PHL LECP double dipping just like predecessor?

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No argument here! Apparently she is behind the moves of JM & ME. Now I have that on pretty good authority but I wouldn't stake my life on it.

I would put my bets that Pat Friend is no friends of JM or MF. MF was so arrogant that he ran against her thinking he would get enough support to beat her. Hell, he didn't even get the majority votes of the USAirways MEC. And no love lost between PF and JM either.

Don't have to love PFor hate her....I just know there is no love lost between her and JM and she knows well, as the entire union, he's a self serving, egocentric political dogg.
It is time for PF to go bye-bye. She is ranked right there below Canale and does not look out for the memberships best interests. Gentile needs to step into JM's shoes and run, MF needs to be replaced. Play it smart people!
It's just a matter of time before JM's and MF's little bubble bursts. Oh add the company to that bursting bubble as well. The silence is deafening isn't it? The "I don't have to explain" attitude is not helping ya either pal. Your a "barely" elected official and you DO need to explain. If your so busy on the phones with daily business we wouldn't want the whole base calling to get the true story now would we? Don't wanna tie up the phone lines. :lol: JM and MF think of the group that post here as some sort of little cult. FACT...they don't think it really matters. WELL, we have friends who have friends who have friends. This BS going on will cease and JM will be out on the line meeting and getting to his members soon enough. :up:
I met Mark Gentile exactly one time. I found him to be warm, open and very serious when it comes to the flight attendents. He would be an asset in any capacity to an organization. As I've been reading this thread I was wondered if his name would come up in discussion.

An awful lot of Senior folks in PIT put their fate in Mark's hands so he must have something going for him

I speak with him quite often. He transferred to CLT. Thught he would have been great in PHL and would have been able to get enough votes to throw out the current leadership.
I recieved a very nice, well worded private message from someone with a different point of view then the prevailing one here. Frankly folks it has some merit.

The poster makes a strong case for having a LECP who is out flying the line and observing first hand the challenges all of you face day to day. That is essentially the concept of "Management by walking around", seeing and being seen and you can make a case for it.

Now the issue as I understand it is that the LECP is drawing 105 hours in Flight Pay Loss and flying as many TATL trips as possible through ETB. Am I correct in my assumption?

So if that is the main issue then it would seem that a competent LECP could draw oh 73 hours of FPL and make up the rest through ETB and be in the office and on the line. All that person would have to do is post a schedule both physical and electronic for F/A's to view. Additionally the LECP should have the latest in digital technology in order to respond promptly to members.

To me accessibility and someone who truly understands the system should be able to wage a winning campaign merely by running on a platform of total openess and accessibility. The digital tools exist that would allow the LECP to be very effective for the membership.

Let's hope such a person emerges.

Transparency has always been the key to good leadership and reelection. There are two issues, Bob, regarding JM. Go back and read what career reserve had posted. She has the issues laid out. I've got to get out of here and run to class...

Your post has some good points but your little BIRDIE needs to come out and have this conversation with he people they work for. US the flight attendants! We give them direction, not the other way around! We as a group determine what is and is not acceptable.
I mean to this date no report on the last LEC meeting in PHL. No minutes no NOTHING! We told them we found it unacceptable to only give 1 week notice for these things and were promised much more advanced notice. Have we gotten so much as a peep? Nadda. Zippo. NOTHING! They are floating by like breeze down a hallway. They know the jig up is. This is a no brainer! Case closed! Q.E.D.! Over and out! Hit the road "John" and don't you come back no more, no more! Get up to the phone or computer and mark your ballets, and if you don't mark them right, then you deserve everything you get.
Transparency has always bee nthe key to good leadership and reelection. There are two issues, Bob, regarding JM. Go back and read what career reserve had posted. She has the issues laid out. I've got to get out of here and run to class...

I saw Paul Kinsey at DCA the other day if anyone wanted to know...who's he anyways? the "moron" responsible for the staffing at US Airways?
If any LECP wants to spend some time with the membership to keep a pulse on what’s going on, they can do that by hanging out in the Crew Room. Bring the cellphone and laptop and you’ve got your virtual office.

Hey, why not post a schedule? So-and-so will be available on X days at X time if you want to stop by and chat with you elected officials.
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I recieved a very nice, well worded private message from someone with a different point of view then the prevailing one here. Frankly folks it has some merit.

The poster makes a strong case for having a LECP who is out flying the line and observing first hand the challenges all of you face day to day. That is essentially the concept of "Management by walking around", seeing and being seen and you can make a case for it.

I'm all for having the LECP out flying the line and observing first hand the challenges we face....Mark Gentile flew a few trips per month to keep his finger on the pulse of the base and deducted it from his FPL so he did not get paid both.

If he flew a trip worth 10 hours and he was collecting 85 hours FPL, then for that month he only collected 75 hrs. FPL for that month. He still ended up getting paid 85 hrs but he was not a glutton out flying ETB AND collecting his 85.

In addition, Mark did trips with multiple legs per day in order to be in touch with as many F/As (changing a/c, etc) AND passengers. that's the way it should be done.

Someone sent me a very nice PM saying that perhaps JM had those days off in DEC or he was on VAC. First off, he has an open PPO block so yes, he would not have had any flying activity at all in his schedule. Secondly, the suggestion that he had VAC is ludacrious for someone w/ 1989 seniority during the week between Christmas and New Years. You need to have what ? 30+, 40+ years for that.

Next ?
That sounds good in theory but our f/as are not disciplined for overflying. They get an overflying letter which they just laugh at and toss in the trash. When we asked a supervisor in PHL why they aren't putting a stop to it, they said that because everytime they try to, the union comes charging in and won't let them do anything. When we asked MF about it, he said the f/as are being "discipline". Well, I'm sorry but giving a letter does absolutely nothing but waste trees. Our union is permitting this to happen as much as the company is! So who can we go to in order to put a stop to this? BTW I am a RSV so I wouldn't be able to overfly even if I wanted to.

The Overfly Letter itself could be considered discipline, since it documents a violation of policy/contract and remains in your file. Actually, since overfly is operational conduct, and not dependability, it could remain indefinately. All the more reason to grieve it.

Just my 1 cent.
I have no idea what transpires in PHL when it comes to "hands-on" interaction. But I will say some of your ideas are very good, Bob.

Having PDA's or Blackberrys is probably too much for the budget, though. The budgets for each local is very thin. But I like it.

In Charlotte, there is an open door policy. It's very friendly.

And I've never had a problem contacting my LECP on the weekend or a holiday. She answers her phone. And guess what?? She's in the office during the weekend, too.

They tried setting up in the crew room a few years ago but it was a disaster. The LECP just about needed a bodyguard. The crewmembers that were coming in and out were more interested in chewing him out than having a real discourse. I felt so bad for Steve. Poor guy.

So, I'd guess, that's not in the future.

Anyway, as an aside, these ideas go best with a well informed and educated membership. We have too many members who have never read their contract and then get all pissed when things aren't going their way.

So I think the Union should make a big push on EDUCATING THE MEMBERS!!!

Just a thought.
Here's something to throw out to the PHL members. The rent for the Local 70 office I'm just guessing is around the $1,500 to $2,000 a month mark. With the work of a union office basically being virtual why the need to "man an office"? I can bet that the office can count on ONE hand how many flight attendant go to that office. The majority in Philly are commuters with no cars and won't be dropping by to check things out. That would be a nice little chunk of change to add to the pot. If you have voted members available 8 hours a day or more by phone or email would it really matter if they were in the office or on the moon? Now before someone says "well whats the problem with JM not being in the office doing etb"..... THAT is not the case right now. There IS an office so it should be manned. Not saying it isn't at all times but ya get my point. It would be something to toss around.
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