Recall of Council 89 CLT LEC

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The writer is upset with you perhaps because this great idea that everyone knew was so right to do (to vote down the ta) was so wrong and was mostly done out of pride and arrogance. Voting down the TA had a cost to it that was not only a dollar figure, but also a quality of life for many. Sadly, this misstep can mainly attributed to mental laziness mixed in with pure fantasy of 'how great I am', then of course later on, reality set in.

Now we're having a bad hair day and to trivialize this in terms of a contest that sometimes you win sometimes you lose is bordering on flamebate really.

I hope that one day your sing song attitude matures and is able to thoughtfully draw and think of better conclusions that what you are producing thus far. Or does this to have to be input into you ROBOT/PaulBot!

Since it really isn't my fight I read it to stay informed as even as a customer I do care that those whom I'm in contact with on the road are well treated. My message has been the same since the roaches were founded. "It's impossible to have real customer satisfaction until you have employee satisfaction." That is a core belief that will never change.

One thing I can't stand is non stop whining which is why I replied the way I did. I found your observations to be quite thought provoking and I thank you for your keen observation of the human condition. I just want to see you guys catch a damn break. Honestly I don't know a duty rig from an oil rig. I don't know why being tied to the pilots is such a big deal. I read and learn but not fast enough. One thing I have noticed is the non stop bickering and recalling of reps. I assure you continuing on that patter will not serve you well and to date it hasn't.

So the question for me is this: "Who amonst you is strong enough to unite east & west in the common goal of an industry competitive or leading contract? Who is capable to lead you through a job action? Regardless of the fine points of the contract without a rock solid leader you'll NEVER reach your goals.
She seems upset at me doesn't she? Oh well to bad so sad. Sometimes you work your assets off and lose. That's life in the adult world. People lie that are the reason I've NEVER wored a Union Job a day in my life.

"She" is presumptive and chauvinistic on your part.

You pat yourself on the back for all the good work you've done as a "cockroach" yet you pointedly whine against the wrongs of US.

A bit of a hypocrite aren't you.

Such an idealist when it suits you.

Would the hypocrite prefer crow or just a cookie?

As far as being informed you are sadly out of touch.

Keep living in the past.
"She" is presumptive and chauvinistic on your part.

You pat yourself on the back for all the good work you've done as a "cockroach" yet you pointedly whine against the wrongs of US.

A bit of a hypocrite aren't you.

Such an idealist when it suits you.

Would the hypocrite prefer crow or just a cookie?

As far as being informed you are sadly out of touch.

Keep living in the past.

1. I'll live where I desire to live.
2. Indeed I'm somewhat out of touch, but that's OK because I don't do your job. Since apparently YOUR side LOST one could question how out of touch you are?
3. Since I'm not a hypocrite, I prefer Filet Mignon, Medium with a nice Belgian Tripel Ale, thanks.
4. Never an idealist, you just don't like the message and here's a NEWS FLASH, to bad you'll just have to cope.
5. Next time your company is 14 days from liquidation I'll just say f**k it instead, how'd that be? I tried (Imperfectly I admit) to be a force for positive change..
6. I'll be presumptive whenever I so desire. I don't give a rat's rear end what you think. Most of the AFA folks I've met are women. So if you see a chauvanistic boogeyman behind the comment then that's YOUR bigotry not mine.

I dare you to find another group of customers who rose up to support workers at a troubled company. Do you have any idea how many times I booked tickets that were more expensive on US in order to help the company survive? from your comments to damn many apparently. Care to hazzard a guess how many times I flew at my expense to speak or visit the CP desk with others handing out hundreds of dollars in candy to bost moral or spoke at closings? The Green Tree closing cost me almost $1,000 out of pocket and I was glad to do it. I would do it again. I don't want a cookie, I want what's right for the employees and if that means enduring your insults then it's a cost of doing business.

Now that you're done insulting me and calling names perhaps you'd like to answer my question please. If it's not to much trouble for someone who has an ego bigger then mine and trust me mine will last the whole county. YOU?? Several states. If you'd be so kind as to not name call it would be nice. Otherwise someone might think you a pilot.
What a jackass comment.

I do what I'm supposed to do but have to put up with the ignorant morons who have done none of this and I get Sh*t from you and The Oh S0 Great Union Negotiator.

You probably didn't enjoy doing the right thing in your past career and you probably don't enjoy doing the right thing now.

Karma's a B**ch.

Own what you do and what you do is who you are.

Go F*** yourself.

You desreve everything you have.

Thank you for your stunning command of porfanity and expansive vocabulary. I disagree that I deserve all I have. Since I have:

A very nice condo on Lake Minnetonka, a lady friend that is a joy to behold.despite her health issues, my beloved Audi TT, (11 years old and purring like a kitten), Work that I enjoy doing. My health, My family which is a source of great joy despite my Mom's illness which has me back east now. She is on the mend. Three different circles of friends. The roaches, My bluegrass music friends and just those I've known for many years.

God has blessed me in so many ways.
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