What signing a AMFA Card gets YOU

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Jun 22, 2012
Miami, Fl.


It has been almost a yr now we all have been slinging mud one way or the other, about how bad of a job the TWU has done here at AA. How we don't want the Teamsters here or how small the AMFA is.

We the AMFA organizer started this drive hoping it would be quick, since the TWU got us again with this current contract.

Bottom line we the mechanics of AA Voted "YES". Either we did not vote since we throw all mail with TWU on it right into the trash or just don't care any more.

Here are the Facts, the drive started end of May to insure all with recall rights will be off the head count.
Thus reducing the number of cards and total number of voters. IBT started in June some time.

The organizer have been collecting cards since the end of May last yr and those cards will expire after one yr from the date they were signed.

AA, TWU and the nmb will give either the IBT or AMFA a number of voters they think will be eligible voters, it will be up to the it will be up to the IBT or AMFA to prove other wise. We missed it last time by just 27 cards. So we did not get a vote. So just filing the cards does not mean we get a vote.

Alot of money has been spent by the IBT and the organizers here at AA, with some support from AMFA. But this will be the last time. When the cards expire it will take months to resign and neither the IBT or AMFA will have a chance of getting the required cards resigned.

In October or late September the DOT will finish its anti trust investigation and this merger will be approved. The BK judge already has done that.

When we get single carrier status the IAM people at USAir will all be in play at that time. For those of you that don't understand but have been told this before
The IAM has life time recall rights. That means any one who has recall rights no matter how long its been to USAir will be eligible to vote per the NMB. So a card drive there will fail. (from Any Union)

( I know that so much goes into the above paragraph you don't have to comment about how this or that needs to happen first)

It's time to evaluate what you want, If having the TWU removed as the union from our Class and Craft, NOW is the time to sign a card.

It's only a petition, you can vote as you want when it happens, But if you want a vote,


Don't say AMFA failed again

Don't say the IBT Failed

You Failed


It has been almost a yr now we all have been slinging mud one way or the other, about how bad of a job the TWU has done here at AA. How we don't want the Teamsters here or how small the AMFA is.

We the AMFA organizer started this drive hoping it would be quick, since the TWU got us again with this current contract.

Bottom line we the mechanics of AA Voted "YES". Either we did not vote since we throw all mail with TWU on it right into the trash or just don't care any more.

Here are the Facts, the drive started end of May to insure all with recall rights will be off the head count.
Thus reducing the number of cards and total number of voters. IBT started in June some time.

The organizer have been collecting cards since the end of May last yr and those cards will expire after one yr from the date they were signed.

AA, TWU and the nmb will give either the IBT or AMFA a number of voters they think will be eligible voters, it will be up to the it will be up to the IBT or AMFA to prove other wise. We missed it last time by just 27 cards. So we did not get a vote. So just filing the cards does not mean we get a vote.

Alot of money has been spent by the IBT and the organizers here at AA, with some support from AMFA. But this will be the last time. When the cards expire it will take months to resign and neither the IBT or AMFA will have a chance of getting the required cards resigned.

In October or late September the DOT will finish its anti trust investigation and this merger will be approved. The BK judge already has done that.

When we get single carrier status the IAM people at USAir will all be in play at that time. For those of you that don't understand but have been told this before
The IAM has life time recall rights. That means any one who has recall rights no matter how long its been to USAir will be eligible to vote per the NMB. So a card drive there will fail. (from Any Union)

( I know that so much goes into the above paragraph you don't have to comment about how this or that needs to happen first)

It's time to evaluate what you want, If having the TWU removed as the union from our Class and Craft, NOW is the time to sign a card.

It's only a petition, you can vote as you want when it happens, But if you want a vote,


Don't say AMFA failed again

Don't say the IBT Failed

You Failed

Well said. Let's rap this up guys. As he stated, sign an AMFA card and have your vote. It's time to remove the company union TWU. Sign a card and have a vote, let the membership decide who will represent the AA mechs going into this merger with US.
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.
Are you serioulsy so ignorant that you cannot see the membership downsizing has been happening right under your nose for years, and now with the C11 agreeement even more is coming? Your UNION strength comes from within your membership, not from the name of the organization you pay your dues to bi-weekly.

Your post is a perfect example of why this profession has been taking a pounding since deregulation was passed.

Nobody, No Union, can fix stupid.
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Are you serioulsy so ignorant that you cannot see the membership downsizing has been happening right under your nose for years, and now with the C11 agreeement even more is coming? Your UNION strength comes from within your membership, not from the name of the organization you pay your dues to bi-weekly.

Your post is a perfect example of why this profession has been taking a pounding since deregulation was passed.

Nobody, No Union, can fix stupid.

TWU Informer

I think that the kool-aide that the TWU gave to most of the members at the base stations has most believing that the TWU will look out for their best interest. As the AFW guy's have now seen since alot of them have been sent out into the system, the TWU has failed. Most don't want to admitt that they are being mislead. It's not stupid, its just that they have had the TWU chest pounding and promises preached to them for soooo long its just hard to wrap their minds around the idea of change.

Any change needs to come from the Tulsa mechanics, they need to stop the division, IBT says they have Tulsa, AMFA is working hard to bring info to them to effect a change and what is the TWU doing to defend itself? Now the AFL-CIO is involved to keep union dues coming in to them as well since IF the TWU looses at AA and USAir they will have lost a very amount of MONEY.

IT's always been about the money, dues. The title II guys want the IBT why I don't know. They preach size and money well doesn't the TWU have both? They are members of the AFL-CIO and now getting letters put out by them to work together with the IAM.

Tulsa mechanics need to understand that if the IBT or AMFA fail to come here as our union, the TWU will be here forever. Then the TWU will have full power and the go ahead to give even more to AA since we then will have shown AA that we like it when the TWU sticks it to US. What happens in the next two months will either change our future or ruin it.

Spread the word have as many as you can sign a card to effect change here at AA.

AMFA at AA in 2013
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.

Your statement makes me wonder if your-'re an AMT, or just suffer from lack of self esteem. Really, how bad does it have to get before you fence sitters look at the TWUs track record, and how it has negatively affected you? All the while, the likes of Jim Little, Don Videtich, and Bob Gless are making upwards of $175K per year - with enough perks to make many executives blush. Who is being stupid?
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.

WOW didn't expect that one. I better go back and research my files to make sure according to you I do not make a mistake by getting rid of the TWU.
I would like to join the pilots union since they had the balls to fight AA.
You see the pilots had their pensions frozen like we did but one difference is that their 401K before the MOU was 14%. Ours at the TWU is 5.5%. After the MOU the pilots increased it to 16%. Ours stayed at 5.5%. Now here is where a CRAFT union is looking out for its members versus the SUCK A$$ TWU FAILED to do.
The 16% 401K contribution from the Pilots is WITHOUT ANY MATCH from the employee. In other words the pilots DO NOT have to contribute one messily penny into the fund. Yet we at the TWU (you recommend we stay with) have to contribute to get anything up to the 5.5%. A match from the employee to get a lousy 5.5%.
Are you sure I should stick it out with the TWU?
Class and Craft unions seem to better represent their members. Just saying.....
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.

Look I have no dog in this fight and quite frankly the way the NMB rules are set up as far as class and craft I think AMT's in general are screwed no matter what union you go with thats why I think I do better without a union at FX. Here they do not pay the box throwers 26 bucks an hr and the AMT's 30. Thats what industrial unions have done this entire time until we had our 2000 contract at NWA under AMFA thats exactly how it played out in years past under the Iam and Twu and Ibt at least at the passenger airlines. You AMTCraig are either a paid Twu stooge or totally brain dead to support the blatant abuse the Twu has done to the AMT's at AA..Guess its like battered wife syndrome she keeps going back for an ass beating to the scumbag she is either married to or shacking up with because she thinks she can change him. ..Well you know what happens to those women eventually don't you?....They wind up DEAD
Don't be stupid...stick with your current labor organization. AMFA can not do anything for you. Change and if you survive the down sizing american will be able to do with AMFA, you will be sorry you you brought them on board.

Stupid is staying with an industrial union when you possess a craft skill.

Stupid is staying with an industrial union that repeatedly lies to you.

Stupid is staying with an industrial union that has appointed officers for life.

Stupid is staying with the twu!

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For every card you sign the closer we get to a number that no matter what AA and the twu tell the nmb we will have enough to bring this to a VOTE.

That is what you want isn't it?


Now is the time to rid AA mechanics of the strangle hold of the TWU.​

Time to tell AA we are going to bring change to the same ole concessionary ways of the TWU.​

Sign an AMFA card


All of the mud slinging by the organizers of all the unions who want us has been discussed now it's time to sift through all that junk and that is just what it has been.​

Do you want the TWU Gone? That is the question if so then show me.​

SIGN a card today

AMFA at AA in 2013
Some old news and some new.
With AMFA you guys will vote for the leadership at National level as well as all local officers and committee members.

As recently already seen, with AMFA, if rules and/or laws are broken during the elections within the union, them there will be a call for a new election by AMFA National, as proven recently with the AMFA National Officers re-run of their election.

Also, if you guys did not know, local 11 is currently doing a re-call election of one of our ALR's. After a bone-head move by our ALR, it completely pissed off the membership, following the AMFA constitution, a group of mechanics started a petition to have him remove. The number of sigs required were met and surpassed rather easily and quickly, all information and paperwork was forwarded to the local pres. and verified, and we all now wait for the ballots that were mailed out the 20th of May. Just another reason to bring AMFA in. You can remove any local officer by the membership as well as any National Officer by the membership. You cannot do this at any of the big 3 industrial unions, TWU, Teamsters, or the IAM period. The information is on the AMFA 11 web site. I will fill you in how it goes. Just ask at all three of the industrial unions if the membership can remove the BA from their positions----the answer will be NO!!!
Some old news and some new.
With AMFA you guys will vote for the leadership at National level as well as all local officers and committee members.

As recently already seen, with AMFA, if rules and/or laws are broken during the elections within the union, them there will be a call for a new election by AMFA National, as proven recently with the AMFA National Officers re-run of their election.

Also, if you guys did not know, local 11 is currently doing a re-call election of one of our ALR's. After a bone-head move by our ALR, it completely pissed off the membership, following the AMFA constitution, a group of mechanics started a petition to have him remove. The number of sigs required were met and surpassed rather easily and quickly, all information and paperwork was forwarded to the local pres. and verified, and we all now wait for the ballots that were mailed out the 20th of May. Just another reason to bring AMFA in. You can remove any local officer by the membership as well as any National Officer by the membership. You cannot do this at any of the big 3 industrial unions, TWU, Teamsters, or the IAM period. The information is on the AMFA 11 web site. I will fill you in how it goes. Just ask at all three of the industrial unions if the membership can remove the BA from their positions----the answer will be NO!!!
Meanwhile over at the TWU Jim Little is removing any elected officials he feels may be a threat to him at the Convention. Lets see he dissolved five Locals, removed all those elected officials and recently ousted the President and VP at the Flight Attendants Local who aren't Little lapdogs, whose next? It seems that at the TWU the members are not allowed to even pick who will be their Local leaders anymore. Is that Democracy??? He seems to have studied leadership under Stalin!
Look in the mirror before you make stupid posts.

The TWU YES vote has already led to OUTSOURCING.
Voting Yes was to save jobs according to the TWU.
The outsourcing has begone within our union.

The TWU let AA have their cake, and eat it too.
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