Midatlantic Recall Process


Aug 20, 2002
So not long ago, I received a letter, regular mail, from Midatlantic offering me an opportunity to bid for a training class.

In the letter, it said I could

1) Bid for one of two classes
2) Pass for the first round
3) Permanently pass

It also said that if the company didn't have my bid by June 1st at noon, I would be considered to have permanently passed.

Problem was, I received the letter on June 2nd. Doh!

I know several other furloughed f/a's who also received their letters late or never received one at all (folks senior to me... and yes, the company has their current addresses!).

I am very concerned that if it happened to me and many people I know that these problems are widespread.

Furthermore, can anyone answer me the question, "Why were the recall notices sent regular mail?"

So far, I have been told that MDA is not operating under the same contract that mainline is under, so the Mainline AFA contract requirement of certified mail for recall notices. Instead, I'm reminded that the restructuring agreement that was crammed down everyones throat stated that MDA would operate under a mirror contract with American Eagle.

Well, this festered in my noggin for a couple weeks until I finally went and looked up the American Eagle contract which can be found at this line (warning, it's a big-ass pdf file) If you take a look at page 62, Section 17, part C, subpart 2:

"A Flight Attendant will be notified by the Company via reply requested telegram or certified letter, return receipt requested, of his/her recall with the Company. After delivery of such notice to the last address on file with the Company, the Flight Attendant will be allowed a period of seven (7) business days within which to notify the Company of her/his intent to return to work."

Hmmmmm, if MDA is operating under a mirror contract, then recall notices should have complied with this unless AFA negotiated a different arrangement (I'd be surprised if AFA agreed to regular mail notification).

Perhaps PITbull or someone can comment upon this.

This certainly appears to have been a violation of the terms of the restructuring agreements.

Remedies for such a violation (which I consider also a violation of seniority rights) would include, but not be limited to:

1) Any furloughee who was considered "permanently passed" for failure to return the bid form would be converted to "passed the first round" and given an opportunity to bid on the second round.

2) Any future recall notifications should conform to the certified mail requirement as described in the American Eagle f/a contract.

Comments (particularly from union folks)? Anyone else have this experience?

In solidarity,
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I've got a message waiting for her. I'm a big fan of PITbull, but I thought I ought to share this more broadly in case there were others who experienced this.

In solidarity,
I have received a letter from MDA (fllight attendant position) The letter was sent to me regular mail and certified. A lot of those around my senority was sent the letter the same way. Even after they changed there address. But I was told that even if you passed for good and dont respond, they will still offer you a position in next round. That is why the senority list for the month of June, July, and August was so high. A lot of senior folks passed last May or April class but they still sent them a letter for the next couple of classes giving them a chance to change their minds. I really dont know what is goind on. But I do know that someone senior to me request for the August class and ended up in the July class. Now I request for the August class and even though the results are not out yet, if I get in that class, they are not sticking to their word on choices we may have when returning to work. If I dont get in the august class, then they never received my mail nor fax and I live in the maryland, dc, va area. I know they got one of them.
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Thanks Cancer69,

Strange that they are sending certified mail in some cases and not in others. Seems awfully slipshod to me.

In solidarity,
airlineorphan said:
I've got a message waiting for her. In solidarity,

The local has received no calls on f/as receiving their mail late. The local has received calls of f/as who forgot to send in their response and those who are waiting for a response to their bid. The co. only placed 50 for July and 50 for Aug. However, they sent out 1100 packets. Management is going to have 21 a/c by Sept 1. Currently, there are 10 a/c on the property.

The contract that was ratified, if you reveiw the winter ratified agreement, states that workrules, wages and benefits will be that of American Eagle contract.

The rest of the peripheral contract (outside of these 3 sections) had to be NEGOTIATED. The mainline U contract is what the negotiating committee is striving for...it is not a given, and no language states that it was to be a "mirror" of mainline.

Certified mail for these notices is what is being proposed by the MAA neg. committee. Co. postion is the expense of certified mail. They have started at the top twice of the list. Nonetheless, AFA takes the position that "certified mail" is what must be used to notify f/as of these positions to ensure they are receiving these "recall" notices.

I can't explain why your notice was sent late. Its hard to prove without certified mail. However, that is negotiaable. What you need to send is supporting documentation to present to the co., (like the orginal envelope you received that states June 2 posting). That would be instrumental to show the co. that these notices are not proving timely.

Again, send some kind of documentation you received for verification. That will help the argument to the company.

PS: In the beginning of the "recall notification" they were not certified, but I believe subsequentely they were all certified or were suppose to be.
cancer69 said:
I have received a letter from MDA (fllight attendant position) The letter was sent to me regular mail and certified. A lot of those around my senority was sent the letter the same way. Even after they changed there address. But I was told that even if you passed for good and dont respond, they will still offer you a position in next round. That is why the senority list for the month of June, July, and August was so high. A lot of senior folks passed last May or April class but they still sent them a letter for the next couple of classes giving them a chance to change their minds. I really dont know what is goind on. But I do know that someone senior to me request for the August class and ended up in the July class. Now I request for the August class and even though the results are not out yet, if I get in that class, they are not sticking to their word on choices we may have when returning to work. If I dont get in the august class, then they never received my mail nor fax and I live in the maryland, dc, va area. I know they got one of them.

Because we don't have a "complete" agreement, the co. started at the top of the list again as round #2 became available for bidding. That is why they were contacted again.

AFA's position is that it should be two FULL passes; the co. states 1. Still being negotiated.
I received my notice in a timely matter by certified mail. I would like to know if there is any way to know what seniority those clases in august were handed out to???

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