Will you hold a vote no sign at the gate of TULE?

Just an FYI

During the second round of concessions at UAL, the mechanics rejected the company's first demands under the threat of contract abrogation. While we eventually did pass an 1113 concessions package, its worthy to note that we saved several millions in concessions by rejecting the first offer, and the judge did NOT abrogate our CBA after the first "NO" vote.

We held out and got a better offer.

Now before I get jumped on, yes, I understand that every bankruptcy is different. With that said, AA is most definately in a better place financially than UAL was at the time, AND the industry is ALOT better off now than it was then.

Ultimately it will, as it should, come down to individual circumstance, what are you willing to work with, or what are you unwilling to work with. As American mechanics from both sides of this issue have already stated, it bares repeating, get A-L-L the information on the subject...take the time to educate yourself on the legal issues involved ...and DO NOT settle for bullet point summaries or out right scare tactics to make your decisions.

For those who chose to remain at AA, this will more than likely be "THE" defining yes or no vote of your remaining career.


In my opinion what you are seeing now is basically what the "Me Too" LOA was to generate from within the LBO after the pilots got 3% knocked off their deal. In my opinion If you had voted for the LBO then this would have been the outcome. I'm gonna let you go for now and suggest you do go to your meeting before you grab your sign...best of luck with your decision

Yeah I saw what the other 5 groups got on their Me Too & No thank you I wouldn't want what they got !!
some got DOS raises some didn't, some got more percent raises over the 6 years than others etc. I could go on & on.
I would pick what we got offered over what they got offered any day of the week & they didn't get to vote on how their Me too was arraigned, we do get to vote on what we are being offered, I for one have no use for a Me too clause, I believe that once I vote on a contract I don't want ANYTHING & be re-arraigned to suite someone else's needs on that contract because at that point it is no longer what I voted for it is what someone else decided I should get.
Me too clauses make me very nervous !!! I really don't believe in them & would just a soon our contract didn't have one so that's a negative not a positive. none of the Me too are really Me Too because if they were then they would be exactly what the pilots got not some percentage variation that the negotiators get to decide without the Members input, non of the 5 groups got a DOS 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% like the Pilots did nor did they get a 13 % stake in the company etc. ... It's a joke, Ugh mentioning Me too clauses really get me fired up .....LOL
Correction, you're on the side of any and every deal that the TWU has ever brought back. Its not like you will ever vote no, so spare us the sudden solidarity speech. Besides, being educated on bankruptcy by a guy like Rick Mullin does not make you an expert by any means.

I really hope non of the guys on here are Rick Mullins a non Mechanic that hasn't worked for AA in many years ..... Ugh why do people keep bringing up his Name ...... It upsets everyone, Lets forget about him & hope we never hear from him again, hopefully he has moved on to some other company.
Is it true that the TWU is doing fear (vote yes) meetings on the clock with the companies blessing?

If so, as a reminder, if the company is allowing the meetings, that means they want this voted in. If the company wants this voted in, that means that the union did not get all they could for their members. Make them keep negotiating till they get it right.

I haven't been to one of the meeting yet so I don't know what their saying but I am sure there will be an element of fear in there somewhere, the TWU know's that fear can sometimes work, although it didn't work for the last contract so maybe they will dial it down some.
Just an FYI

During the second round of concessions at UAL, the mechanics rejected the company's first demands under the threat of contract abrogation. While we eventually did pass an 1113 concessions package, its worthy to note that we saved several millions in concessions by rejecting the first offer, and the judge did NOT abrogate our CBA after the first "NO" vote.

We held out and got a better offer.

Now before I get jumped on, yes, I understand that every bankruptcy is different. With that said, AA is most definately in a better place financially than UAL was at the time, AND the industry is ALOT better off now than it was then.

Ultimately it will, as it should, come down to individual circumstance, what are you willing to work with, or what are you unwilling to work with. As American mechanics from both sides of this issue have already stated, it bares repeating, get A-L-L the information on the subject...take the time to educate yourself on the legal issues involved ...and DO NOT settle for bullet point summaries or out right scare tactics to make your decisions.

For those who chose to remain at AA, this will more than likely be "THE" defining yes or no vote of your remaining career.



I agree with the average age of 49 for most of us this will be our last contract before retiring, there are risks with voting No & some just can't afford the risks but some can so each individual has to make a decision & then live with whatever the Majority decided as best they can ..... It's a roll of the dice, it would be nice if the TWU left the fear tactics out & stuck with the facts.