The next person that posts personal information here is going to get some time off. If you want to post that you have info and are willing to share via PM, thats fine, just quit posting emails, phone numbers, etc on the site. Thanks.
Not to get off topic...anyone know a good place to stay in paris? I heard ...(hotel edited by moderator- Dont you guys have a hissy when other overnights are posted? PM if you need to spread the word) is nice.

Oooooohhhhhhh! Diablo got in trouble! Bad diablo!
anyone have a cell phone pic of this.....uh....woman <lack of better word> so none phl folks know who their looking for.....thanx!
How about making the effort to call a scheduling supr. and asking them to move a day. Don't be afraid of being assertive. Most of them will work with you to get you to the meeting. Again, most f/a's don't make the effort. Most rsvf's complain, but change a day to go to a meeting, can't do that. If I didn't have an ETB trip(in order to get somekind of decent paycheck after Christmas), I butt would be at your meeting.

You make it sound very easy, but it is not as easy as you are trying to make it. Myself and the reserves I know have limited success in moving any days off except in the dead months where we don't fly and there is no holiday. So we could use some help from somebody who has no problem acomplishing this task especially for this months meeting.
Piney! Thank you Thank you! Thank you! :up: Someone gets it! There is hope for this place yet. If Piney looking in from his perspective can get it, so can you guys. I'm having flashbacks to The Miracle Worker! Just no throwing food!
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Point taken.

However why not try to turn this negative into a positive by getting more involved in your union? Given that many in PHL are comuters or don't care means a relatively small group of RSV's could easily swing the balance of power for things like recall etc etc.

This woman will go on being self centered whether you like it or not. That you can't change. But you have at least a shot at the RSV system. Why not focus your efforts there???

Just curious, do any of the bases have a reserve in an elected or paid AFA position?
BOS's newly elected VP is a reserve
PIT's VP is a reserve
PHL's VP and SEC are seasonal line holders (which means during the winter they are on reserve)
Not sure of any other bases, so yes there are reserves elected to AFA positions.
Point taken.

However why not try to turn this negative into a positive by getting more involved in your union? Given that many in PHL are comuters or don't care means a relatively small group of RSV's could easily swing the balance of power for things like recall etc etc.

This woman will go on being self centered whether you like it or not. That you can't change. But you have at least a shot at the RSV system. Why not focus your efforts there???

Just curious, do any of the bases have a reserve in an elected or paid AFA position?
Bottom line is that we could have ALL of our LEC officers in every base on reserve and the company would not budge on changing the system. They know how bad all the reserves hate it so it is a HUGE bargaining tool in joint negotiations. We won't see a change until we see a new contract.
Bottom line is that we could have ALL of our LEC officers in every base on reserve and the company would not budge on changing the system. They know how bad all the reserves hate it so it is a HUGE bargaining tool in joint negotiations. We won't see a change until we see a new contract.

If then!!!

You said it yourself...it is a bargaining tool.........

We will fix this (reserve system) BUT you have to give us this!!!

Change will NOT happen.

These senior bitties will NOT give up anything to make it better for reserves..

Where the he!! is a negotiations update anyway MIKE???!!!

I don't mean to sound negative, but we all know that nothing is really going to change.
These are NEW comments that were e-mailed to me from the MSN boards....the last one is the BEST!!!

Cyndy, you're better off retiring.... because you lose all credibility with those letters. I congratulate you on showing everyone how to make friends.
Lady...get a dog.
... if our bizarre staffing model and disgusting "be a blockholder or a reserve-for-life" contract is the surviving one the West will be decimated. Any of thier under-ten-year-hires would be toast...just like Cheryl Atkins career.
Now, now....don't mind Cyndy Atkins. She's just upset because somebody dropped a house on her sister.
I doubt scot would let you post a public picture since he delete a name of a hotel.

If the crews want the names of their layover hotels posted here, fine. Next time someone posts one not related to this thread though, I dont want to get one single cry to have it removed immediately, ok?
Not to go off topic, but that Carol Brady really was a layabout.

No kidding. Why do you think she met Mike at the door everyday with a kiss and smile???? Too bad Mike was dreaming of Sam's Salami. Come to think of it though, she did do the grocery shopping. Remember, when they got "discovered" in the parking lot??? I loved Myrna.
Is this the pot calling the kettle black? I found it here.

From: CyndyMama (Original Message) Sent: 9/6/2007 6:51 PM
Sharon, Tina and Everyone,

I was mortified to read about our f/a's causing fights and displaying outrageous behavior at SW. Indeed, they should be permanently blacklisted by SW for this behavior. So far, I have not witnessed any of this conduct going to and from my home in FLA but if I ever do.....I will not hesitate to post the names of these creepy people on this website and the WWW. Tina's suggestion to do this was fabulous. I don't care if these people are on my flight or not. If I witness this going on at any gate.....anywhere.....I will certainly put their names out there. I am appalled.

This is a privilege and NOT a right.....we have needed this for a long time. You are supposed to be seen and NOT heard when jumpseating or nonreving ANYWHERE. Furthermore, one should go out of their way to be kind to the staff and crew of the reciprocal airline. I always make a point to bring goodies such as chocolates, tea and cookies to the gate employees and flight crew. They are doing us a HUGE favor. Don't ever forget that!

It has always been first come, first served when flying on another airline. Do you think that your seniority ever meant anything when going to Hawaii in the old days on United Airlines????

Also, if someone displays this kind of behavior in public.....I always say this is their "party manners"...this is as good as it gets. They must really be something when they are at home.

Shame on them.....I want nothing to do with people that act this way. It is low class, disgusting and beyond anything that I have ever heard of.


Cyndy Atkins
PHL F/A#(edited)


I have some things that I need to get off my chest regarding this letter, too. My issue with it is twofold; the first reason is obvious; the petty spitefulness inherent in its tone. The second, more personal, but no less important, reason is that it amounts to an all out assault on what I have come to know of good grammar and inspired composition. The inappropriate overuse of elipses...annoys this reader, and a well-placed pithy observation would go much further than anything you can express in ALL CAPS. The sentence, "It is low class, disgusting and beyond anything I have ever heard of", would technically be grammatically correct if the "of" was removed (Cyndy, we never end sentences with prepositions), but it would still be unlikely to evoke sympathy or to go far in convincing the reader of the validity of your assertion that it (the Southwest incident) was actually colossolly disgusting or "beyond anything" you've "ever heard of [sic]." It all sounds like overblown rhetoric unless you provide your audience with a superlatively shocking and disgusting moment in your past with which to compare it--a kind of a baseline reading of your tolerance for the horrible. Something like, "Once, in the mid-eighties, the winter came upon us without warning. A powerful and angry blizzard was visited upon the East for an entire week, and its fury was such that even the short walk out to the root cellar became prohibitively arduous. With the cupboards increasingly bare, I began to hallucinate, eyeing my mother's cockatiel in the same way that a drooling Yosemite Sam eyed Bugs Bunny, imagining him in a simmering kettle of hassenpfeffer ladling broth over his own head. In the interest of survival, and because I still had barbeque sauce, that bird became the evening's supper, skewered and rotisseried until the flesh was fork-tender. I have heretofore regarded this incident among the most disgusting, albeit necessary, chapters in my life-- that is, until I learned of the events that unfolded at the Southwest counter, events so shocking and disgusting that they make the preparation and consumption of household pets seem like hackneyed old family traditions." Something like that really ups the ante, and one is likely to grab the reader's attention and force him to more carefully consider the seriousness of your purpose. Another thing, the phrase "I always say this is their 'party manners'" is in violation of the most fundamental maxim of good grammar: subject-verb agreement, which, now that I think of it, should come easily to someone like you, a paragon of proper etiquette, what with all the hand-written thank you notes and such. I have to say that, upon first reading this letter, it took every Newton-meter (Nm, a measurement from sixth grade science class that has something to do with force and distance; it's concept still eludes me, but it seemed appropriate here), anyway, it took every Nm of fortitude coarsing through my system to prevent me from uncapping my red Sharpie and marking up my new-ish computer monitor with great swaths of corrections and citations curried from my well-thumbed copy of the Harbrace Handbook. In the end, sanity prevailed, as I imagined the unlikelihood of convincing the clerk at my neighborhood Wal-Mart that my monitor was marred with permanent red ink when I removed it from its box three months ago.

I've heard nothing about my dance-off proposal. Meanwhile, I've undertaken a very serious training regimen in anticipation of someday being told to "bring it." I'm trying to "stay hungry" and keep the "eye of the tiger" by studying VHS tapes of the vintage television series "Fame." I've also located my old leg warmers, and I'm rehab-ing them into something really special with my Beadazzler. The actual physical aspect of my training will have wait, for now I'm working on toe-pointing and jazz hands from my comfortable position on the sofa.