Post Ratification Headcount


Aug 20, 2002
Post Ratification the company will want 3500 Union personnel on all maintenance bases.l

These numbers are approxmately:

4100 Tulsa 2600+600+300=3500
600 CLT
300 PIT
300 DWH
5400 Total
Does that mean that 1900 will be furloughed? Is 3500 agreed to by union and management? If so, some union negotiators need to turn in their cards.That's a 35% reduction in total staffing. Their not going to eliminate that much maintenance. Must mean they are going to outsource it.

Update: Guys, I just noticed that the board changed my math calculation result from 35% to 5%. Just edited it to put the 3 back in the sentence.
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Does that mean that 1900 will be furloughed? Is 3500 agreed to by union and management? If so, some union negotiators need to turn in their cards.That's a 35% reduction in total staffing. Their not going to eliminate that much maintenance. Must mean they are going to outsource it.

The Unions have not agreed to any outsourcing or the insulting offer the Company dramatically placed on their Corporate computer system to attempt an end run around our Negotiating committees.
The members have aright to know what the ASS ociation proposal is.
We do not trust this company but the ASS ociation is not far behind.
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Does that mean that 1900 will be furloughed? Is 3500 agreed to by union and management? If so, some union negotiators need to turn in their cards.That's a 35% reduction in total staffing. Their not going to eliminate that much maintenance. Must mean they are going to outsource it.
At this time according to the company videos on JetNet, it will not be a furlough but through attrition to reach the goal of 3500 base maintenance, before the early out is considered.
At this time according to the company videos on JetNet, it will not be a furlough but through attrition to reach the goal of 3500 base maintenance, before the early out is considered.
"Attrition", now thats funny! There will be involuntary "attrition" before the ink is dry on the JCBA! Been there, done that! No thanks.
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"Attrition", now that's funny! There will be involuntary "attrition" before the ink is dry on the JCBA! Been there, done that! No thanks.
Somewhere today perhaps Facebook, I heard the company wants to be selective in the early out?
Somewhere today perhaps Facebook, I heard the company wants to be selective in the early out?

Heard the same. It absolutely can not be tied to the JCBA. There is nothing stopping the company from offering that early out now. $105k and convert unused sick time to retiree medical bridge and I think you would have plenty of guys lined up to go.
Their offer, before Section 6, will probably be 3% above UA, with 2.5% annual raises. (assuming DL doesn't have a wage increase before then)
NY'er, I would predict that Delta, at this point and time, will wait for AA to get new JCBA and then they will get new raises. I did that right after UAL came to a new contract I think...
At this time according to the company videos on JetNet, it will not be a furlough but through attrition to reach the goal of 3500 base maintenance, before the early out is considered.

We had attrition back in 1995 at AFW after that contract was signed. Management went into the shops and said your leaving.