IAM US Fleet Service topic 11/2-11/14

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Who is this David?

I know this one you refer to as "Stump". I hope this is not Freedoms "David".
I have the utmost confidence in our AGCs and the fact that they will look out for our best interest. MC and NH both have their strong points and I'm sure that RD will use that to his and our advantage.
Joe I agree with ya 100%, but what bothers me is that there are so many people who are willing to start complaining about the ND08 team before they even get their feet wet, but if you've been a part of the past you know how long Canales boys were in control of things, and while its going to be hard, people need to realize its going to take time to get where we want to be as a Union
Seems New Direction has become Old Direction..
Come on guys.


I like that name. It has an association with patience. A good coach as well as a good leader has to have alot of foresight in order to make things work in the right way. You have to push the right buttons in order to get the end result you are wanting.

Uncle Al is pushing buttons and I believe the Double Reverse that RC and crew ( MC/NH) have come up with will, I believe, work out. Give it time. I don't know how much time, but we've been disrespected far longer than the ND has been in office. I truely believe progress on this injustice is closer than we think. The company is testing the Leadership through its membership. I for one am not willing to throw them under the bus so quickly.

Tim. I know you call it like it is and thats why I respect you.
i believe that there is only one man who can take on this company ....

our DAVID to defeat the Goliath ! There is only one man from our village who can slay this dragon!!

Hurra hurra hurra!

you all know of whom i speak!

hurra hurra hurra! :up:


Sit down...........You weren't even nominated!!!!!!!!!!
Joe I agree with ya 100%, but what bothers me is that there are so many people who are willing to start complaining about the ND08 team before they even get their feet wet, but if you've been a part of the past you know how long Canales boys were in control of things, and while its going to be hard, people need to realize its going to take time to get where we want to be as a Union

Its not enough to sit in the break room and complain. Get up and do something. Get involved. We all can make a difference. Ask someone like MC or NH "What can I do to help?". Get involved with your Safety Committee or another committee. Step up and together we can take control our own destiny.
Who is this David?

I know this one you refer to as "Stump". I hope this is not Freedoms "David".

why joe , i speak of none other than Ron Roth ....

like Moses he could stretch out his hand and say to the company "be still , or i shall bring plague upon you "

ok , well maybe not like Moses , but i'll bet you the company hates him the most ... and seeing as the new direction team is new , his experience could be beneficial .... of course we could always keep him in reserve if the talks broke down ... :ph34r:
Welcome back...........we always need insight from a company lover, by the way,
hows dp and the rest of the fleet service hater's, we know what bed you sleep in.
Also, I heard that Delaney already made room for one of Canale's supporters to rejoin the eboard and made room for him with $100,000 job with the memberships new dues increase, even in the midst of less members and more layoffs, tell me this isn't true Nelson? Also, why aren't the other posters who supported the New Direction posting nowadays?

Janitor sez, "Why aren't new direction supporters posting?"
I presume you're referring to the officers elected and those who helped coordinate the campaign? First off, because Rich explicitly discourages it. 3 still post under their handle, one completely refrains now, one just created a new one, and I still post under my name so Im not sure if anyone has stopped posting other than one. More likely, they have been very busy and don't have as much time to post.

Janitor sez, "I heard that Delaney already made room for one of Canale's supporters to rejoin the eboard and made room for him with $100,000 job with the memberships new dues increase, even in the midst of less members and more layoffs, tell me this isn't true Nelson?"

Nelson sez, Yes he did, the problem at this time is that this district still continues to look alot like the messenger, i.e., 90% United, 10% US AIRWAYS. Rich is not giving the US AIRWAYS AGC's the support they need in servicing the members. Therefore, my fundamental problem is one of the allocation of resources. Especially since the US AIRWAYS AGC"s have tons more stations to cover and tons more members per AGC to serve. Your dues are going up and it's high time that US AIRWAYS members get the same bang for their buck as United members get.

Your AGC's are freakn swamped, honestly have little time to answer their phones and are in sore need of Rich allocating resources towards the US AIRWAYS AGC"s before he starts filling more $100,000 jobs at United. For the record, what this means is that he can utilize and assign Johnny Nielsen some duties to lesson the load on the AGC's so the membership will be better served. He chose not to do that. I heard the excuses but it was pure BS. Bottom line. Plus, it's the decent thing to do since JN is an elected official but was screwed over and terminated while being nominated for office. He should also address the open VP spot. From the beginning I felt that Bobby Boland is most qualified for that spot but since he has moved on, why not fill that spot with Mike Fairbanks who served on negotiating committees and is in charge of CLT? At any rate, it needs to be filled and it needs to be full-time in support of the AGC's.

As for the AGC's themselves, they're fine. Whether United or US AIRWAYS, the newly elected AGC's are solid.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I think some of you are a little too hard on Freedom.
He seems to be a harmless sort to me. Anyway he was
nice to me when I first came on the board. BTW welcome
Charlie Brown. As long as your not in the mold of say. Shocker,
you ought to do allright.

SILLY POST WARNING: If your not in the right mood you are
advised to immediately proceed to the next post. Hopefully
more wise economic advice.

So anyway, there I was. It was 2AM. I was lying in bed
in a cold sweat when of the sudden the ghost of Canale
appeared to me. After the obligatory small talk Canale began
to relate all the lame things he had done to damage Fleet Service.

Then he told me an idea he had which he thought may help us
in our recent delema with the attendence point system. He told
me a place to go where I could get these pills which would cause
a violent stomach flu EXACTLY two hours after taking them.

Then he told me to get 100 rampers to take these pills one hour
before work. At 30 minutes before work the rampers should call in sick and
then ask if this will cost them a point. When the supervisor says
Yes then the ramper is to say "Even though I'm sick, I'm going to come
to work".

Canale's ghost went on to explain that at exactly one hour and fifty minutes
from taking the pill the ramper should go up to the supervisor's office to
appologize for calling in sick when he really didn't need to. After about
seven minutes the ramper is to ask the supevisor for advice on how he
can better serve the company in terms of his own attendence ethic.

Canale said that it should be left up to the dramatic sence of the ramper
as to whether he is standing or sitting or his proximity to said supervisor
at the two hour mark.

I thanked Canale for the idea and told him as far as I was concerned he
was an OK guy. When I woke up the following morning there was this big
bottle of pills on my nightstand. What do you guys think?

Thanks BF
... i cannot tell you how utterly pessimistic i am about the future ... i

Would it brighten your future if I told you that the airlines aren't as bad as you think? That Delta rampers are getting a 4% raise, and Continental rampers are getting another 2.5% [well over $20hr] in January plus a boost in thier own 401k?

hang in there because the IAM will get decent pay raises at United and that will set a bar for US AIRWAYS fleet service to get boosted up in a few years.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Janitor: If your not allready doing something for the union I'll
ask you to entertain that thought. I remember back in march
during the craziest time you came on here and supplied a few
knockout punches for the good guys.

Tim, as usual, I agree with almost everything you say. MC was
out in SAN today. I was going to the meeting and I was going
to tell the guys that I didn't think he would be around for a while
and there he was.

Remember folks also that RD was a good candidate precisely because
he was UA. At the time it would have been a big gamble to go
with someone at US.
why joe , i speak of none other than Ron Roth ....

like Moses he could stretch out his hand and say to the company "be still , or i shall bring plague upon you "

ok , well maybe not like Moses , but i'll bet you the company hates him the most ... and seeing as the new direction team is new , his experience could be beneficial .... of course we could always keep him in reserve if the talks broke down ... :ph34r:

what experience would you be referring to all his MANAGEMENT TIME... ROTH is nothing but a company pattsy and will be GONE in 2 yrs..
So anyway, there I was. It was 2AM. I was lying in bed
in a cold sweat when of the sudden the ghost of Canale
appeared to me. After the obligatory small talk Canale began
to relate all the lame things he had done to damage Fleet Service.

Thanks BF

Obviously you DIDN'T heed the Warnings of doing DRUGS in the seventys..
they said this day would come. GOD speed to you my friend in your recovery :lol: :shock:

next you'll be telling us about a shark that was talking to ya while you were paddling out to catch the big one.. :lol: :lol:
Would it brighten your future if I told you that the airlines aren't as bad as you think? That Delta rampers are getting a 4% raise, and Continental rampers are getting another 2.5% [well over $20hr] in January plus a boost in thier own 401k?

hang in there because the IAM will get decent pay raises at United and that will set a bar for US AIRWAYS fleet service to get boosted up in a few years.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

while it's a nice thought that other companies are getting raises , it's stuck in the back of my mind that our industry could be turned off like a light bulb in a severe economic down turn ... which is coming next year .. you should note that the steel workers of America secured their best union contract of all time this year but now they've begun to lay off workers because demand has all but dried up ....

Dear B737-200

of course i love my company .....my company puts money into my bank account every two weeks .... my company lets me travel for free within the US , my company helps to take care of me when i'm sick (althou not so much lately ) and my company gives me discounts that i can use to help my friends and family fly .... don't go so hard core union that you forget our union is part of this company , and that we as individuals are also part of this company .... unions and companies were made to work together for the betterment of both the worker and the company , but the main objective is and always will be company first ...
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