Picketing Some Dudes House?

PlayTheOdds said:
chas, you sound like a scared little man.

And what am i scared of PTO? If anyone is scared it is you. Are you willing to come out of hiding and tell us all who you are? Nah, i didnt think so. Why would you do that when your the frightened one. You keep hiding behind your goons and crawling on the floor of the bus but remember it wont last much longer my frightened little friend.
I guess 99.9% of the people that chat in chat rooms and post in forums are scared. You were already challenged yourself to post your real name and right at the end you chickend out. I have told you to send me your phone number and I would give you a call and you haven’t. You really shouldn’t challenge people to challenges you yourself have failed at.
PlayTheOdds said:
I guess 99.9% of the people that chat in chat rooms and post in forums are scared. You were already challenged yourself to post your real name and right at the end you chickend out. I have told you to send me your phone number and I would give you a call and you haven’t. You really shouldn’t challenge people to challenges you yourself have failed at.

I chickened out? (Deleted by moderator- not a smart idea guys- PM personal info instead of posting on here.) , worked in ORD, 3rd shift, line maintenance...I am waiting for your name now SCAB.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Sorry, but picketing at someone's house is no better than pro-lifer's harassing women walking out of an abortion clinic or staff who work at one.

I may not agree with abortion, but I don't have the right to harass someone for exercising their legal right to have or perform one.

Had NWA locked out the workers, I'd be more sympathetic to the strikers on the issue of replacements. But they weren't locked out -- they chose to walk off the job and stay out.

If you're going to support the the legal right of strikers to walk off the job, you have to support the legal rights of replacement workers to step into those vacant jobs, either directly or indirectly.
I must concur.
PlayTheOdds said:
I guess 99.9% of the people that chat in chat rooms and post in forums are scared. You were already challenged yourself to post your real name and right at the end you chickend out. I have told you to send me your phone number and I would give you a call and you haven’t. You really shouldn’t challenge people to challenges you yourself have failed at.

Just as i thought PTO. You a spineless coward. Go spew your lies somewhere else. When your man enough to state who you are I might pay attention to what you post but until then your nothing more then SCUM. You think you can call someone out but when they have nothing to hide and you realize you were wrong in doing so you go hide, just like you do in life. Now be gone you worthless piece of S*it.
PlayTheOdds said:
chas, the name you posted is bogus. Do or did you work for Northwest?

PTO you really are stupid arent you? I thought it was all an act but now you've proven it isnt. If my name is so bogus try this. Call (Deleted by moderator- do not post numbers on the board- use the PM feature) , ask for Gary, Omar or DJ, they are the managers there. Ask them if (deleted by moderator) worked there before the strike. You can also use sceptre, you know what this is right? Go to /for ieia enter employee number (deleted by moderator) . Now after you have done your research come back here and tell me i am bogus.

Your lies dont work when your trying to make an honest person a liar. Now run along little boy you have some research to do, oh yeah dont forget to come back and tell me your real name unless your a coward. Well we already know you are but im giving you a chance to grow a SET and be a man for once on your life.
Why don't the AMFA strikers picket the homes of pilots and flight attendants that continue to fly NW planes? I would think you would be angrier at your fellow union "brothers" moreso than the people who decided they could accept NW's terms for being a mechanic.

What do the strikes against people's homes accomplish? Even if you were successful in scaring/shaming a replacement worker to quit, there are 4 others willing to take his place.
biztraveller29 said:
Why don't the AMFA strikers picket the homes of pilots and flight attendants that continue to fly NW planes? I would think you would be angrier at your fellow union "brothers" moreso than the people who decided they could accept NW's terms for being a mechanic.

Sounds like a good idea to me! Ok we will!
PlayTheOdds said:
chas, the name you posted is bogus. Do or did you work for Northwest?

No, it isn't. Prior to the strike the seniority list showed one (deleted by moderator) in ORD.

Stop avoiding the question.
NWA/AMT said:
No, it isn't. Prior to the strike the seniority list showed one (deleted by moderator) in ORD.

Stop avoiding the question.
I would'nt expect PTO/KTO to give his true identity, being a probable IAM Goon who fears he is about to be slaughtered because the only union that chose to make a stand makes him nervous!
local 12 proud said:
I would'nt expect PTO/KTO to give his true identity, being a probable IAM Goon who fears he is about to be slaughtered because the only union that chose to make a stand makes him nervous!

Sure he will, (deleted by moderator).

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