Massive Psa Cancelations

Aug 20, 2002
The massive PSA crew cancelations continue! Over 70 flights as of 1700 today. Nearly 50 already cancelled for Monday.
And so it goes.
Seatacus said:
This wouldn't be some kind of CHAOS action would it? :huh:
No. Its because the pilots at express are being hired at MAA.

The co. has already gone through the mainline furlough list for the pilots. They are now offering openings to pilots at express, and those pilots are bailing out.

This is costing us plenty.Nothing anyone can do. Its part of the "flow through" language in the ALPA agreement.
In some markets we're basically handing people over to other carriers with open arms and a bad taste for US in their mouth. I worked coordinator the other day and in the morning went thru to rebook everyone on a flight that already showed cancelled. There were about 20 people affected on several flights. There were several cities with no flights available for days on US. BGR (Bangor) was one of them. A cancelled flight that night, 2 canx flights the next day with the rest of our service there already full. Just sent them to DL, happy trails. Ironically, they had been rerouted on the way down as well for the same thing. It appears that many of the PSA cities each have at least 1, if not more, cancellations a day every day. To borrow a line,
When would NOW be a good time to go in and precancel and schedule adjust for August? We're better off NOT offering these flights in the first place instead of offering them and then screwing the people over. I dont know why they continue to offer service that we know we cant provide? I guess this isnt covered in our Customer Commitment book anywhere. :down:
It is very sad that this situation has evolved. We have no one to blame except ourselves (i.e. "the company"). We talk about cost-cutting, concessions, etc. etc. and a big problem is we can't even staff the flights we've scheduled. Didn't ANYONE see this coming? Why didn't have lots of extra pilots in the training pipeline? Is J4J to blame?
Cost Cutting has led to Service Cutting. The new improved plan with the Contract and WO carriers operating most of the network is a flop. As you said, we are handing passengers to the competiton in groves. Many of the regulars are getting so disscusted with our poor service and choosing OA on their own. I have never seen such a shoddy operation with weight restrictions and cancellations in my career. And this is the "New Plan" that is going to save the Airline. I always thought that we would want to keep the passengers, not give them to OA.
PITbull said:
No. Its because the pilots at express are being hired at MAA.

The co. has already gone through the mainline furlough list for the pilots. They are now offering openings to pilots at express, and those pilots are bailing out.

This is costing us plenty.Nothing anyone can do. Its part of the "flow through" language in the ALPA agreement.

Actually, this is not true. There is not one PSA pilot in ANY MDA class in July or August, and probably won't be for quit a while. 100% of the pilots are coming from ALG and PDT. This is, however, leading to crew shortages at those carriers. ALG will cancel over 700 flights in July. But that is a seperate story and has nothing to do with the PSA cancellations.
732guy said:
It is very sad that this situation has evolved. We have no one to blame except ourselves (i.e. "the company"). We talk about cost-cutting, concessions, etc. etc. and a big problem is we can't even staff the flights we've scheduled. Didn't ANYONE see this coming? Why didn't have lots of extra pilots in the training pipeline? Is J4J to blame?
J4J certainly is NOT to blame.....the company is to blame. A certain Ms. Smith came up with the staffing plan, and from what I know did not plan for back filling FO positions when J4J people upgraded to Captain, which happens more quickly because we are on a mini-seniority list, so to speak.

Incompetence on the part of management, as usual, is the only logical explanation.

There are a combination of problems with PSA's crew staffing at this time.

They received more aircraft then expected.

They don't have enough check airman to do IOE and SIM.

They have people in the training pipe line that have been sitting for weeks.

Reactionary crew not massive turnover rate in sched.

Blame who-ever you want...but the combination of these problems have led to the massive cancellations.
smfav8r said:
There are a combination of problems with PSA's crew staffing at this time.

They received more aircraft then expected.

They don't have enough check airman to do IOE and SIM.

They have people in the training pipe line that have been sitting for weeks.

Reactionary crew not massive turnover rate in sched.

Blame who-ever you want...but the combination of these problems have led to the massive cancellations.
Yeah, just like I said: Incompetence on the part of management. It's scarry and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. They knew MONTHS ago that they were short on IOE checkairman. Suddenly the FAA realizes they were trying to have people teach IOE without even having 100 hours in type and they say "BS, your instructors have to have 100 hours CRJ time to teach others." Gee, well just how damn unreasonable is that?! Darn that pesky FAA, wanting this rapidly expanding airline to have even minimally qualified people teaching IOE.

What a joke. :angry:
I just love the 40 Million Dollar static Display in CLT.... That CRJ-700, just sits in CLT all day.. Maybe would could sell tickets to allow families on board just to look at it... hmmmm 2 dollars a head.... Cool, I will put the sign on it today... Atleast then it will make some kind of money!!
Give me a break guys, THIS IS THE EMPLOYEES FAULT. Lets just take more money from them and this will go away. MANAGEMENT is never at fault for running a Pi$$-Poor Airline, NEVER. I am sure we will hear a Bravo-Zullo from Bruce about how well the Express Division is being run.
From the front line managers thru the division and director levels, all the way up to the top, no manager believes he can ever be wrong about anything. If he didnt think of it, then the idea is no good. They love to slap each other on the back and congrat's to all for their job well done. Anything that doesnt work is obviously the problem of the employees who are not working hard enuf or smart enuf or just there causing trouble. It's all those damn front line employees thats the problem. Thats the problem with this company and their team of managers. They all think out of the same box and can not see the forrest because of all the trees.
79 cancellations/ 97 flight segments as of about 6pm today. I did notice that they have at least canx for two days out on some flights now. Thats a start, but, um, rez, anyone have the time to call the customers and reskd them now? :shock:
In the company's mind...screw the customers....who are they gonna complain to a year from now????????? US....who???