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Did you ever consider just recycling the threads - 98% of the content is the same every week.......

Nostradamus said:
It was a good short term solution at American Airlines for dealing with the TWA pilots.
No wonder you have so much trouble trying to deal with the future -- you can't even get the past right! AA didn't "deal" with the TWA pilots by furloughing most of them. They furloughed from the bottom of the list that the APA gave them. The TWA pilots didn't cause AA any problems. And BTW, the bottom 200 of the AA seniority list are nAAtives, not TeeDubbers.
No wonder you have so much trouble trying to deal with the future -- you can't even get the past right! AA didn't "deal" with the TWA pilots by furloughing most of them. They furloughed from the bottom of the list that the APA gave them. The TWA pilots didn't cause AA any problems. And BTW, the bottom 200 of the AA seniority list are nAAtives, not TeeDubbers.

Bet he thinks the OZ pilots were stapled too. Dumazz.
As I'm sure you're aware the OZ pilots got DOH. Of course, given their demographics the effect was close to a staple. The TWA MEC was arrogant and Icahn was ruthless. Regardless, it was 22 years ago and it's irrelevent.
I wonder what effect the apparently imminent M&A activity will have on USAPA? Will the majority of East pilots force the MEC to come back to the JNC talks and hammer out a deal while reconciling with ALPA just in time for the fragmentation party? Or will this ensure USAPA's success since the East seems afraid of ALPA merger/fragmentation policy?
Or are the pilots' unions issues causing either airlines outright passing on LCC or being told by their own pilot's union that any merger with LCC would really screw up whatever positive union relationship they may currently have with pilots.
No wonder you have so much trouble trying to deal with the future -- you can't even get the past right! AA didn't "deal" with the TWA pilots by furloughing most of them. They furloughed from the bottom of the list that the APA gave them. The TWA pilots didn't cause AA any problems. And BTW, the bottom 200 of the AA seniority list are nAAtives, not TeeDubbers.

AA and alpa treatment towards TWA pilots as you explanied here.

After a merger the bottom 200 will be America West pilots.

Thank you for calling in, this is the USAPA phone message for Thursday, January 10th 2008.

Your USAPA volunteers continue their work to build the better union we all deserve. As mentioned in the previous phone message, the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws have been posted on our web site. You will also find a series of short video clips from the Philadelphia road-show where a variety of issues are addressed by Interim President Stephen Bradford and USAPA counsel Lee Seham. We strongly encourage you to read the Constitution and Bylaws and to view the video clips.

As each day passes, it becomes increasingly apparent that USAPA may be the only means by which the US Airways/America West merger can ever be completed. In the event of a sale or fragmentation of the airline, we believe that US Airways pilots face increased risk with separate operations. The current stalemate appears unsolvable with the existing bargaining agent in place. The process we are mired in today guarantees continuing conflict between pilots and operational divisions without end.

USAPA representation can allow our operations to finally be combined and will allow pilots from the West to bid on narrow and widebody flying opportunities from East domiciles if they choose, a privilege that eludes them under the current stalemate.

USAPA is committed to faithfully and aggressively representing the interests of every US Airways pilot once this election is behind us. USAPA will begin announcing the names of those who will staff committee and representative positions once the NMB calls for an election. USAPA will be ready on day one.

In closing we would like to pass along an item of information, courtesy of the West MEC:

"After determination of Single Carrier Status the NMB will request the list of potential eligible voters and their addresses and signature samples. It is important that all US Airways pilots update their addresses with the company as this is where the NMB will send voting information and a discrete password if an election occurs."

Please note that this advisory is not being supplied by ALPA to East pilots.

Thank you again for calling in and thank you for your continuing support.
Or will this ensure USAPA's success since the East seems afraid of ALPA merger/fragmentation policy?

That's where my money would be on a bet.

Those who know more than I claim a USAPA victory without a combined contract would negate the seniority list. With nothing to lose, the East will most likely take a chance on anything that might be better than Nic.

I'm in.

I think the West would be a better fit for Airtran than the failed MidEx attempt. Spin it off to help pay for a UAL deal. DAL head honcho former NWA? - the UAL portion is a smoke screen to capture NWA as cheaply as possible. IMHO.
In closing we would like to pass along an item of information, courtesy of the West MEC:

"After determination of Single Carrier Status the NMB will request the list of potential eligible voters and their addresses and signature samples. It is important that all US Airways pilots update their addresses with the company as this is where the NMB will send voting information and a discrete password if an election occurs."

Please note that this advisory is not being supplied by ALPA to East pilots.

ALPA keeps doing everything it can to ensure Lee Seham is employed for years to come.
Those who know more than I claim a USAPA victory without a combined contract would negate the seniority list. With nothing to lose, the East will most likely take a chance on anything that might be better than Nic.

I'm in.

"Those who know more I", do you mean the lawyer USAPA paid to tell them want they wanted to hear?

If USAPA is voted in and attempts to rewrite the Nic Award the West will take them to Federal Court and the overwhelming probability is USAPA loses.

Net result, two or three years of lawsuit assessments, no pay parity, and no retirement attrition.

I'm out.
"Those who know more I", do you mean the lawyer USAPA paid to tell them want they wanted to hear?

If USAPA is voted in and attempts to rewrite the Nic Award the West will take them to Federal Court and the overwhelming probability is USAPA loses.

Net result, two or three years of lawsuit assessments, no pay parity, and no retirement attrition.

Just curious: What do you base ANY of those assumptions on?
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