New Uniform Info


Mar 22, 2004
Nice to see something lighthearted, and sounds good so far...

Happy New Year.

Candi and I hope that 2006 is being good to all of you so far.

For all of our fashionistas and not so . . . well we'll just leave it at that, the uniform steering committee met on January 09/10 in Tempe, Arizona at corporate headquarters to discuss the next step in the construction of our new uniform. The purpose of this meeting was to view concepts, designs, and elements of what the uniform could (I can't stress that word enough) become. It should be noted that a vendor has not been selected as of yet. Aramark was selected to present design/style concepts, but the bid for the final contract will be open to several uniform vendors. Once a vendor has been selected and the design has been finalized we will begin the next stage of this process by wear testing all of the pieces. Upon the conclusion of the wear test we will accept or decline the items that work and those that need some tweaking. On a side note I just want to say that I like that word "tweaking." It's a little dirty. So say it with me . . . tweaking.

OK, lets get to the good stuff. What do we know to be fact as of this date? COLOR . . . The core base of the uniform pants, blazer, etc., will be midnight navy blue or in simple terms the color you are wearing now. Grey and red will be used as accent colors only. I hear the moans and cries and I promise we are doing everything possible to infuse as much color into the new design as we can. Well, sadly sports fans, but that's it. I know it's not a lot but everything else we have looked at is still on the table for discussion and debate. There are several items the committee agreed upon, but cannot be made concrete until a vendor is selected and wear tests are complete. The committee will continue to meet over the next few months to hammer out all of the details or possibly each other. We will keep you updated as decisions are finalized. I can say that what we have seen to date has been very promising and I believe will be well received.

Many of you have asked what will make up the "core" uniform and what will be considered accessories. In general it will consist of a Blazer - men/women, Pants - men/women, Shirt - men/women, Skirt - women, and Dress - women. Other items may be added to this list and we will update you when the list is complete. A distribution date for the new uniform has not been discussed yet nor has the number of pieces that will make up the "core." Upon that decision items should follow current contract language for replacement/ new uniform. Translation, the company pays for it.

It's that time again. The Myth Buster portion of our e-line.

Myth 1: The tie/tab tie seems to be a BIG issue. The belief is that they are no longer required because AWA doesn't require them. Fiction: Yes, it is true that AWA instituted a policy this past summer season that they did not have to wear their tie. However that policy is for the summer season only. From the months of November through April all employees must wear neck wear required by their respective groups. As a side note the policies that AWA have in effect do not apply to our work group as we are still considered two different carriers.

Myth 2: We are getting khakis/chinos in the new uniform. Fiction: Sorry gang the new company mantra is business casual not the "GAP." The pants will remain a dress style type of pant.

Myth3: Our names are being put on our wings. Fiction: However, the committee is discussing the possibility of names being embroidered on the apron.

Myth4: We are getting Cuban camp shirts as part of the new uniform. Sort of Fact: I don't want to get your hopes up to high. The uniform steering committee is aggressively looking for a Hawaiian (Tommy Bahama) style of shirt that can be worn on the Carribean and Hawaiian markets, but we have not been unable to acquire a style that has been accepted yet. We will keep trying though.

This is the part were we take questions from the audience:

First Question: I saw a male ramper with a pony tail on my last trip and I wanted to know if he has one why can't I have one?

Answer: Hmm, there is an after school special in that question somewhere. Well, the company handles the situation like this. The ramp is considered "in non view of the general public" and we (in-flight) are considered " in view of the general public." With that in mind the ramp was given greater leeway with hair styles, but they are still required to follow certain guidelines. The I of E (Impressions of Excellence) says the following for Ramp: Male- section 4.3 From the front your hair must not be longer than the middle of your ear. From the back, make sure your hair doesn't extend lower than the top of your shirt collar line. If you wear a longer hairstyle, it must be neatly secured under authorized hats or wigs at all times when you are in uniform.( I am not even going to touch that part about the wig. It's just way to easy). In-flight: Male- section 4.3 From the front, your hair must be properly layered or styled so that it doesn't fall into your eyes or cover your brow line. From the back, make sure your hair doesn't extend lower than the top of your jacket collar. You must not secure your hair in any manner ( for example, using bands or clips). Consider this, without the ponytail you have less chance of someone calling you Miss than Mister. Thanks for your question.

Question Two: A supervisor came on my plane to do a gate check before boarding a few weeks ago and told me that my dress was to short. I'm 26 and have been told that I have great legs. I see nothing wrong with the length of my dress. My question is what is the policy and can you do something to update it?

Answer: Well, first congratulations for having "Rockette" quality legs. I myself think that I have great looking legs and our passengers and the world are being dealt a great disservice by not seeing them, but I digress. The policy according to the I of E states Women: Sections 2.2 and 2.5 Your dress/skirt length must be between the middle of your knee and 2 inches below the bottom of your knee. Although hem lines go up and down as quickly as our stock price the companies take on it is that since we are lifting our arms to place an item in or retrieve one from the over head, or bending over for that matter, the required length should prevent the possibility of an unfortunate woo hoo moment. It should be pointed out that if the supervisor makes a point of this you will be responsible to replace the dress at your expense since the dress was altered with out authorization and out of compliance. Think of it this way. You know you have great legs and now we all know you have great legs. So let there remain a little mystery with the traveling public. Thanks for your question.

I see that we are at the end of this edition of "From the Hanger." Thanks for taking the time to be up to date. Candi and I, as well as our counterparts on the west side Robin and Bob, will continue working hard to ensure we have the best quality uniform we can put together. We will keep you update as our meetings continue and will let you know when the wear testing begins so you can keep a look out for some of the new pieces. As an added opportunity to voice your opinion regarding the uniform process and direction log on and speak up through the company web site [email protected] and add your thoughts. Fly Fast and Fly Safe.

Candi Covelli [email protected]
Brian Morgan [email protected]

AFA MEC US Airways Uniform Chairs
"Myth4: We are getting Cuban camp shirts as part of the new uniform. Sort of Fact: I don't want to get your hopes up to high. The uniform steering committee is aggressively looking for a Hawaiian (Tommy Bahama) style of shirt that can be worn on the Carribean and Hawaiian markets, but we have not been unable to acquire a style that has been accepted yet. We will keep trying though."

Make it so!!!
"A supervisor came on my plane to do a gate check before boarding a few weeks ago and told me that my dress was to short. I'm 26 and have been told that I have great legs."

I'm a 27 year old male pilot who also has "great legs".


Can I wear a short skirt/dress to work inorder to show them off?
Heck, if the ACLU can help a school aged boy wear a skirt, I cant see why they cant help you.. ROFL
Nice to see something lighthearted, and sounds good so far...

Happy New Year.

Candi and I hope that 2006 is being good to all of you so far.
but they are still required to follow certain guidelines. The I of E (Impressions of Excellence) says the following for Ramp: Male
So we are still are going by the old Wolf Impressions of Excellence Policy or we just cherry picking it.
"A supervisor came on my plane to do a gate check before boarding a few weeks ago and told me that my dress was to short. I'm 26 and have been told that I have great legs.
Myth #5- 26? We at east don't have anybody under ##!!!

Censored- We don't give out age. ;)
Ooops, they meant 62. And no, that's not a roadmap of DC on her left calf.
"A supervisor came on my plane to do a gate check before boarding a few weeks ago and told me that my dress was to short. I'm 26 and have been told that I have great legs.
Myth #5- 26? We at east don't have anybody under ##!!!

Censored- We don't give out age. ;)

She must work for US West if she's only 26.
i think we should just look at all the other airlines and steal their idea SAS has a nice uniform.....sort of a gasoline attendent cut....but it looks good and simple
Not to be totally sexist but there are alot of US Airways F/A's who at 45 - 55 look far better than their 20 something counterparts at other carriers. Not to mention they are a heck of a lot friendlier for the most part.
Isn't that the TRUTH! When I read reports that emphasize the lack of WIDEBODIES on the USAirways property, I shudder and think "OPEN your EYES" you see what I see? And honey, I am NOT talking Airplanes. MEOW! :shock: