IAM Fleet Service thread 7/27-8/3

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Hey Dude, where you been? The fat lady sang in June. The pro team 2008 graciously conceded. Now we're all on the same team, aren't we? I would think Randy will consult with Rich if there's any major changes between now and Oct. During this transition period Randy needs to start stepping down somewhat, and Rich Stepping up. It looks like Rich is as he has announced shutting his blog down. 24/7 on a computer writing commentary has to be too time consuming for a president-elect. Wouldn't you agree?

Pledging full support for OUR new officers for the betterment of all, regards,
Welcome ezchkin,
Great choice of words. Unity always speaks in volumes!
Pledging full support for OUR new officers for the betterment of all, regards,
Nice to see ya back and great attitude! THX GF.
I heard they announced a new department head for the
International Dept. in PHL. Anyone know anything ? and
if so any background on the name ? Don't get much info
about the International over hear at domestic.

It's funny how they're laying people off, and they just brought 30 new hires into PHX.

Don't people get a chance to transfer before losing jobs?
In honor of the MLB trade deadline...
Who's going were?
Anybody have plans on transferring once the integration takes place in NOV? I intend on making my way to CLT and I already heard that there's a mass exodus in PHL.
In honor of the MLB trade deadline...
Who's going were?
Anybody have plans on transferring once the integration takes place in NOV? I intend on making my way to CLT and I already heard that there's a mass exodus in PHL.

Look forward to seeing you in CLT. You will make a fine addition to our disfunctional family.
''I already heard that there's a mass exodus in PHL.''

Just another case of people not understanding what we
were trying to tell them with this past TA. The people
with seniority who are looking to retire are moving
West and South in the hopes that they get 10 or more
years out of this company and then walk away. So many
people in a hurry to get to a red light (TA). Canale got his
pieces of silver and now others will pay for his actions,
as far as him bringing this right from AH's computer to
our vote.
...............absolutely no input from our IAM.
This is not good from the vote and how it was handeled to
our recourse to argue. Canale= judge- jury- executioner.
What a sad man.........
I'd like to ask him what hes' worth ? and when he replies
with a dollar figure, I'll say I never asked about money !!!
WHAT ARE YOU WORTH...........??
(funny what we think of when that question is asked of us)
{so on and so forth}

and where is "Chicken Little"? so far oil has dropped 21 dollars a barrel and the sky seems to still be up there.

{so on and so forth }

Sup , it's me again :mf_boff: , I’m still here , never fear , i just don't have as much time as i used too , plus a lot of the issues just aren't as hard hitting as they used to be .

You can rest assured that the sky is indeed still falling , albeit very very slowly …

The magnitude of the economic hit our nation is going to be taking is in my mind greater than anything you or I have ever experienced in our life time ….

It’s not going to happen overnight , the elections will distract most of the American public , and after that ends the holidays will occupy the people , then in January things will REALLY begin to sink in ….

I know the market’s been going up and down this last week , but that’s because the investors have no idea what’s really going on right now …

Our fundamentals are still the same , and their still horribly weak and getting weaker ..

1. US economy almost tapped out on the Federal and state level (war in Iraq , less tax revenue ect )
2. The price of oil continues to remain damaging to the economy (hovers around 125)
3. The credit crisis has taken on it’s own life now , and is moving throughout the market as a force independent from the mortgage mess
4. Mortgage mess continues and house prices also continue to slide …

There are other large factors as well , but I won’t dull you to death …. :ph34r:
too bad you wasting your obvious economics skills chucking bags in an aircraft :rolleyes:
I know that we at EN is losing a great guy he is transferring to DCA but wont start there til like mon the 11 aug cuz this upcoming week he will be in CLT for training. You folks in DCA will be getting a heck of a valuable and very reliable asset in the name of our fellow worker. I am in the process of looking for a place to live with a good school district in the Baltimore area so my son and I can move down there to be with family and friends
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