Polling survey out of the crucial swing state of Ohio shows Rand Paul leading Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup.

Other polls show Paul leading Mrs Clinton in Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania.

These are all crucial swing states Republicans must win, but many experts believe Ohio may be the most important.
So, as predicted by this author the marginalization of Rand Paul begins.
The marginalization of Paul started at his announcement when he completely blew off his father. You know there is an issue when he does not even mention his name.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Sounds like LACK of INTEREST by the Iowa GOP to Me.
Uh, no. It's called a lack of interest from the candidates to do an event in August that has shown to have little relevance to what happens in February. If it were relevant, Michelle Bachmann would have been the nominee in 2012.

From the NYT:
“I’ve said since December that we would only hold a straw poll if the candidates wanted one, and this year that is just not the case,” Jeff Kaufmann, the Republican Party chairman in Iowa, said in a statement emailed shortly after a special meeting of the party’s state central committee.

The termination of the straw poll reflects a trend in Republican campaigning that began in the 2012 presidential cycle toward a contest waged increasingly on the stages of debates and in the confines of Fox News studios. The straw poll’s significance was diminished during that campaign cycle when its winner, Michele Bachmann, finished at the bottom of the pack in the caucuses, and its cancellation in 2015 suggests a nationalized nominating battle may have finally arrived as candidates focus less on early contest states.
If you want to look at apathy amongst a particular party, look no further than the "Watch Party" that some VictimCrats in Iowa organized to watch Hillary's fundraising rally today. It attracted a whole six people....:

The Republican Party has surrendered the nomination process to Fox News and the Drone Corps, no other votes need be counted.