
AA could operate its routes with 3 types of aircraft.They would be the Boeing 737-757-777 . This would greatly steamline the fleet and increase the effiency of the airline.The smaller aircraft routes could be handled by the RJ70''s.
What is the difference in seating numbers between the B-757 and B-767? The 767 could be used because of some compatibilty with the 757,but is the capacity difference worth operating another fleet type?
Given the diversity of AA operations, they need big airplanes to fly 3 hour flights and smaller aircraft to fly 7 hours. 737-757-767-777 sounds great but md-80'd are mostly paid for and AA has what about 300 of them. They have more MD-80's then Boeing makes of 737's in one year. 767-300 are neccesary for deep Latin America and Europe. 777 need no explanation. 757 are important for Miami ops into South America ; DFW & ORD. 737 are the future MD-80 replacement. 737-757-777 is to big a gap between types. One important consideration is what replaces the A300.

According to the skeds on SABRE, the following applies:

757 : single-aisle (vicious on a flight of 4 hours or more)
F-22 / Y-154

767-300: dual-aisle (much more comfy trans-con)
F-9 or 10 depending on crewrest seats
C-24 (soon to be all 30 C-class ala Delta)
Y-152-156 (depending on crewrest seats)

Honestly, C-class on a 767 is more comfortable than F-class on a 757. 737's do transcons out of BOS and JFK. Dual-aisle is more psychologically comforting than single-aisle (even on all-nighters). Just my 2 bits.

I love hearing the MNTC P.O.V. F/A's don't understand the after-effects of pouring juice or milk down the drain...I do. I stay out of your way and always offer you something to drink. ;) We are all in this together! Thanks for keeping us safe in the skies!

Qualified Capts and F/Os can fly both the 757 and 767. I love the A300 myself but understand the savings from an all Boeing fleet. The 757 is a fantastic A/C but can't stand working coach on it! Nicknamed the "Slave Ship" or the "Needle". Just an F/A opinion.

On 1/3/2003 12:09:41 AM flydcoop wrote:


According to the skeds on SABRE, the following applies:

757 : single-aisle (vicious on a flight of 4 hours or more)
F-22 / Y-154

767-300: dual-aisle (much more comfy trans-con)
F-9 or 10 depending on crewrest seats
C-24 (soon to be all 30 C-class ala Delta)
Y-152-156 (depending on crewrest seats)

Honestly, C-class on a 767 is more comfortable than F-class on a 757. 737's do transcons out of BOS and JFK. Dual-aisle is more psychologically comforting than single-aisle (even on all-nighters). Just my 2 bits.

I love hearing the MNTC P.O.V. F/A's don't understand the after-effects of pouring juice or milk down the drain...I do. I stay out of your way and always offer you something to drink. ;) We are all in this together! Thanks for keeping us safe in the skies!



I was looking at the B-757 from strictly operating cost/number of passengers carried.I do agree that other a/c are more comfortable although we use B757'S on long hauls such as LAX-HNL or SJC-HNL.
On 1/2/2003 4:22:23 PM HI-LOCK wrote:

AA could operate its routes with 3 types of aircraft.They would be the Boeing 737-757-777 . This would greatly steamline the fleet and increase the effiency of the airline.The smaller aircraft routes could be handled by the RJ70's.
This is pretty much the path CO is on except they include the 767 as well. With the new 737-900 you might be able to ditch the 757's. But really, how much savings could they get as there is very little commonality among Boeing planes anyway. Probably the main reason Boeing is becoming the # TWO aircraft maker in the world
I wish AA's 757's were set up the way our TW ones are, they are the best plane in the fleet to work. Its crazy to have that huge cabin without any dividers, it does nothing but knock the spirit out of a f/a who is starting the service, LOL.