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Uair Screws Iam Mech And Related


Apr 4, 2004
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since early november IAM has been trying to come to terms with the financial info supplied by Uair....this info has been very slow to come....and it has extended IAM'S time to respond...on dec 17th IAM tendered a written counter proposal to Uair. it has been 10 days since this and to date no counter has been offered by Uair is this what is refered to as good faith bargaining??
since Uair's dragging of their feet several important things have come to surface.
first: the pgh post-gazette on sunday 12/19 had ads from st-mae in mobile and san antonio and also timko seeking upwards of some 200 mechanics for future consideration. timko is looking for mechanics in particular for their lake city florida facility which it seems does boeing overhaul.
second sources indicate that as recent as last week Uair production and inspection personell were in lake city florida finalizing contractual stipulations for future boeing overhaul.
third sources have revealed a plan to be enacted in early january to lockout PIT based mechanics and managerial personell in lieu of abrogation and farmout of boeing overhaul.
fourth based on the company's original proposal and its lack of trying to come to agreement with IAM, one is to assume they will attempt to institute their last proposal which covers all these eventualities in detail.
The IAM M&R gave the company its proposal on the evening of the 16th.
All the unions, with the exception of the IAM, have come to terms with the company (AFA yet to be ratified). You think the company is really singling out the IAM for special treatment? Or is the IAM just scared witless about AMFA and therefore dragging its feet?

Deepthroat said:
since early november IAM has been trying to come to terms with the financial info supplied by Uair....this info has been very slow to come....and it has extended IAM'S time to respond...on dec 17th IAM tendered a written counter proposal to Uair. it has been 10 days since this and to date no counter has been offered by Uair is this what is refered to as good faith bargaining??
since Uair's dragging of their feet several important things have come to surface.
first: the pgh post-gazette on sunday 12/19 had ads from st-mae in mobile and san antonio and also timko seeking upwards of some 200 mechanics for future consideration. timko is looking for mechanics in particular for their lake city florida facility which it seems does boeing overhaul.
second sources indicate that as recent as last week Uair production and inspection personell were in lake city florida finalizing contractual stipulations for future boeing overhaul.
third sources have revealed a plan to be enacted in early january to lockout PIT based mechanics and managerial personell in lieu of abrogation and farmout of boeing overhaul.
fourth based on the company's original proposal and its lack of trying to come to agreement with IAM, one is to assume they will attempt to institute their last proposal which covers all these eventualities in detail.
How many times do you have to be told that this process has nothing to do with AMFA.

The IAM's goal is to get a T/A that will ratify, so if you have any better way to try and tell 50% of the people who are working why they should vote themselves out of a job while US Airways' Executives get rewarded for failure then post it.

A company lawyer also asked Adimolfy* if the IAM was reluctant to negotiate with US Airways because the union had been decertified at United Airlines after negotiating an agreement that permitted outsourcing of heavy maintenance and work force reductions.

"We are not concerned" about being kicked out at US Airways, Adimolfy said.

*His name is spelled wrong"
700UW said:
How many times do you have to be told that this process has nothing to do with AMFA.

The IAM's goal is to get a T/A that will ratify, so if you have any better way to try and tell 50% of the people who are working why they should vote themselves out of a job while US Airways' Executives get rewarded for failure then post it.

But don't pick, building workout gyms to keep employees healthy and creating union positions, like crew chiefs that would do the work of supervisors, they were already thought up of.
Oh yeah, now's a good time to mention, would the crew chiefs take responsibility for attendance and sick-outs?
Your foremans cant manage.

I watch the foremans in base watch mechanics stand around for hours and never open their tool box nor touch a plane and the foreman does nothing.

Your own base is a perfect example, why does North Dock get planes out faster then South Dock, if it is the same check?

The crew chief concept worked at TWA in the mtc department and got their checks done faster.

The manager of the bay would take care of the attendence.

And go add up how many US Airways employees get back injuries. Having a facility for them to use would cut down on OJIs.

Glad to see you follow the Doug McKeen school of thinking (or shall I say the lack of it).

Don't worry when the company shuts down PIT you will be gone too.
700UW said:
Your foremans cant manage.
Can't manage what?
I watch the foremans in base watch mechanics stand around for hours and never open their tool box nor touch a plane and the foreman does nothing.
Shame on CLT base management and mechanics for their work ethics. No wonder things take forever to get done there.
Your own base is a perfect example, why does North Dock get planes out faster then South Dock, if it is the same check?
The mechanics on north dock hump harder, so they get done quicker, it's all in the mechanic's work habits. Do you have experience in PIT or are you going by what you have heard again?
The crew chief concept worked at TWA in the mtc department and got their checks done faster.
Where is TWA now? Oh never mind managements fault.
The manager of the bay would take care of the attendence.
Yeah ok, Thanks for the job security.
And go add up how many US Airways employees get back injuries. Having a facility for them to use would cut down on OJIs.
What happens when they start claiming their backs got hurt at work?
Glad to see you follow the Doug McKeen school of thinking (or shall I say the lack of it).
I follow one, and he is above, no union or no manager.
Don't worry when the company shuts down PIT you will be gone too.
I know. much better than you.
PITMTC said:
Can't manage what?
The work
Shame on CLT base management and mechanics for their work ethics. No wonder things take forever to get done there.
Let see no parts, work does not get done, open up the 757 and the plane is worse then planned. Lets see bigger airplanes, with less people.
The mechanics on north dock hump harder, so they get done quicker, it's all in the mechanic's work habits. Do you have experience in PIT or are you going by what you have heard again?
Same base, should have same production if the work is the same. I have experience reading the exact amount of manhours that it took to get the plane out of North and South Docks. Statistics provided by your boss and his boss.

Where is TWA now? Oh never mind managements fault.
Did TWA go out of business due to the crew chief concept or maintenance, and Gee I guess you never heard of what Carl Ichan has done, and TWA was bought by AA.
Yeah ok, Thanks for the job security.
You get paid to work, and managing your workforce is work, your welcome.
What happens when they start claiming their backs got hurt at work?
Duh! They are all ready hurting their backs at work. It is called preventitive therapy.
I follow one, and he is above, no union or no manager.
Ok, I will tell Presti and McMullen that you dont follow their directions. And if you followed the one above you would not punish the legitimately sick along with the guilty no would you?
I know. much better than you.
Are you sure about that? I have seen the plans too.
700UW said:
How many times do you have to be told that this process has nothing to do with AMFA.

LMAO, Yeah right. The only reason AMFA is not trying to move in is because its obvious this company wont be around much longer to represent anyone. Most mechanics would prefer AMFA to IAM. That being said, you are correct that this proposal is a #### sandwich and I hope that IAM does not bite it just to collect a little more dues money from those left around. Shut this craphole down and keep a decent industry standard.
Mechanics and releated get locked out and then it will get ugly!! I really do not agree with what happened in Philly whether it was an alleged sick-out or poor staffing. All the problems were caused by F/A's calling in sick and 80 ramp persons reporting off sick according to various company spokesman. I seem to think there will be many more than just 80 who refuse to cross an IAM picket line if there is a lock-out. And I doubt the 25 or so forced volunteers from Pit or any other station will make a difference. :down:
vc10 said:
All the unions, with the exception of the IAM, have come to terms with the company (AFA yet to be ratified). You think the company is really singling out the IAM for special treatment? Or is the IAM just scared witless about AMFA and therefore dragging its feet?

Has ANY union really come to terms with the company? I don't think so. I believe all unions that came to a T/A were FORCED to settle with a smoking gun to their head. It was a "damned if we do, damned if we don't offer". In hopes that a few union members can walk away with something. This company wants to see every humanbeing in their company gasp for their last breath. Some people say "if you don't like it just leave", what if my child is diagnosed with a serious illnous tomorrow? I can't leave, I have to know I can provide my children with health care. You say "if you don't like it just leave", I can't just leave, I have to make sure my family isn't living in the car. I can't just leave, U doesn't exactly let you have time off whenever you'd like, to go to interviews for another job. U pretty much has a lot of devoted, dedicated people by the throat...and they really don't care how hard the pressure gets on your main artories.
ojxux said:
LMAO, Yeah right. The only reason AMFA is not trying to move in is because its obvious this company wont be around much longer to represent anyone. Most mechanics would prefer AMFA to IAM. That being said, you are correct that this proposal is a #### sandwich and I hope that IAM does not bite it just to collect a little more dues money from those left around. Shut this craphole down and keep a decent industry standard.
i've been impressed with amfa's willingness to farm out work....they'd have a future here in a couple of months..... :down:
Forget about the AMFA. It has nothing to do with this situation.....period. It is an all out "Blitzkrieg" on labor that the company is playing like a Stradavarius.

Good faith bargaining?? What idiot would actually believe this??? UAIR is going for the throat of the IAM by wanting to gut the entire labor agreement.....something that would NEVER pass given a vote. This is by design so that come Jan 06, 2005 the judge will have no choice but to abrogate. Then out comes the chainsaw :shock: !! Oh what a surprise. Union busting is alive and well in the U.S.A. :down: :down:

If you think that we are getting screwed now just wait and see what is instore for the M&R employees.

Utility classification: GONE!!

The TOP 800 Mechanics: GONE!!

Heavy Maintenance Dept: GONE!!

Thousands more of maintenance employees: GONE!!


The IAM: GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the idea yet?? This will make "The Rape of Nanking" (WW2) look like a fairy tale. Holy crap are we screwed and we have NO RECOURSE whatsoever!! So I say to the "At least you have your job-M&R Yes voting crowd," Say hey to Davey Jones for me as you go down with the ship <_< .
delldude said:
i've been impressed with amfa's willingness to farm out work....they'd have a future here in a couple of months..... :down:

Play nice Dude!!!

You and I both know the inaccuracies of your statement.

Good luck to you 'ALL' over here......

Take Care,

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