IAM Merger Update


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
December 12, 2005

US Airways-America West Integration Update

Teamsters-CWA Reach Transition Agreement with US Airways

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Teamsters have reached a transition agreement with US Airways for the Customer Service Employees they propose to jointly represent.

In the transition agreement, the Teamsters and CWA acknowledge the fact the full Section 6 contract negotiations will not occur as a result of the merger. The Agreement resolves pay differences between the two contracts and transitions America West workers into the existing US Airways-CWA agreement.

The agreement also addresses how seniority integration will be handled. One aspect that should concern workers at both airlines is the provision stating that there will be no stapling of all the employees of one airline to the bottom of the seniority list of the other airline. By expressly stating that the stapling of all employees is prohibited, the stapling of an unspecified number of employees is not only permitted, but is apparently being contemplated by the parties.

Unlike the Teamster’s ever-changing integration policy, the IAM’s position remains clear and consistent – integration should be based on an employee’s date of hire into the classification. This method is fair and unambiguous, which may be why the Teamsters refuse to agree to it.

The Teamsters and CWA are asking the National Mediation Board to rule on their joint representation of Customer Service workers at the same time at least one of the parties, the Teamsters, are objecting to the IAM’s request to rule on representation for the combined airline’s Mechanic & Related workers.

The IAM is also negotiating a transition agreement with US Airways, but the objection from the Teamsters is holding up the process.

It is the Machinists Union’s opinion that since America West workers will be covered by the terms of a transition agreement they should be active participants in the process. The Teamsters’ delay tactics are preventing current America West representatives from attending and participating in the IAM’s negotiations, but the IAM cannot reach a transition agreement without the participation of America West Mechanic & Related representatives. Their experience and knowledge of the America West agreement is valuable to the employees at both carriers.

The Teamsters’ interference is preventing the final resolution of any pay disparities between the work groups and participation in the IAM National Pension Plan (NPP) by the Mechanic & Related workers at the combined carrier.

As the IAM has previously stated, we are proposing that US Airways contribute into the NPP on behalf of Mechanic & Related employees of the combined airline. However, under NPP rules, a company must contribute a negotiated rate for at least 1,600 hours annually on behalf of a participant in order for the participant to receive a full year’s credit. Less than 1,600 hours will earn only a partial benefit.

If US Airways does not begin contributing to the NPP by March of 2006, the combined group of Mechanic & Related employees must wait until 2007 to receive their first full year’s credit. Unfortunately, the Teamsters have stalled negotiations in an attempt to squeeze a few months more dues from America West Mechanics.

Any talk of the Teamsters negotiating their own pension plan is a joke. No airline will agree to participate in any Teamster multi-employer plan because their gross underfunding creates an enormous liability for contributing employers.

The IAM’s strong scope language will also force maintenance the Teamsters allow America West to export to El Salvador to be done by US Airways employees, creating job opportunities for furloughed Mechanic and Utility workers.

The only party that benefits from delaying the process is US Airways.

The Machinists Union is ready to work with America West Mechanic representatives to conclude transition negotiations so the combined Mechanic & Related workforce can benefit from the resolution of wage disparities, participate in a defined benefit pension plan and begin the recall of hundreds of US Airways workers.

All we need is for the Teamsters to stop delaying the process.

In Solidarity,
William O'Driscoll
This seems to only refer to the Mtc. related members. What is going on with the Fleet group??
I can only hope that the IAM is TRYING to do some good for its members to the likes of what the CWA has done for theirs.
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District 142 is Mechanic and Related, check 141's web page for fleet updates.
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District 142 Mechanc and Related Website

District 141 Webpage

US Airways Integration Update Fleet Service

To All Members at US Airways

As the integration of US Airways and America West moves forward, events are unfolding that should concern every Fleet Service Employee at US Airways.

In a limited number of stations, individuals have attempted to circulate authorization cards on behalf of the union representing 800 ramp workers at America West. The move has the potential to force an election that could potentially result in decertification and the loss of the IAM National Pension Plan at US Airways.

IAM members recognized this latest threat to their contract and their pensions and to their credit, displayed their displeasure with unmistakable directness.

Elsewhere on the integration front, US Airways recently agreed to recognize an alliance between the Communications Workers of America (CWA), representing Customer Service Agents at US Airways, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), representing Customer Service Agents at America West. The alliance calls for joint representation by CWA and IBT representatives at the combined carrier and addresses wages and work rules, but does not resolve seniority integration for workers represented by the alliance at the combined carrier.

While the transition agreement has been recognized by US Airways and appears to move the two groups closer to full integration, it remains unclear if the National Mediation Board (NMB) will approve the IBT-CWA alliance.

The integration of all employee groups at the combined carrier, including Fleet Service, is contingent on a NMB finding of single carrier status for the merged airline. While such a ruling is anticipated, the objection by the TWU to the IAM petition for a single carrier ruling could result in a lengthy hearing process and additional delay before negotiations over transition issues for Fleet workers at US Airways and America West can begin.

As always, your solidarity continues to serve as an inspiration for all past, present and future IAM members at US Airways. Please continue to monitor IAM bulletin boards at work and the District 141 website at www.iam141.org for the latest information regarding integration developments.

In Solidarity,

S.R. (Randy) Canale
President and Directing General Chairman
The way the IAM does this sort of thing makes it possible for some clown from a different culture and in the case of CA a different world come to "your" station and bump your butt out the door. Seniority at work, but also human nature at work and why that nonsense creates more negative results than positive. The IAM is famous for making seniority GOD, it's their tabernacle to be moved to any airline and why the Teamsters is by far a better choice IF you must live under a unions umbrella and foolish rules with morons for leaders.
District 142 Mechanc and Related Website

District 141 Webpage

US Airways Integration Update Fleet Service

To All Members at US Airways

As the integration of US Airways and America West moves forward, events are unfolding that should concern every Fleet Service Employee at US Airways.

In a limited number of stations, individuals have attempted to circulate authorization cards on behalf of the union representing 800 ramp workers at America West. The move has the potential to force an election that could potentially result in decertification and the loss of the IAM National Pension Plan at US Airways.

IAM members recognized this latest threat to their contract and their pensions and to their credit, displayed their displeasure with unmistakable directness.

Elsewhere on the integration front, US Airways recently agreed to recognize an alliance between the Communications Workers of America (CWA), representing Customer Service Agents at US Airways, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), representing Customer Service Agents at America West. The alliance calls for joint representation by CWA and IBT representatives at the combined carrier and addresses wages and work rules, but does not resolve seniority integration for workers represented by the alliance at the combined carrier.

While the transition agreement has been recognized by US Airways and appears to move the two groups closer to full integration, it remains unclear if the National Mediation Board (NMB) will approve the IBT-CWA alliance.

The integration of all employee groups at the combined carrier, including Fleet Service, is contingent on a NMB finding of single carrier status for the merged airline. While such a ruling is anticipated, the objection by the TWU to the IAM petition for a single carrier ruling could result in a lengthy hearing process and additional delay before negotiations over transition issues for Fleet workers at US Airways and America West can begin.

As always, your solidarity continues to serve as an inspiration for all past, present and future IAM members at US Airways. Please continue to monitor IAM bulletin boards at work and the District 141 website at www.iam141.org for the latest information regarding integration developments.

In Solidarity,

S.R. (Randy) Canale
President and Directing General Chairman

Unfortunately Canale has continually failed to tell the workers the truth that the IAM pension plan of fleet service was so good it was a $47 million concession to the previous 401k. Did you forget that Randy?

The IAM pension plan is kinda like Blue cross blue shield, there are many variations of coverage...you can have a great coverage plan or a lousy one. US AIRWAYS fleet IAM pension is a lousy one even when compared to the less than fair 401k they had. US AiRWAYS was all too happy to start cutting its contributions to fleet service 401k to almost half of previous amounts.

Unfortunately, as long as the IAM is on the property, fleet service will continue to be the one group that gets stuck with the smallest company contributions.

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$78 per month for a multiplier is damn good, not lousy.

Gee Timmy, what happened to the AGW?

Another Club(Union) you created failed again?

Just like FSU huh?
Had to laugh...I received a call from someone representing the IAM the other night. She was going over the benefits of keeping the IAM and explained she was taking a survey. I loved the part when she explained the part about the retirement multiplier being one of the highest in the industry. Had to explain to her I had no retirement, that it had been turned over to the PBGC. At that point she dropped the IAM push and I took the survey :p So much for having the facts.....
$78 per month for a multiplier is damn good, not lousy.

Gee Timmy, what happened to the AGW?

Another Club(Union) you created failed again?

Just like FSU huh?
if that $78 per month is dam good, then I guess Piedmont's part time health for employee only at 98.00 must be ok.
but I wonder just how good Pi's health benes are compared to US. I always thought US had the best health coverage
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$78 is a multiplier, it is what your pension is calculated on, it is no money out of the individual's pocket.
well I am not sure but this is the health plan that PI offers:
Foundation One Security
for Employees biweekly
E-45.93 E+1 (one dependant) $90.00 E+F (family) 134.08

This is deducted from the paychecks biweekly similar to the way USAIR deducts the health plans or similar.
Please remember that the Multiplier was cut in HALF for MLE members....A measly $37.50 a month after losing $8 an hour in wages. They should have doubled the MLE multiplier after the screwing that they got! You sure didn't have much to look forward to wit this plan. In my case, the 401K with the company match was much better than the IAM plan.
The way the IAM does this sort of thing makes it possible for some clown from a different culture and in the case of CA a different world come to "your" station and bump your butt out the door. Seniority at work, but also human nature at work and why that nonsense creates more negative results than positive. The IAM is famous for making seniority GOD, it's their tabernacle to be moved to any airline and why the Teamsters is by far a better choice IF you must live under a unions umbrella and foolish rules with morons for leaders.

Any extreme is "foolish rules with morons for leaders"

IAM making "Seniority GOD"
IBT giving away all seniority rights without even consulting it's membership.

Fair and Equitable seniority integration is no one gains or loses anything. If 50% of the class or craft is senior to you now. It should remain that way after integration.

No-one should be expected to give up their place in the soup line.

No union leadership has the right to put someone near the front of the line.
No union leadership has to right concede your place in line.

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