"Cactus" Call to disappear

I'm a bit upset that the Catpiss call sign is going away next week.  I was supposed to celebrate my last utterance of "Catpiss" over the frequencies on Saturday, and celebrate the occasion.  But, do to all the training and advancement going on in the East list, the company bought my trip (like three others in March.)  So, my final "Catpiss" was last week...and I didn't even get to savor the moment.  Dang!
While I never was in a position to get too caught up in the East vs West squabble, I must say that this was a foolish way to go with a call sign. It had no connection with the name of the airline, and was laughable to use internationally.
Welcome to "Murr-can"
Also, when someone calls you a Sky Nazi, just smile and tell them you're just a humble Storm Trooper ;)
Mach85ER said:
Welcome to "Murr-can"
Also, when someone calls you a Sky Nazi, just smile and tell them you're just a humble Storm Trooper ;)
Welcome back, Mach!  I think you got it all along but it's nice to see the rest of your guys now get it about Parker and Kirby.  The recent elections give me hope.  
dariencc said:
Welcome back, Mach.  I think you got it all along but it's nice to see the rest of your guys now get it about Parker and Kirby.  The recent elections give me hope.  
One more thing.  If a guy named Munn runs for anything, revolt!  Pollock, too!!
You must remember Mr. Munn... aka Munhoi or something like that never wins.... everyone laughs about him.... IMHO... 
But as far as the Cacti sign to disappear... Welcome to the real world of aviation.  I am sure that are a lot of people to
say good riddance to the sign.  !!!   who knows??? 