Bus Peolple Airways

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:angry: F U Piney

I would have expected more from a founding member of FFOCUS. Seems to me you enjoy discrediting all the West employees and get some pleasure in keeping the sides separate.

Art denied that the badmouthing of the West Frontline workgroups came from FFOCUS...well, there's your proof a couple of posts above from Piney that it happens ... time and time again.

:down: :down: :down: :down:
Well said Piney! :up: :up: can we sell off the cancer part of our operation? I mean enough is enough! AW has got to go. Take SHARES with em! God they just refuse to understand an airline. Take AMUTURE WEST back where it came from. ;) I would rather go under than be linked to these fools. I am sure they are good people but the KoolAid fountain runs too free over there. It's all BS.
Ah, you sound just like one of them - I had a good sense you probably were and your response confirms my suspicion.

Just retire already, our customers should not have to put up with your BS in the back - US Airways expects more. You are part of the problem!! :down:

Pardon Me??? You Stepford Staring little twit. Those so called "Old Hags" FORGOT more than you and your Kool-aide drinking robots will ever know about customer Service.

They KNOW what good service is, it's just a crying shame that craphole outfit from the Sandcastle couldn't spell Customer Service if you spotted them all of the consonants and half the vowels.

Hell some of those "old Hags" have brassieres older than you for Chrissakes. If it wasn't for the East Workers I'd have bid your little third world banana republic joke of a carrier a long time ago. I remember the first time I flew America West, I told my co workers who I was using and almost in perfect unison they replied "Good Luck". Nice to see that little has changed. I hear through the grapevine the FAA is all the way up your arse AGAIN .

The best part of all of this is someday you too will be older and I sincerely hope those you deal with treat you in the same disrespectful manner.

Did you ever stop to think that they built the wage scales, benefits and work rules that you enjoy today or at least what's left. That Grey bearded Olde Farte on the flight deck fought the battles, NOT YOU!!!!!

Oh and one final note to the person in Tempe who monitors this board. Not all the fireworks will be on the fourth, standby for ???????? :up: :up: :up: :up:
You wanna be mad at me? Go for it. I didn't choose to work for a drunk you did.

Takes a drunk to know one you wife beating boozer!

Wrong, I started WAY before Parker and way before Franke.

And just to set things straight, why can't you get it through your thick skull that a whole hell of a lot of us over here are just as pissed about how things are going south at this airline as the East is.

You're an instigator, Piney, and you know it. And a FAT pr*ck to boot. Maybe if you'd lay off the booze (I'd love to watch a drinking match between you and DoUgIe!!!) and the Pecan Pie you could shed a few pounds!
(Callsign_Cactus @ Jul 2 2007, 12:03 PM)
Ah, you sound just like one of them - I had a good sense you probably were and your response confirms my suspicion.

Just retire already, our customers should not have to put up with your BS in the back - US Airways expects more. You are part of the problem!! :down:

Ok...ummm...so "we have a customer service problem", and "Your job is to give our passengers good service and that means pleasing them."...and you're next telling a long time business traveler, and astonishingly loyal customer to get lost/"retire"....You're thinkin's startin' ta' worry me a tad bit son :blink:
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