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That sure would have been relevant about 18 months ago. Why not learn from your mistake of clinging to DOH without a plan B, and move forward. No one should have to serve a life sentence for being stubborn.

Sigh...yes, yes, yes dear..we all know: "Righteous Position!!"..."It's OVER!"...Final and Binding!!"..."no negotiating!"..."Ho Ho HO..St Nic is coming to town!"..."Booshaka!"...Take no East prisoners!/etc, ad nauseum...and it's been "over" for long now? :blink: :lol: Why don't you just get a stamp made up for all that identical, mindless, and utterly pointless drivel presented in continuous loop format....It does nothing to productively address any/all of the actual realities of the current times....Sheesh.

You could probably learn better techniques from a professional with similar tendencies = Baghdad Bob...and he might have better understood the ALPA/AWA Goat thing ;)

A good evening to all.
It has some similar flavor of late, although EAL had a good pilot group for most of it's run. Arrgh!..Eastern flashback time/Cue Pacino: "Just when I thought I was out.....They pull me back IN!!!" :lol:

The similarity of course that I refer to is that there was no room for more capitulation left. There was simply no room for the Eastern employees to be intimidated any more, regardless of the threatened outcome. They didn't care anymore. And of course the airline collapsed.

The difference of course is that ALPA is now the one playing chicken with the employees and is "in danger of collapse".
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