2015 Fleet Service thread


Staff member
Nov 4, 2010
Please direct all Fleet Service specific discussions here.
While I will abide by the mods wishes and keep fleet and AMT seperate, I wan't to second what one of the AMT's said over on their thread.
Many of us are over 50 and each day is costlng us dearly. Money added to my 401k (per the raise we have not recieved), extra savings I can be putting away (from the raise I have not received) obviously I could go on and on...but do they not realize many of us are closer to retirement than not. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse, NONE for them not to already had proposals exchanged, or at least damn near it. The Association has not followed through on one single promise they made pre or post merger. Lomabardo has done nothing more than send AA letters in a apologetic tone as to if they don't mind, could they please tell us why no prefunding yet. If it's not too much trouble could you kindly explain why my members have not received the 4% raise like most other work groups. I can only imagine what they will say when the Association puts out the DELTA PLUS 7 Delta plus 3 letter telling is why...And whoever sent that email out didn't make me feel better about the situation, it actually made me feel alot more skeptical. It was nothing more than a "this why you shouldn't expect the plus 7". That should be completely different than all the other items, even Parker said as much...nothing in exchange for the raise!
And by the way email sender, I'm not a negative spinner, I'm a realist in search of transparency and facts!
700UW said:

What happened to meeting the company 30 days after  NMB  ruling ? Parker is waving (lifestyle changing} money at us and this guy is saying
we already have a good contract.
Are you that obtuse?
They didnt negotiate 30 days after the Association was certified, as they didnt meet and reconcile the two CBAs, legally they werent the certified bargaining unit.
The company is the one who had the power to trigger the 30 days, they didnt as they knew the Association wasnt ready.
Do you want a thorough JCBA or something just thrown together?
While I will abide by the mods wishes and keep fleet and AMT seperate, I wan't to second what one of the AMT's said over on their thread.
Many of us are over 50 and each day is costlng us dearly. Money added to my 401k (per the raise we have not recieved), extra savings I can be putting away (from the raise I have not received) obviously I could go on and on...but do they not realize many of us are closer to retirement than not. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse, NONE for them not to already had proposals exchanged, or at least damn near it. The Association has not followed through on one single promise they made pre or post merger. Lomabardo has done nothing more than send AA letters in a apologetic tone as to if they don't mind, could they please tell us why no prefunding yet. If it's not too much trouble could you kindly explain why my members have not received the 4% raise like most other work groups. I can only imagine what they will say when the Association puts out the DELTA PLUS 7 Delta plus 3 letter telling is why...And whoever sent that email out didn't make me feel better about the situation, it actually made me feel alot more skeptical. It was nothing more than a "this why you shouldn't expect the plus 7". That should be completely different than all the other items, even Parker said as much...nothing in exchange for the raise!
And by the way email sender, I'm not a negative spinner, I'm a realist in search of transparency and facts!
The Ass has a barrel full of excuses ready to go at a moments notice, a question or comment comes up and they reach in the barrel and pull out another. Once again it all comes down to $, the Ass has its own interests first the membership second.
700UW said:
Are you that obtuse?
They didnt negotiate 30 days after the Association was certified, as they didnt meet and reconcile the two CBAs, legally they werent the certified bargaining unit.
The company is the one who had the power to trigger the 30 days, they didnt as they knew the Association wasnt ready.
Do you want a thorough JCBA or something just thrown together?
 Give me your excuse (you are going to anyway) for them only meeting once a month for a few days?
Black Magic said:
Obtuse is a big word for 699. Don't waste your time listening to his failure reasoning.
He is right I am obtuse I cant for the life of me understand why someone who is not employed by AA would stay on here for hours an hours
bob@las-AA said:
I think that cargo will be the sacrificial lamb to finance this supposed pay raise. This raise will also be right up front and nothing again for years
and i bet you would be happy to see that right bob? 