PHL LECP double dipping just like predecessor?

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Here's something to throw out to the PHL members. The rent for the Local 70 office I'm just guessing is around the $1,500 to $2,000 a month mark. With the work of a union office basically being virtual why the need to "man an office"? I can bet that the office can count on ONE hand how many flight attendant go to that office. The majority in Philly are commuters with no cars and won't be dropping by to check things out. That would be a nice little chunk of change to add to the pot. If you have voted members available 8 hours a day or more by phone or email would it really matter if they were in the office or on the moon? Now before someone says "well whats the problem with JM not being in the office doing etb"..... THAT is not the case right now. There IS an office so it should be manned. Not saying it isn't at all times but ya get my point. It would be something to toss around.
That makes a lot of sense. That's what they did in PIT. They got rid of the building and everything was done via cell phone and computer from one's home.
Here's a that the PIT base will no longer be, where will the MEC office move to ?
That makes a lot of sense. That's what they did in PIT. They got rid of the building and everything was done via cell phone and computer from one's home.
Here's a that the PIT base will no longer be, where will the MEC office move to ?

The MEC first, have to buy their way out of the lease. That is where the International will have to get involved.

I venture Mike F. will push for a CLT MEC office but it whould be in PHL, IMO. None the less, these folks don't show up anyway.

The members need to hold the officers responsible to show up at an office before the investment is made. The MEC office could be consolidated with the PHL office. They can contribute 50/50 from each other's budgets. That of course, would have to be done only by an agenda item at an MEC meeting to be voted on.
Again, you can't get these preent folks to be at an office to utilize it to even justify the dues $$$.

There needs to be an agenda item presented and voted on on the Local and MEC level to hold these officers accountable to show up to work, not use a cell phone to do business. There is a policy in the USAirways MEC Policy and Procedure that dictates the MEC officers schedule of days per week in the office, and its FOUR per week!

If these folks can't follow this procedure, than someone needs to present to amend the policy via an MEC agenda item which and president can offer. Since they haven't, they are held to the long-standing policy.
It would be something to toss around.

While the decision is certainly up the the local council crewmembers, the PHL local council office has certain advantages. Commuting drivers pass very close to the office, facilitating access. Non-drivers can take the employee lot bus and either be picked up for the short drive or endure a relatively short walk. Clearview Federal Credit Union is just down the hall and the doctor US uses (Wellpoint) is right across the hall. Smaller bases can easily "work" out of someones home, but, until "they" downsize PHL, multiple and sometimes major errors can be avoided with a centrally located, secure area to keep files as well as having a real address for correspondence.

The disadvantage, of course, is the cost, whatever that may be. Perhaps someone could get the real costs from the office, rent, utilities and any kind of periodic services, before everyone speculates themselves out of what could actually be a pretty good deal.
What is the rent and how long is the contract? Sometimes you're better off vacating the building and paying the rent if the contract will be running out soon anyway. It would be a write off.

It wouldn't surprise me either if Mike tried to move the MEC office to Charlotte. It is the largest base not to mention he lives around here somewhere. And the rent around here is sooo much cheaper. It would be a smart move. In fact, it would be a smart move for HQ too.

And yes the offices of the locals as well as the MEC need to get with the new technology.That needs to be changed also. It would save the locals a bundle in rent if they were allowed to work from home. Telecommute.

Think about it.
And yes the offices of the locals as well as the MEC need to get with the new technology.That needs to be changed also. It would save the locals a bundle in rent if they were allowed to work from home. Telecommute.

Think about it.

As I pointed out, telecommuting has its own costs. Locating files and data in one secure location has a lot of advantages, cost-wise. Access to a secure meeting-room can be priceless. YMMV.
What is the rent and how long is the contract? Sometimes you're better off vacating the building and paying the rent if the contract will be running out soon anyway. It would be a write off.

Think about it.

Unions are NON- PROFIT and tax-exempt. There is no write off.

And why should the f/as agree to have the MEC office in CLT???? The base is only big today; tomorrow is a different story.
Unions are NON- PROFIT and tax-exempt. There is no write off.

And why should the f/as agree to have the MEC office in CLT???? The base is only big today; tomorrow is a different story.

Just because you are a Non Profit doesn't mean you aren't allowed tax deductions. As well as losses in rent. That's how one shows that there is no profit. :rolleyes:

And as far as I know, the f/a's have no say as to where a MEC office is located. That is left up to the MEC and I'm sure it will be based on the finances.
Can you elaborate on your "flight attendants have no say where the MEC office is located" comment? Where did we get lost in who has the say around here. We as a group do indeed have a say. We have a say through our LEC officers who make up our MEC. A good MEC would solicite members and bring their opinion in the fold since they are the ones who make up the union. Have we become so disconnected with this fundamental idea that we just are willing to hand the entire control over to the MEC? That is the USSR or China, not a democratic union. I know what it's been lately but that is not the way it's constitution reads.
I don't know what the constitution reads.

Never thought to look it up yet at the same time, I don't recall anyone ever asking me where it should be located either. In all the years I've been working here, not once has anyone ever asked me where I think the MEC office should be located.

PIT isn't the answer because it will no longer be around. So your choices are between PHL and CLT. And as I said, it's a good bet it will be in CLT because the rent will be less.

And how much it costs will be the name of the game. Unless, somehow the MEC finds a cheaper property in PHL. NOT! The rent in PHL is through the roof and you know it. Where else would you consider it? BOS? LGA? Oh, please!!

Anyway, what do you care? It's just an office. Great googamoogaley. I wouldn't care if it was in Fargo. My LECP is my concern.
"I don't know what the constitution reads. "

YIKES! The spirit of the bylaws is that the members are AFA

"Never thought to look it up yet at the same time, I don't recall anyone ever asking me where it should be located either. In all the years I've been working here, not once has anyone ever asked me where I think the MEC office should be located."

And that doesn't strike you as odd?

Rule # 1 : Get familiar with your union. How it works, the bylaws, your contract and always know you have the power. It's a democracy not a dictatorship.

Rule #2: When in doubt, refer back to rule #1.
"I don't know what the constitution reads. "

YIKES! The spirit of the bylaws is that the members are AFA

"Never thought to look it up yet at the same time, I don't recall anyone ever asking me where it should be located either. In all the years I've been working here, not once has anyone ever asked me where I think the MEC office should be located."

And that doesn't strike you as odd?

Rule # 1 : Get familiar with your union. How it works, the bylaws, your contract and always know you have the power. It's a democracy not a dictatorship.

Rule #2: When in doubt, refer back to rule #1.

Okay.. educate me. What does the constitution say about this?
PIT isn't the answer because it will no longer be around. So your choices are between PHL and CLT.
What about PHX? At some point won't East and West F/As be consolidated into one MEC?

What is the F/A population of PHX compared to PHL?

Wouldn't it make sense for an MEC office, which is dealing with systemwide issues, to be near where systemwide decisions are being made?
You are missing the point or maybe you're getting it and disagree. I was referring to AFA being a member run institution via their LECP and MEC to the BOD. If the membership has an opinion on where the MEC office should be their LECP should solicited (hark yes inform the people they work for) that an issue exists on the location. A good LECP and MEC memember would want feedback from the membership. They then take that to the MEC meeting and make a decision based on what their base wants.
It's a blanket statement in the Bylaws on all issues for the most part. Just because people never asked us at US Airways doesn't mean we don't have a say. Our voice over the "years" has been stifled and vocal cords cut.
Since there has been no real issue up until this time that I'm aware of, let it be known that I think it (the MEC Office ) should be in CLT.

Well, at this point it has no bees wax being in PIT. Too hard to get to and sucks up seats for people that need to get to work. I agree CLT or PHX. I say PHX (unless another merger saga breaks loose and a merged contract is reached) as it's closer to HQ. No better location. You won't answer the phone Tempe? Fine, I will walk down the street and knock on your door.
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