Machinists Union Q&a


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
The IAM Sets the Record Straight on the US Airways-America West Merger

Which union will represent workers at the new US Airways?

The IAM expects the National Mediation Board (NMB) to determine that US Airways and America West are a single transportation system. The Teamsters and Transport Workers Union (TWU) would then have an opportunity to make a 35% showing of interest of all the eligible employees of the combined carrier to force a representation election.However, because the number of workers the IAM represents at US Airways is so much greater than those represented by the Teamsters and TWU at America West, it’s most likely that the IAM will be automatically certified as the representative of the class and crafts of Mechanic & Related and Fleet Service employees of the newly merged carrier.

Will the IAM’s contracts stay in effect?

The status quo provisions of the Railway Labor Act provide that a collective bargaining agreement cannot be changed before the amendable date unless the parties mutually agree to open it. By law the IAM agreements will continue. The IAM is negotiating a transition agreement to bring America West employees under the IAM agreements.

What does “showing of interest†mean?

The NMB considers a “showing of interest†as signed authorization cards from 35% of the bargaining unit. In this case, the 35% showing of interest includes all eligible employees for each classification from America West and US Airways, including those on furlough status.

How is representation decided in such an election?

If there is an election, the union that receives votes from 50% plus 1 of all eligible employees wins the election and will be certified as the bargaining representative. This includes those on furlough status.If fewer than 50% plus 1 participates in the election, all union representation at both carriers will be lost and no union will be certified.

Is saying there is a danger of loss of union representation a scare tactic?

It’s not a scare tactic at, it is the NMB's rule. If 50% plus 1 of the eligible employees do not participate in an election then there will be no union on US Airways or America West.Frankly, some employees on furlough may not be as inclined to participate in a union election as active employees. They still count, however, in the statistical breakdown of eligible voters.Is the IAM overstating the danger of a loss of representation? It happened with the Stores Clerks on Alleghany and Piedmont. As a result of lack of participation they have no union and no contract.

How will the IAM decide seniority integration?

The IAM’s long-standing policy is that date of entry into the classification will govern seniority integration. The Teamster's initial position was a 3-1 seniority integration as stated by their representatives in CLT and PHL. This is absolutely unacceptable to the IAM and the employees we represent and will deprive US Airways employees of numerous job opportunities. The TWU eliminated seniority from IAM members when American Airlines purchased TWA. The IAM’s method is the only fair seniority integration option.

How do the IAM & Teamsters differ on outsourcing mechanics work?

The Teamsters claim they will retain all heavy maintenance under the IAM agreement and will bring in additional work. This is coming from a Union that failed to accomplish this on America West where the company is allowed to do heavy maintenance in El Salvador. In fact, US Airways management tried to use the America West, South American farmout privileges as a wedge against the mechanic and related classification in the most recent bankruptcy proceedings. Despite two bankruptcies at US Airways, the IAM scope language is still superior to America West.

Is the IAM taking a leadership position on merger issues?

The IAM has been in ongoing negotiations with US Airways for a transition agreement concerning all merger issues.

For more information about the merger, visit:
Your really do have a broblem with dates, don't you ??? America West started outsourcing heavy checks in December of 1995. Teamsters ratified thier first contract October 6, 1998. So how can you blame them for what was done prior to thier being on the property?? More IAM twisted facts ???

So let me explain this to you one more time, you see 1995 comes before 1998. In fact it is 34 months before it. I am not real good with computers or I would draw you a picture, maybe then you could understand the date concept. Nevermind, that would be expecting to much out of you.
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I am not the author, go ask the Transportation Dept.

And you have not been able to bring heavy maintenance in-house since you unionized in 1995, that is a fact.
There has not been a new contract yet to bring anything back - it was in very heavy discussion years ago but we would not agree to unlicensed mechanics on the floor out numbering the A&P's so we declined the offer - but what you also keep forgetting is that all but 2 of the furloughed techs from 95 were offered thier jobs back after the Teamsters negociated the recall. How many of your furloughed techs have had the chance to come back with thier pay seniority intact. Somehow I don't think your percentage will hold a candle to ours. We have brought back all but two and had a steady growth in jobs. Bet you can't say that with a straight face.
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All AMT furloughees come back to the level of pay where they left, unless they are out longer then five years as that is the new language in the final offer.

And like I said, you have not been able to bring heavy maintenance back in-house in 10 years.

Scope language speaks for itself.
You still can't add or subtract can you??

Teamsters have been on the property for 7 years not ten - but we have already covered your math skills.

After looking at your contract how much did you give away to keep what you have and how many furloughed techs are over the five year mark? I would be willing to bet way more than any Teamsters at AWA.
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Are you sure they been on the property for only seven years?

Your contract states differant:

The Company hereby recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent and authorized representative for those employees of America West Airlines, Inc., composing the craft or class of Mechanics or related employees as certified by the National Mediation Board in Case No. R-6420 on April 19, 1996, and as clarified in Case No. CR-6618 on January 13, 1998.

Funny you are on the Negotiating Committee and you don't even know your current contract.

Guess your math skills are lacking nine years of IBT representation, not seven.

And there are no furloughed AMTs over 5 years who have not had the opportunity to come back as US/East is hiring AMTs in PHL, DCA and BOS off the street.
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Is that the best you can do?

The IBT was certified to represent your group on April 19, 1996, that is straight from the HP/IBT Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Can't admit when you are wrong?
This is obviously not my fight but I will interject regardless. If I were deciding between these unions, to me it's a no brainier. The Teamsters have a history that could be made into a mob movie, and their track record is the opposite of stellar. The IAM provided me and many others with a pension for life at only age 50. The teamsters took my money at one place I worked at and I have absolutely nothing to show for it except bad memories which would help write that mob movie.
We had no contract to enforce or act on till then - even if you go by the date of the vote the outsourcing of heavy checks was still done in December of 1995 - Prior to the Teamsters.

If you are so proud of your IAM affiliation then why is it you lack the backbone to say who you are and what your position is. I am a Teamster and proud to say who represents me.

Randy Klinckhardt
Phoenix Line MX

Call: My time in the IAM was one of the worse employment experiences I have had - I could trust the company farther than I could them - The company would at least screw you with the lights on.
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Because US Airways prohibits your from posting on the Internet and using your name and identifying yourself as a employee.

And I am a proud IAM member there are posters on this board who I have met and who know me.

Better go remove your name.

Bottom line is you have been under IBT representation since 1996, that is nine years not seven.

Don't even know what is your current CBA?
Because US Airways prohibits your from posting on the Internet and using your name and identifying yourself as a employee.

And I am a proud IAM member there are posters on this board who I have met and who know me.

Better go remove your name.

Bottom line is you have been under IBT representation since 1996, that is nine years not seven.

Don't even know what is your current CBA?
can usair say something to you if you post your name on a public open forum such as this? iam not sure that they can becuase someone could easily challenge it as a freedom of right or freedom of speech thing.
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Freedom of speech only applies to the government restricting your speech, not a private company.

The company issued a policy in the Ethics handbook.

For example a certain pilot poster use to post under his real name, aftr the new policy went into effect he changed from his real name to a moniker.
700 is on the money here......if you are discussing company matters whether or not you think its ok,U has its own is against the policy to openly discuss without permission.
look it up on the hub under business conduct and ethics policy.
anyone identifying themselves no matter how self righteous they think they are are asking for trouble. ;)

Randy Klinckhardt
Phoenix Line MX