Yes or no for the IBEW?

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What happened to the early out program that you stated was going to be
in our T/A? You said you got the information from a "key person" on the
negotiations committee...funny, I never saw that paragraph in the T/A...and you stated
from the same source the pay scale would be less than the proposed $19.00!
You have some great sources. God help anyone that trusts in you!!!!!!!!

You should really get off this post and go to bed...don't you
have to be at work early in the morning?

Giant Robot-
Your asking Tim alot of questions...if you already think you know the answers,
Why are you asking ?.... If you have something to it. Why are you asking others
to answer questions you seem to already know the responses them and be done
with it. What a waste of time........ What do you think ? hhmmm (sarcasm)

There comes a time in life when you say I was there and it really made me feel as if I were apart of something big :cool: !This was one of those times for me. I have seen weak and strong solidarity / unionism, but this was very special. The group sent a message and it was golden. Brothers and Sisters were apart of a loud voice that was silent to the ear but loud to the industry!
I am very proud of my brothers and sisters for how they stood together tonite. The funny thing is we could have gone in there and plastered these guys to the wall for the crimes against the group, but we chose the less traveled road and spoke with our feet.
Very few leaders emerge into the kind of leader Robert Boland has. I am very happy to call him a friend as well as my leader. He will walk the less traveled road if it means he can have a hand in making a better life for each and everyone he represents.
Lets take time and remember what happened tonite and begin the healing process. First get your cards signed and then vote when the election happens. It is very inportant that we strike while the iron is hot. We must vote when the election is announced.
Leadership is only credible when they are willing to share a fox hole and suffer the same pains as the troops suffer. Its the members who make a leader strong and Bob knows this. :up:
Wake up IAM leaders and stop hiding behind a mask :disguise: !

Its Electric!
What happened to the early out program that you stated was going to be
in our T/A? You said you got the information from a "key person" on the
negotiations committee...funny, I never saw that paragraph in the T/A...and you stated
from the same source the pay scale would be less than the proposed $19.00!
You have some great sources. God help anyone that trusts in you!!!!!!!!

There were a few items on the table that came off and others that went into the contract. My understanding was that the IAM was asking for IAM Boss 'family positive space travel', fleet was keeping profit sharing, and the top out was to be $17 something. However, when the IAM agreed to throw in profit sharing, extend the bankruptcy contract another 2 years, COC, it juiced the top out to $19 provided the IAM extend the wage scale 2 addtional years, throw westies benefits under the bus, and allow 'time bomb' language in the contract to finally eliminate 19 stations. Canale gave Parker a contract he couldn't refuse. It was the best contract Parker ever saw.

Just curious, how many of you all
1) attend union meetings
2) are actually involved?

JMHO, changing unions will not change the membership.
If you still have the same membership and expect different results then you have qualified as ‘stupid’ to repeat the same experiment over and over expecting different results.

Good Luck :up:
My understanding is that those who are handling the IBEW campaign have been involved with labor for a long time. Some of them were local officers, grievance committee chairs, and many shop stewards.

Changing unions will change the leadership. With DL141, it is easier to change the union than it is the 'piss clam' leadership.

My only concern with a new election is getting the people to vote. Iv been through passed elections where we lost with mergers with Piedmont and then PSA and and finally won with the IAM when we had Steel workers and Teamsters on that ballot which i voted for Teamsters. If people dont vote that vote goes for the company which is biggest bunch of #### i have ever seen!. If you dont vote it shouldnt count period! Thats not the case with the NMB. That rule needs to be changed! Where else does a rule of that nature exist in a voting process???

I work in Philly and over the years we have hired a very diverse mix of people of all walks of life here and some of these new hires here could careless about any of this. They care more about whos the next big rap star, listening to there IPOD, chatting on the phone or getting the new "bling bling" then any of this. They really dont have a clue and are unwilling to participate and listen to what we have to say. Most of them are kids this is their future too and they really dont care. It F'N baffles me. I have been very unhappy with the IAM for sometime now and they need to GO! Raising dues after we just took major pay cuts when we were in bankruptcy is just plain sicking!! What union does that to there membership???We have to get them out and if we cant get these guys to vote it could burn us in the end. We need people to get across to them the urgency of how important this is. If we lose this were all screwed!
Does anyone know if Randy Canale and friends are going to be touring any other Local meetings this month?
Guys and Gals-
The short and sweet sumation of the meeting last night in Phl :

At about 6:30 people started gathering outside the union hall. The meeting
was scheduled to start at 7:30. Alot of people came alittle early because they heard
some people from the IBEW would be outside the hall. There was about 100 people
waiting outside by 7:15. Most of which had changed thier shirts from what they had
worn down the hall to shirts saying ''98IBEW''..thats the local in Philly backed by John
''Doc''. If you don't know or have never heard of ''Doc" look up the IBEW98 web site.
Thats' him standing in front of Spector and Casey. When Jeff hayden arrived someone
from the IBEW asked him if he'd like a shirt, he smiled and just laughed it off in a
slightly uncomfortable way. The crowd swelled to (apx.) 200 or more people. Remember
alot of people were working so that number reflects people coming down on thier day off
to attend. At about 7:20 Bob Boland addressed the crowd and thanked them for thier
support in voting this past month and to thank them for the support they continue to
show in showing up for the nights meeting. He told them that although he has dealt with
different labor groups before and now. He has never been so proud of the unity that Phl
shows when they feel an injustice is taking place. We then asked Bob to be a spokes person
for the group to which he accepted. He then told us before Canale spoke Bob was going to
ask him 3 questions and after or if the questions were answered we as a group would decide
to stay or go. We thought by voting down this TA the IAM leadership would listen for once to
the members who elected them. Well Canale got on the stage, took off his coat, attempted to
roll up his sleeves and then was told to wait by the vice pres. of the local Richie Howell. Rich told
Canale Bob Boland had something to say before he spoke. Bob asked his questions and asked
Canale in no uncertain way ''what he thought of this TA and does he still feel it was the right
decision to bring it back, and finally does he owe the membership an apolgy seeing how it was
voted down (especially in Phl..864 to 57 ?? ) so overwhelmingly. As soon as Bob finished , Canale
replied, ''Do I think this TA was a good agreement..YES''. Bob then said then I think we've heard
enough and with that the 200 ++ members stood and left as one in a sea of white shirts which on
the back read ''Vote IBEW''. The leadership doesn't listen now we'll see if thier blind too. It took
the 200++ members from 7:20 to 8:00 to file into the hall and sighn thier names. At 8:10 they were
all back outside. They went in as one to sign the ledger and left as ONE to seal the fate of the IAM. Many
people lingered outside til past 11:00 talking . When Canale left he was approached by a member
and asked ''What have you done for me ?''...he just kept walking, oblivious to his brothers' plight.
Theres' more to say....but I don't have the time...

I work in Philly and over the years we have hired a very diverse mix of people of all walks of life here and some of these new hires here could careless about any of this. They care more about whos the next big rap star, listening to there IPOD, chatting on the phone or getting the new "bling bling" then any of this. They really dont have a clue and are unwilling to participate and listen to what we have to say. Most of them are kids this is their future too and they really dont care. It F'N baffles me. --------We have to get them out and if we cant get these guys to vote it could burn us in the end. We need people to get across to them the urgency of how important this is. If we lose this were all screwed!

It’s the same across the entire system , these new “replacement†workers aren’t interested in the trials and tribulations of baggage handlers , they don’t care what happens to us or even themselves because they don’t see themselves as US , their just passing throu , using the flight benefits to see the world for awhile , and then they will be off for a “better†or “real†job , But what they don’t realize is that even the “better†jobs are either in retreat benefit wise or are being shipped out to third world countries because nobody in the government or this society has bothered to put their foot down to stem this tide .

If you want to breakthrough to these people you’ll have to convince them that this is a job worth keeping for YEARS , because once you get used to flying for free it’s like having a car in your garage , you just can’t be without it .

the younger generation , they are more self obsessed than ever , you can’t give of yourself to others if you can’t see past your own nose . We are now living in an America where if the draft was reinstated hundreds of thousands would flee to Canada and Mexico . You are seeing first hand the moral and intellectual rot that is destroying our country from the inside out .It’s becoming almost a generational hand off of bad values with more parents passing on their poor mores and self obsessions . America is falling .
Canale did'nt know what to say because he's too busy thinking about all the fun him and his do nothing AGC's are going to have next week in Reno with all of the money we've given them in dues. Just what they need...another convention :angry: :angry:
Also, video was to be taken and placed on YouTube tonight but the video dude had a 'dud' battery. I heard Joe was going to bring a video camera also but I haven't talked to him. It would have been one heckuva feature to watch if the battery wasn't a no go.

Imagine my surprise (!) a PHL fleet service agent bringing a dead video camera battery to a major event! (what an idiot{again, PHL agent}) Funny, there wasn’t any video of the alleged TWU attacks either.

Hey man your repeating yourself you ok. :up: :up: :up: or just shocked.And get off my bro's back about the battery,poop happens. :down:
Who is Giant robot? He talks a big game.
He sounds so scary GIANT ROBOT!!!!See my picture ......
Use deodrant please
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