Teamsters ?


Jun 21, 2007
Ok...I want to say a few things...There has been teamsters coming to peoples houses trying to get people to sign a card. This person is also with a fedex employee. They are playing on the passion of long time FedEx employees especially who have never worked anywhere else and are ignorant that they (the teamsters) will get them the few things they have lost. Namely the pension.. Let me inject some sanity here....If you guys at FedEx vote to have the "reamsters" as I call them you will lose more than you ever will gain. Believe me I have worked for 2 unions the iam and amfa. When I was at nwa we fought all the time for a decent contract the whole 17 yrs I was there. After we broke away from the ramp guys and joined amfa we got a size able increase in pay more than 10 bucks an hr. Well guess what? You FedEx guys got that raise also because ol Fred does not want a union in there.. Myself and other union employees fought and sacrificed to raise the bar in pay and bennies and you FedEx guys didn't have to fight for #### you got handed to you...Now you guys have lost a few things and are pissed and want a union...Let me enlighten you on a few things..First you will automatically lose 1200 a yr for union dues. Oh you guys want UPS top pay?? Well the teamsters may get you there but do you want part time mechanics?? They have that at UPS..Oh that's right you senior guys don't care because you will sell out the junior guy for a couple pieces of silver..Let me ask you guys something...Are you willing to go out and strike for your top pay?? My guess is no..Believe me mechanics are the worst at sticking together. Most will after a week will RUN across..Hell there were full time FedEx guys who crossed our picket line to pick up a few extra bucks while we were going broke from no pay.. First you most all companies have gotten away from the defined benefit pension plan..The teamsters have less than a stellar record and they too underfund their pension. You choice is your own..But it is obvious you have learned nothing from what happened to us at nwa..They proved they can operate with replacements you don't think Fred noticed this? I walked in to FedEx at MORE than I ever did at nwa. They have a 3 yr top out for sr techs well that will change to 5 or more yrs if you vote in a union. The SFA will go away too.. Your manager will get on your ass for not working and he will not have to worry about an SFA. You don't like something he will say grieve it and you might hear that grievance in a yr or so.. Oh and if you get fired plan on at least 2 yrs before your union will get your job back if they get it back.. Ultimately if the majority wants a union you will get it. I will tell you from my point of view this is a mistake.. You outstation guys like nice town..Man I am here to tell you FedEx has some SWEET outstations. They will go away too like they did at ALL the union represented airlines. I am not anti union by any means but you guys here at FedEx have got it made even with the few things you have lost. Don't be stupid. Ask any former nwa guy who is working at FedEx if they want a union..I will bet 99 percent of them don't.. The choice is yours.
Ever since the Teamsters became the bargaining agent for the Mechanics at United I haven't seen one of them.

The got our dues money and disappeared. They are useless.
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Ever since the Teamsters became the bargaining agent for the Mechanics at United I haven't seen one of them.

The got our dues money and disappeared. They are useless.

That is about what I expected.. I can see why the FedEx guys want to try them. UPS has a better medical that they apparently do not have to pay for and I don't know about retirement at UPS it may be better also..But they do have p/t mechanics and longer time to top pay. I think all things considered the FedEx guys come out ahead. Also UPS has had unions ever since I can remember it doesn't mean that Fred Smith will play by the same rules. Mechanics unfortunately do not have the clout anymore after what happened to us at NWA. It has been proven that the faa and the media will turn a blind eye if the price is right. The strike at nwa opened my eyes to a lot of things I never thought could happen. I think the guys are playing with fire on this one and I hope I don't have to see the misery again because quite frankly I have worn out my options of good companies to go to..
Yo !!! lineguy..

I just got my courtesy visit from the "reamsters". I told them not to even bother wasting their breath. Your absolutely right...these purple mechs still have a great deal and now are whining that a few crumbs have been taken-- big deal.

They sure need to look at the BIG picture !!!!! Its a terrible economy out there...go ask all the Aloha, ATA, Frontier mechs.......should I go on ??

Hope your doing well back east...hope to be there soon.

Sounds like mgmt to me! We actually have about 15 pt technicians. Most are older and like the hours. Hell at $ 44.00 per hr half pay is about equal to some airlines. As far as the union hell $ 44.00.. per hr, 100% medical, 3% 401K as well as seperate retirement program, 3 day work week and with the exception of killing somebody it is about impossible to get fired! Yeah my $ 82.00 per month is well worth it, anybody who says anything else is either mgmt or a right-wing wacko who hates unions and is probably supporting Mcsane!
Why is it that anyone who disagrees with these union guys is usually accused of being management or management shills or has their intelligence questioned and any issues are usually not dealt with???
$41.00 an hour, decent insurance, 6% 401k that I control and a lump sum when I leave and not one dime to a union with a very colorfull legal history to say the least and I don't have to threaten to harm the company I work for financially to get just a little bit more not to mention put my own job on the line ala NWA. Unions are a business whose top priopity is to perpetuate the business. Who paid for all of these people to come to memphis from out of town to promote the union? You did Mr. union member.
No thank you teamsters.

Why is it that anyone who disagrees with these union guys is usually accused of being management or management shills or has their intelligence questioned and any issues are usually not dealt with???
$41.00 an hour, decent insurance, 6% 401k that I control and a lump sum when I leave and not one dime to a union with a very colorfull legal history to say the least and I don't have to threaten to harm the company I work for financially to get just a little bit more not to mention put my own job on the line ala NWA. Unions are a business whose top priopity is to perpetuate the business. Who paid for all of these people to come to memphis from out of town to promote the union? You did Mr. union member.
No thank you teamsters.

Stay tuned there buddy, our new Teamsters negotiated contract will be here soon and we will be near $ 50.00 per hr. Our health ins trounces yours as well as our retirement. I know a few folks at fedex, it is pretty easy to get canned there. Best ins $ 82.00 per month.
I believe because UPS must bargain under the Railway Labor Act and Fedex does not as the ultimate reason for Fred Smith's outfit remaining non-union.

Why doesn't Hoffa and his legion of lawyers/lobbyists pursue that angle with Congress?
Stay tuned there buddy, our new Teamsters negotiated contract will be here soon and we will be near $ 50.00 per hr. Our health ins trounces yours as well as our retirement. I know a few folks at fedex, it is pretty easy to get canned there. Best ins $ 82.00 per month.

$50.00 per hr??? The teamster from atlanta who came by my house said $55.00!!!

Good Luck the ripple effect should hit Fedex soon after.

Maybe I spent too long in G.A. I think i've got a pretty good deal here at Fed.
$50.00 per hr??? The teamster from atlanta who came by my house said $55.00!!!

Good Luck the ripple effect should hit Fedex soon after.

Maybe I spent too long in G.A. I think i've got a pretty good deal here at Fed.
I agree, Fed Ex is a great company to work at. Let's just hope Mr. Smith doesn't turn in to the ways as the Airline CEO's and start screaming concessions. You folks did lose money last quarter. I am sure we won't have the usually billion dollar quarter profit either, however it is just a bit more security when the compny knows not only will we walk if we get fu---d with but the 100,000 drivers are teamsters as well. Don't think that they want that battle. But yeah man I agree GA or FEDEX it's a no brainer.
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I agree, Fed Ex is a great company to work at. Let's just hope Mr. Smith doesn't turn in to the ways as the Airline CEO's and start screaming concessions. You folks did lose money last quarter. I am sure we won't have the usually billion dollar quarter profit either, however it is just a bit more security when the compny knows not only will we walk if we get fu---d with but the 100,000 drivers are teamsters as well. Don't think that they want that battle. But yeah man I agree GA or FEDEX it's a no brainer.

I get your point Brown..But UPS is a different animal than FedEx...UPS has been union for a long time. Just because your contract will get 50 and hr doesn't mean it will be achieved at FedEx. I have worked for 2 unions over the last 20 yrs if FedEx had been Teamsters when I got hired here it would have taken me 5 yrs to get to the salary I got from day one without a union. Also FedEx does a LOT of hiring. If I had to rely on UPS for a job after the NWA strike I would be pretty hungry right now. Virtually ALL of my co worker friends were hired at FedEx.. I will say you guys got at UPS have a great deal no doubt about it but I am afraid that Fred Smith might not play well with a union and while the pilots did finally get ALPA I am afraid that Fred is well aware of how things played out for nwa and I think he wouldnt hesitate to try it here if the Teamsters got under his skin..I will tell you I don't ever want to be in that position again because UPS would be the last good company left to go to and like I said before you guys don't do a lot of hiring...Just my 2 cents.
I get your point Brown..But UPS is a different animal than FedEx...UPS has been union for a long time. Just because your contract will get 50 and hr doesn't mean it will be achieved at FedEx. I have worked for 2 unions over the last 20 yrs if FedEx had been Teamsters when I got hired here it would have taken me 5 yrs to get to the salary I got from day one without a union. Also FedEx does a LOT of hiring. If I had to rely on UPS for a job after the NWA strike I would be pretty hungry right now. Virtually ALL of my co worker friends were hired at FedEx.. I will say you guys got at UPS have a great deal no doubt about it but I am afraid that Fred Smith might not play well with a union and while the pilots did finally get ALPA I am afraid that Fred is well aware of how things played out for nwa and I think he wouldnt hesitate to try it here if the Teamsters got under his skin..I will tell you I don't ever want to be in that position again because UPS would be the last good company left to go to and like I said before you guys don't do a lot of hiring...Just my 2 cents.
Point well taken. Man I am so happy you guys got out of NWA without scabbing and ended up at purple. Hat off to you guys and have a wonderful career there. :up:
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Point well taken. Man I am so happy you guys got out of NWA without scabbing and ended up at purple. Hat off to you guys and have a wonderful career there. :up:

Thanks Brown..I and I am sure my fellow honorable really appreciate the comments and support during our strike..I hope this is my last company. I am getting too old to start over again.
If and when the Teamsters get in you we won't see no big changes for about 5 to 10 years.A contract usually last 3 to 5 and in the first will be job security.The changes that will be made later down the road is for the people that come after us.depending on how long till you retire.
Point well taken. Man I am so happy you guys got out of NWA without scabbing and ended up at purple. Hat off to you guys and have a wonderful career there. :up:
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If and when the Teamsters get in you we won't see no big changes for about 5 to 10 years.A contract usually last 3 to 5 and in the first will be job security.The changes that will be made later down the road is for the people that come after us.depending on how long till you retire.

Umm before you vote the teamsters in you all better talk to the UAL guys and see how things changed after they voted them in and see how they like them..You might change your mind.