Dec 2012 / Jan 2013 US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Then you do not read labor law, my friend. Nor have you read the MOU. The ONLY parties allowed at the table are three: the new AMR, APA and USAPA. USAPA is THE ONLY party allowed at the table on behalf of US Airways pilots. You are right, the BPR approves and they won't approve AOL and legally Gary CANNOT appoint a third party to represent the West because there is no west under the law. Again, there is only USAPA and APA. The company's place at the table is neutral in ALL respects except for paragraph 10. ( B).

You want to see a DFR, you'll see that and a complaint to the DOL if they attempt to violate it. In fact, you better go talk to Pat, Brian and Roland. They'll tell you. Don't believe me.

Well your argument just kind of destroyed the last 5 years of justification for you east boys.

If there is no west HOW exactly were you bozos expecting the west to compromise? All that gyration about come to the table and work on the C&R's. ALL BS!!

Funny how when the situation changes so do your ethics and arguments.
Judge Silver was talking about negotiating seniority in the process of a contract. usapa has made it clear that this MOU had nothing to do with seniority.

So WHO is usapa going to negotiate seniority with?The company has said they don't want to negotiate seniority and have said they are neutral. The APA does not want to get in the middle of a law suit. Plus judge Silver told everyone that in order to negotiate anything other than Nicolau usapa has to have an LUP. Any bet if APA wants to make that decision on their own and risk a law suit?

Safe harbor is use the Nicolau not risk a law suit not have to determine an LUP. The ninth said it does not have to be the Nicolau but it does have to be equal to the Nicolau. Unless usapa can come up with a list as good or better it WILL work the fear of the west pilots just like the ninth said.
Wrong on ALL accounts. No Nic Get over it already.

It's too easy to get these west guys stirred up over a dream they can't get over.

First, both the Ninth AND Judge Silver said that USAPA can negotiate it's SLI, Doesn't matter what happened in Wake's courtroom or what Judge Bybee says.
Second, No union would EVER admit to be bound to another union's negotiating positions. Ain't happening.

Please, give it up and move on.
Judge Silver was talking about negotiating seniority in the process of a contract. usapa has made it clear that this MOU had nothing to do with seniority.

So WHO is usapa going to negotiate seniority with?The company has said they don't want to negotiate seniority and have said they are neutral. The APA does not want to get in the middle of a law suit. Plus judge Silver told everyone that in order to negotiate anything other than Nicolau usapa has to have an LUP. Any bet if APA wants to make that decision on their own and risk a law suit?

Safe harbor is use the Nicolau not risk a law suit not have to determine an LUP. The ninth said it does not have to be the Nicolau but it does have to be equal to the Nicolau. Unless usapa can come up with a list as good or better it WILL work the fear of the west pilots just like the ninth said.

I don't remember the 9th saying that. Can you show me? Also, you didn't answer my question from earlier. Do you still think APA would inherit liability for USAPA's actions?
Wrong on ALL accounts. No Nic Get over it already.

It's too easy to get these west guys stirred up over a dream they can't get over.

Yea sure. "Wrong on all accounts." Sounds like a well thought out, logical argument.

Sounds like you're the one that is stirred up, Cupcake.
Well your argument just kind of destroyed the last 5 years of justification for you east boys.

If there is no west HOW exactly were you bozos expecting the west to compromise? All that gyration about come to the table and work on the C&R's. ALL BS!!

Funny how when the situation changes so do your ethics and arguments.
If you had a decent lawyer worth a shiite you would have prevailed already.

What's taking so long, Bub?
Don't you worry your pretty little head, Cupcake. It's not a problem in the least.

Your time is better spent re-reading the orders. There are lots of big words to digest. Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
keep traveling that long and windy road, Dave. I speak to my reps too.

Your right, it's not a problem. You may want to talk to Koontz, the lawyer in training. He has a better argument then Harper. I'd save your cash and use him instead. I think he is smarter. Just sayin.
Go ahead, throw your money to the lawyers. USAPA won't exist in a few months, who are you going to sue? APA? You think they are going to let that list in? Hell no. Sure, start the paperwork all over again. This thing will be tied up in court for years and then when the courts finally throw it out what do you have? Nothing except thousands of dollars wasted. There's a point when you have to realize this list isn't going to be used. My suggestion - print a copy of it, read it over a few shots of Jack Daniels, and throw it in the fire pit. Then count your lucky stars that you actually won the real lottery today with this merger because let's face it this never would have happened any other way for you.

If the APA is dumb enough not to use the Nic. The WEST IS GOING TO SUE THE APA!!! See, I would have thought you understood by now how unions inherit the complete package from the prior Bargaining Agent. Every Single Judge has made it crystal clear that simply changing the name is meaningless. We all know....all of us that live in reality knows, i should say...that the APA will be 100% liable for anything you stupid scabs do. You know, You'd think that 5 years on commutter pay would be enough of an indication that you guys were completely wrong about how this thing was going to go down NO? There are many layers of lititgation in front of you if need be. I'd forget all about that meaningless MOU timeline if I were you.
Gary is not proposing this. It's the company's prerogative to allow whom they want at the table. Gary is along for the ride.
Hey, Bub. Got your legal basis to back this up?

Like the MOU? Nope.

Like RLA? Nope.

Like Silver. Nope.

Like the Ninth. Nope.

Like DCA319. Dope.
If the APA is dumb enough not to use the Nic. The WEST IS GOING TO SUE THE APA!!! See, I would have thought you understood by now how unions inherit the complete package from the prior Bargaining Agent. Every Single Judge has made it crystal clear that simply changing the name is meaningless. We all know....all of us that live in reality knows, i should say...that the APA will be 100% liable for anything you stupid scabs do. You know, You'd think that 5 years on commutter pay would be enough of an indication that you guys were completely wrong about how this thing was going to go down NO? There are many layers of lititgation in front of you if need be. I'd forget all about that meaningless MOU timeline if I were you.
Damn, I've been trying not to acknowledge you, but.....
MAN ARE YOU STUPID. Hope you and Dorner don't have the same manifesto.
Becau$e Lee $e$ham wa$ too bu$y lo$ing every law$uit he'$ been leading. How much did he take you $cab$s for? Two Million? HA!!!
i have a job. Get a life and get one so you don't have to drain our tax dollars. Even the West ignores you.

If the APA is dumb enough not to use the Nic. The WEST IS GOING TO SUE THE APA!!! See, I would have thought you understood by now how unions inherit the complete package from the prior Bargaining Agent. Every Single Judge has made it crystal clear that simply changing the name is meaningless. We all know....all of us that live in reality knows, i should say...that the APA will be 100% liable for anything you stupid scabs do. You know, You'd think that 5 years on commutter pay would be enough of an indication that you guys were completely wrong about how this thing was going to go down NO? There are many layers of lititgation in front of you if need be. I'd forget all about that meaningless MOU timeline if I were you.
This just took the spot as the STUPIDEST post ever! Congratulations!

Oh, and go ahead and sue. The merger lawyers are already preparing up for it. Won't go far, though. Paragraph 4 of the MOU, soon to be MTA, will make sure of that.

Now please, move on.
i have a job. Get a life and get one so you don't have to drain our tax dollars. Even the West ignores you.

Get ready to spend a couple more million of your dues in court Scab. You're pathetic little USAPA experiment is the biggest failure since Frank Lorenzo. You know you're doomed, you know how many hundreds of thousands it's cost you, and you know APA is going to crush you idiots. You're contribution to the aviation industry is as pathetic as your laughable little pittsburgh airline. See You in Court Mr. Selleck....You CLT guys love those 1981 Moustaches. HA!
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