
Apr 10, 2007
I am very LARGE unelected TWU official. I make a very nice 250K plus salary although the members I represent barely make 67K a year. I have a free car provided to me and a no limit expense account. I have weekends and holidays off although if I were back on the floor I would not have enough seniority to hold afternoon shift. My family and I fly unlimited on A5 passes always in first class and I have a free Admirals Club membership to keep me and my family away from the riff raff when I travel. Thankfully the workers of the airline that I represent are not even permitted to enter this elite club lounge.
I love expensive cigars and top shelf liquor that my union pays for. of course. There are rumors of my good times when I was a local president but I chose to deny them and hide behind my religion and my men’s ministry. I wish I had a Krystal Ball. Oh I did! SHhhhhhhhh…..
I have become totally out of touch with the reality of my union members and I don’t care. I have lost all my real friends and allies. I even added the threat of strike on our last ballot that we sent out and stuffed the envelope with a one sided flyer to try and get that agreement to pass. I rule with threats and intimidation!! Yes of course I am willing to sell out my members again!!! Even if it costs them their pension or retiree medical!!
I got mine screw everyone else……..That’s the TWU/American way!!!!
The Krystal ball, gone but not forgoten. Reminds me of a similar ball at 5 thirteen... Some people are just "rollin in the sugar". Not the rest of us... We just keep rollin in the excriment... Acutally , not all allies are lost, there are new ones now , they reside at centerpork... These are the people best associated with since rank and file are too stupid to know anything. BTW,, what has the mystery man done for you lately? Anybody? Anything? All that power means nothing if it isn't used wisely. I've asked for a fix or 2 in the past, nada, nothing, no fix. Maybe KS will get a fix, who knows maybe he'll get sucked up in the the elite corp of company arse kissers, with a lifetime big time salary and pension (not under threat).
I am very LARGE unelected TWU official. I make a very nice 250K plus salary although the members I represent barely make 67K a year. I have a free car provided to me and a no limit expense account. I have weekends and holidays off although if I were back on the floor I would not have enough seniority to hold afternoon shift. My family and I fly unlimited on A5 passes always in first class and I have a free Admirals Club membership to keep me and my family away from the riff raff when I travel. Thankfully the workers of the airline that I represent are not even permitted to enter this elite club lounge.
I love expensive cigars and top shelf liquor that my union pays for. of course. There are rumors of my good times when I was a local president but I chose to deny them and hide behind my religion and my men’s ministry. I wish I had a Krystal Ball. Oh I did! SHhhhhhhhh…..
I have become totally out of touch with the reality of my union members and I don’t care. I have lost all my real friends and allies. I even added the threat of strike on our last ballot that we sent out and stuffed the envelope with a one sided flyer to try and get that agreement to pass. I rule with threats and intimidation!! Yes of course I am willing to sell out my members again!!! Even if it costs them their pension or retiree medical!!
I got mine screw everyone else……..That’s the TWU/American way!!!!

Very low class Jerry
To all the Children demanding respect and wanting to be paid and treated as professionals.


Not at all. Time for some people to stop acting like little kids.

You've not exhibited a problem with someone talking down a competing entity such as AMP - how would that be any less "childish" than you "protecting" your buds in the twu from the "meanies" that aren't pleased with its "representation"?

It would appear the other writer isn't the only one who needs to grow up, if at all - byhaps, you're the problem.
You've not exhibited a problem with someone talking down a competing entity such as AMP - how would that be any less "childish" than you "protecting" your buds in the twu from the "meanies" that aren't pleased with its "representation"?

It would appear the other writer isn't the only one who needs to grow up, if at all - byhaps, you're the problem.

No definitely not the problem. I speak up and challenge the assertions of others that's all. I did not allege anyone was sleeping around, disparage them for their weight, or attack them in such a demeaning way. It is quite another thing for one to defend a specific entity or unions idealogy by discussing that issue and how the potential candidiates speak up.

So I have not been childish unless of course you redefine it to suit your arguement. Kind of like how Ken, Bob, Odie, furp-Jerry and many others attack the messenger. This particular thread has no bearing whatsoever to the structural issues at hand anyway.

Not wasting anymore time on this subject.
Very low class Jerry

Mr. Sensitive all of a sudden? The truth seems to both you...why is that? Are you standing up and confirming that DV did not deliver the sead of love, which became a bun in the oven, which later became a human? Is the love child yours?

"I speak up and challenge the assertions of others that's all."

Assert for me how the twu is democratic when I do not get a ballot to vote for/against someone willing to go into the international.

Assert for me why I do not get a ballot to vote for Jim Little's position.

Assert for me why you must use an alias while defending the twu.
No definitely not the problem. I speak up and challenge the assertions of others that's all. I did not allege anyone was sleeping around, disparage them for their weight, or attack them in such a demeaning way. It is quite another thing for one to defend a specific entity or unions idealogy by discussing that issue and how the potential candidiates speak up.

So I have not been childish unless of course you redefine it to suit your arguement. Kind of like how Ken, Bob, Odie, furp-Jerry and many others attack the messenger. This particular thread has no bearing whatsoever to the structural issues at hand anyway.

Not wasting anymore time on this subject.

Yes, distance yourself from the unclean, uneducated masses. Kinda funny how sh!t catches up with you isn't it. You would have to be the only AMT at AA that is defending the international, and it's elite (sic) membership. In fact, I would bet that if DV or JL showed up in any breakroom around the system, they would probably need a security detachment. FURP nailed it!