June - US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yes. Such "integrity" from dear Sully.

This being the same man who, in a slowly (rate not then knowable) sinking aircraft, made multiple passes through the aisle to ensure all passengers had evacuated? ...and you're all bent outta' shape about courtroom testimony that didn't warmly embrace your precious little nic list?.....and that "justifies" slurs against his character, and/or his actions commanding 1549? Words just fail me here.

I could tell you what sort of people who's character and...ummm..."integrity" is clearly defined by the slurs here....but I'm sure that's already obvious to most.....

No matter really. I'm certain he loses a great deal of sleep over never receiving an "Integrity Matters" T shirt from the "army" of leonidas....
It was all laid out in the complaint. It gave names and phone numbers with the number of times and minutes they called.

You are exactly right about USAPA's actions helping the west cause. I'm sure the anger over the C18 helped raise as much money for AOL than anything and the USAPA leaders could not see that.

I realize you are a defender of at least one of the C-18. Did the phone records result in any convictions? I think you and I can agree it was money and time wasted when you take a look back.
EC: That, plus the absurd attempts at elevating the mess to a criminal RICO level are what distressed me most about the entire, sorry fiasco. I'm of the firm opinion that "something", most certainly, needed to be done...but...Sheesh!...The responses chosen weren't the right "something" by any means. I must agree that this certainly elevated internal west support levels....and who could wonder why there?

Good morning East,

I seriously doubt what USAPA saw as a threat to the union was really a threat at all. I
feel the Cactus 18 fiasco was intended to intimidate the West pilot group as a whole.

"Look at we did to them, we'll do the same to you if you oppose us." As it turned out, it actually rallied the West pilots to organize and fund our defense.
I seriously doubt what USAPA saw as a threat to the union was really a threat at all. I
feel the Cactus 18 fiasco was intended to intimidate the West pilot group as a whole.

"Look at we did to them, we'll do the same to you if you oppose us." As it turned out, it actually rallied the West pilots to organize and fund our defense.

Good morning to you as well EC. My understanding was that a real threat was indeed perceived. Earnest concern for the phone lines issue alone was definitely present. Make no mistake that this represents any back tracking on my notions that the ultimately massive responses and targeting methods chosen were entirely inappropriate, but there was genuine concern for the newly born union's survival.

Per: "...Cactus 18 fiasco was intended to intimidate the West pilot group as a whole" I can't honestly doubt that was indeed the intended effect. The actual effect proves that tactic to have been listable under the category of Bad Ideas. Within all this insane mess; the single thing I've found truly admirable of the west is the group cohesiveness your side exhibits. Umm...I could do without the T shirts, videos and other embarrasing, and very public exhibitions of some individuals' perpetual adolescence though ;) Oh well/etc.
None were found guilty because of the way USAPA chose to prosecute the case. They decided to use an A bomb where a hand grenade would work. They should gone to court with ones they had some evidence on, but as usual tried to make a bigger case than there was. Then, I believe some would have been found guilty, but not of much. The mass phone calls were just childish behavior from an angry group. As I told one of my reps, if that activity was going to bring down the union it sure is weak. But, it did need to stop.
Who came up with the idea for a Rico suit? Did Bradford think of it or did the little lawyer with a plan search the law books and find it?

I have often wondered if lee Seham was driving all of this litigation just for the money or iif it was the angry usapa leadership telling the lawyer what to do.

Either way the west told all of you east guys Seham was a bad guy and leading you astray. Finally what happen? Usapa turned on their own and attacked Seham. Made all kinds of accusations and cost the association well over $100,000 and filed a law suit against him. If a group of people is willing to turn on their friends what do you think they will do to their enemies? I have not seen anything to low down for usapa to pull or say against the west. And there are some that still say usapa represents the west fairly.

O'Dwyer , wilder and the other guy should be watching their back. When the judge Silver and the APA finally put a stake through the heart of the east failed union experiment someone is going to be the falls guy. We know east pilots always blame someone else and never take responsibility for your actions. History has proven that.
We know east pilots always blame someone else and never take responsibility for your actions. History has proven that.

Such well thought out content as that has been previously addressed above = "and very public exhibitions of some individuals' perpetual adolescence...."
Hummel and Streble trying to cover up the DOL investigation, Where is the transparency that he promised in his campagin. These two are hiding alot more than we know, glad we have the "compass correction clowns" runing the show with the help former ALPO. You have no idea what they are gong to give away.
Wow, attacking Captain Sullenberger and defending the Clearian USAPA regime. I don't know which one is more disgusting. Sorry, instead of joining in on one of those subjects, I think I'll just check in latter this week. Have a good week y'all I'm getting a Starbucks (over priced addictive liquid).

Who came up with the idea for a Rico suit? Did Bradford think of it or did the little lawyer with a plan search the law books and find it?

I have no idea. I was at a meeting where Seham told me that I didn't understand how important the case was, so I assumed he was at least one of the master minds. It's just one reason I've never had any use for him.
I realize you are a defender of at least one of the C-18. Did the phone records result in any convictions? I think you and I can agree it was money and time wasted when you take a look back.

The one guy that educated me about the whole mess didn't need defending, he handled it himself. I offered to try and defend the rest, I got no takers and I was actually asked to just stop trying to help. I realized they knew the case was a loser and were going to take advantage of their martyr status.

If you follow my post I think you can see that I felt early on it was time and money wasted, I don't have to look back. I think it has damaged our group as much as anything else.
What do geese have to do with contrived testimony under oath? Yes. Such "integrity" from dear Sully.

Hopefully soon, the us air alpa/usapa east will be a dying breed.

Rants/testimony/BRAVADO by the corrupt faithful, will be a distant memory.

That's only Breeze. No one else can't fake "sensible" nearly as well.

Btw luvn737s,

Checking the record...it appears that your donation to the ADA has not come through yet. Of course, you probably cannot wrap you head around the idea of doing something good that benefits others......it has to have something involved that lines your pocket....or seniority in this case, or you're just not interested......with your narrow, self serving point of view. That is your mind set.

Now, having said that......I do not put anyone on the spot about donations.....it's up to you guys, and I appreciate whatever happens.

But, luvn, I can throw the cheap shots as well as anyone......I just have chosen not to in the last several months.......try to learn something, one way or the other. You are not helping anyone when your focus is just on yourself.

US Airways' pilots pay the highest union dues rate in the country at 1.95% and East pilots covered by the terminated DB plan pay the highest dues and assessments in the country.

If US Airways and AMR announce a merger MOU US Airways' pilots would likely be represented by APA after merger closes and the NMB certifies the larger union as the CBA for the New American Airlines pilots.

In the meantime USAPA has already created a provision to increase pilot dues to a staggering 2.45%.

Click on the hyperlink below to read more:

Why do you speak of the speck in my eye when there is a log in yours?

pi brat, when the east is no longer in the SADDLE, you might figure it out?

Hard earned money I, along with many others spent to tell a company and a cba/union to HONOR and ENFORCE my contract.

It's been quite effective, I might add.

Honestly, I don't like how you sit on the fence...pandering both sides to achieve what you think is your self-made-entitlement.

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