Fleet Service apathy

And the AGC in PHL was Tim's choice for the ND last election, him and Frankie are/were buddies.

I admire you for putting yourself out there. Politics is dirty and people will dissect you. I see you take part in your local, but it shows someone else as grievance chairman. It doesn't reflect your being on the committee as you stated in a previous post. I am sure you served in that capacity as it has been confirmed by friends who know you. What will be hard for me to get past in the consideration of your slate will be Robyn and Karen. I have seen posts from these two promoting the IBT with one CO group and suggesting decertification as an option with another CO group during representational elections. You can't run on their slate and not keep this slime off of you. Why did you not just run alone rather than attach your name to them. I believe this is a question of ethics.

I admire you for putting yourself out there. Politics is dirty and people will dissect you. I see you take part in your local, but it shows someone else as grievance chairman. It doesn't reflect your being on the committee as you stated in a previous post. I am sure you served in that capacity as it has been confirmed by friends who know you. What will be hard for me to get past in the consideration of your slate will be Robyn and Karen. I have seen posts from these two promoting the IBT with one CO group and suggesting decertification as an option with another CO group during representational elections. You can't run on their slate and not keep this slime off of you. Why did you not just run alone rather than attach your name to them. I believe this is a question of ethics.
As I have stated earlier, I run on my own record. The fact is, I have served the membership as Shop Steward, Grievance Committee and Chairperson with many different leadership teams. I will continue to serve the membership and support whomever they decide should lead the District in this election. Additionally, the Leadership for Progress Team, asked me to be part of their team. I was considered, but never asked by the other teams. running for office without being part of a team is next to impossible. I don't regard myself as being in the shadows, as one suggests, but as being in a support role for those elected. I have tried to do this, for the benefit of the members I represent, through the years of my involvement. Politics is indeed dirty, divisive and counter productive to our cause. Please keep this in mind when people begin posting negative attacks against any candidate. I'm not sure what info. or source you are reviewing but it is innacurate. District and International info. is not always accurate or updated.
As I have stated earlier, I run on my own record. The fact is, I have served the membership as Shop Steward, Grievance Committee and Chairperson with many different leadership teams. I will continue to serve the membership and support whomever they decide should lead the District in this election. Additionally, the Leadership for Progress Team, asked me to be part of their team. I was considered, but never asked by the other teams. running for office without being part of a team is next to impossible. I don't regard myself as being in the shadows, as one suggests, but as being in a support role for those elected. I have tried to do this, for the benefit of the members I represent, through the years of my involvement. Politics is indeed dirty, divisive and counter productive to our cause. Please keep this in mind when people begin posting negative attacks against any candidate. I'm not sure what info. or source you are reviewing but it is innacurate. District and International info. is not always accurate or updated.

Facebook is good and bad. For them it is bad. Freedom of speech is a sacred thing but statements made on the Internet can never be taken away. My source was from Facebook sites they moderated. Distancing yourself will be impossible while you attach your name to their ticket. Sometimes integrity has to be above necessity. Its my opinion. I am but one person.

side note.... There is no "I" in "Team"
Facebook is good and bad. For them it is bad. Freedom of speech is a sacred thing but statements made on the Internet can never be taken away. My source was from Facebook sites they moderated. Distancing yourself will be impossible while you attach your name to their ticket. Sometimes integrity has to be above necessity. Its my opinion. I am but one person.

side note.... There is no "I" in "Team"

You are correct there is no I in team. My point was i can only speak for myself. When it comes to things you have heard or seen on facebook, concerning others, I cannot speak for them. When it comes to continuing to serve the members under a leadership team you did not support, but were duly elected by the membership, that is teamwork. If you choose to flush the entire ticket, based on what you have heard or seen on facebook concerning one or two candidates, that is your right as a voting member. I was aked by this team and no others to run. I appreciate their support and recognition of service to the members. My support for them is, in turn, reciprocal. Going forward, please let it be noted there is not a candidate on any slate/ticket beyond reproach. I hope we can rise above all the negative campaigning. Personally, my hat goes off to anyone who is willing to throw their hat, name and reputation into the political arena, to be considered for office within our District.
You are correct there is no I in team. My point was i can only speak for myself. When it comes to things you have heard or seen on facebook, concerning others, I cannot speak for them. When it comes to continuing to serve the members under a leadership team you did not support, but were duly elected by the membership, that is teamwork. If you choose to flush the entire ticket, based on what you have heard or seen on facebook concerning one or two candidates, that is your right as a voting member. I was aked by this team and no others to run. I appreciate their support and recognition of service to the members. My support for them is, in turn, reciprocal. Going forward, please let it be noted there is not a candidate on any slate/ticket beyond reproach. I hope we can rise above all the negative campaigning. Personally, my hat goes off to anyone who is willing to throw their hat, name and reputation into the political arena, to be considered for office within our District.

My only point is that they will be campaigning for you. Answer me this. If you had knowledge of what I revealed to you about Karen and Robyn, would you have accepted their offer with the same realization that it is tough to run without a slate?
Have the costs (if any) of this online system been determined? Obviously there won't be a hard number, but it is free, $5000, $100,000??? If it's a notable amount, how do you plan on paying for this?

Regarding the "accountability" of the AGCs, what will be don't to hold them accountable? They're elected, I don't believe they can simply be removed (though I don't actually know).

The cost of an online reporting system will be cost neutral to the district given the fact the AGCs have laptops issued to them and the District has email accounts for all District Officers. They will simply be required to submit a quarterly report detailing the status of grievances within their assigned jurisdiction (stations) and area of responsibility (locals). If grievances are not being progressed in a timely manner, withdrawn or otherwise mishandled the situation will be apparent and addressed by the President and Directing General Chairperson. Regarding accountabilty, Article L of the IAM Constitution provides the avenue or means to remove an elected officer. The Article covers grounds for removal from office. "...incompetence; negligence or insubordination in the performance of official duties; or failure or refusal to perform duties validly assigned."
Accountabilty is at hand and being addressed by the "Leadership for Progress" team's platform. I'm sure all would agree, on the US side, the lack of effective representation and timely resolution within the grievance procedure is a systemwide problem. The "Leadership for Progress" team is the only team on the ballot with a resolution to this systemwide issue.
respectfully submitted,

Wow. Considering the false campaign promises and misrepresentations that you're making Tim what do you call your politics? Sandbox? Playground? UFC? Typical Congressional campaigning?

Direct question time again, and please yes or no, or brief answers please.

Who is going to replace your CO AGC's in the event that they are truely ineligable to run?

Do you already have appointee's in mind?

If so, who are they?

Have they signed your "committment" letter to "pledge" back money?

Or, was this the plan all along, to garner CO votes for your ticket, all the while "misleading" the CO employee's that they will have their own AGC's?

Were there any US people participating in the Hawaiian negotiations?

Are there any US people participating in the UA/CO negotiations?

How will your "In-House" attorney fly around the system to handle ALL step 3 hearings?

You want us to believe your "doom and gloom" fear mongering about a merger that may or may not happen.

Speaking for myself only, my disdain for you comes from your "scortched earth", fear mongering, empty promises and divisional campaign tactics. Do you even realize how many bridges you burned down during this campaign? That IMO can't ever be repaired.

When roabilly "worked" for you, how did that come about? Did you ask him to do you a favor? Or did he offer to do you a favor? By the sounds of it, he was just helping a friend out, and not in actuality "working" for you.


Are you ignoring me? I'm touched.
My only point is that they will be campaigning for you. Answer me this. If you had knowledge of what I revealed to you about Karen and Robyn, would you have accepted their offer with the same realization that it is tough to run without a slate?

Before I respond I will ask you this: Is there any candidate, regardless of what ticket/slate or team they are on, who is beyond reproach? I do not believe in winning an election by successfully bashing the other candidates running for office. The problem with this approach is it's hard to determine what is and is not the truth. It muddies the water so to speak. It creates an election environment where it is difficult to make a true choice on who is the best candidate to vote for. In the end, following this approach, the elected candidate has won by default. In the end, the elected candidate is not necessarily the best choice to represent the membership. I hope that you can look beyond the negative campaigning and truly consider the candidates who are the most qualified for the positions they seek for election. We've been down this road before. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.
Before I respond I will ask you this: Is there any candidate, regardless of what ticket/slate or team they are on, who is beyond reproach? I do not believe in winning an election by successfully bashing the other candidates running for office. The problem with this approach is it's hard to determine what is and is not the truth. It muddies the water so to speak. It creates an election environment where it is difficult to make a true choice on who is the best candidate to vote for. In the end, following this approach, the elected candidate has won by default. In the end, the elected candidate is not necessarily the best choice to represent the membership. I hope that you can look beyond the negative campaigning and truly consider the candidates who are the most qualified for the positions they seek for election. We've been down this road before. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.


I like the way you think... I'm so sick of this "he said she said" political garbage! Further, whomever is in the position of 141 President... is not going to influence my opinion of the guys in the trenches... I've been there... I know! It's the AGC's... the G/C... and the good Stewards that do all the work! Everything else is governed by strict regulations, and NO single individual is going to change that.

To me... the biggest issue that keeps getting overlooked here is this... we are being lead to believe that simply changing District Presidents will resolve all of our problems, both perceived and real! This is an absolute fantasy, and those that actually believe it are sadly mistaken.

As I have said before, my intention is to vote for you sans the ticket crap... I would love to see you augment the N/D team!

Thanks for your honesty, and integrity...

Before I respond I will ask you this: Is there any candidate, regardless of what ticket/slate or team they are on, who is beyond reproach? I do not believe in winning an election by successfully bashing the other candidates running for office. The problem with this approach is it's hard to determine what is and is not the truth. It muddies the water so to speak. It creates an election environment where it is difficult to make a true choice on who is the best candidate to vote for. In the end, following this approach, the elected candidate has won by default. In the end, the elected candidate is not necessarily the best choice to represent the membership. I hope that you can look beyond the negative campaigning and truly consider the candidates who are the most qualified for the positions they seek for election. We've been down this road before. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.

So did i miss the response????
Have the costs (if any) of this online system been determined? Obviously there won't be a hard number, but it is free, $5000, $100,000??? If it's a notable amount, how do you plan on paying for this?

Regarding the "accountability" of the AGCs, what will be don't to hold them accountable? They're elected, I don't believe they can simply be removed (though I don't actually know).

Wow. Considering the false campaign promises and misrepresentations that you're making Tim what do you call your politics? Sandbox? Playground? UFC? Typical Congressional campaigning?
What false campaign promises are you referring to? Just because you don't believe them doesn't make them false. They all will happen. All of them.

It's the AGC's... the G/C... and the good Stewards that do all the work! Everything else is governed by strict regulations, and NO single individual is going to change that...

To me... the biggest issue that keeps getting overlooked here is this... we are being lead to believe that simply changing District Presidents will resolve all of our problems, both perceived and real! This is an absolute fantasy, and those that actually believe it are sadly mistaken.

Not to take anything from the ACGs or others, but where did the buck stop for Car-54 with the NC's decision to offer the HAL TA to the membership? Do you think Tim would have approved that deal? Personally, I don't think so...

And while you are talking about the AGCs, as there are some good ones, Car-54 does not seem to be pushing those who are not carrying their weight for the Membership. I do not know if Tim would have those abilities to "fix" those lazy AGCs, but we know that Car-54 has not demonstrated any such abilities.

This is one of those situations where the Devil you know isn't more appealing, than the unknown, because as I have outlined, Car-54 has presented poor judgment with HAL TA and a lack of leadership with substandard AGCs.

I am not going to say that Tim is the right person, but clearly Car-54 needs to be replaced.

So Expresses Jester.
Not to take anything from the ACGs or others, but where did the buck stop for Car-54 with the NC's decision to offer the HAL TA to the membership? Do you think Tim would have approved that deal? Personally, I don't think so...

This is one of those situations where the Devil you know isn't more appealing, than the unknown, because as I have outlined, Car-54 has presented poor judgment with HAL TA and a lack of leadership with substandard AGCs.

I am not going to say that Tim is the right person, but clearly Car-54 needs to be replaced.

So Expresses Jester.


Have you ever even talked to the local people that voted on the HA contract? or are you just guessing ?
Randy Kuahane is avail if you want to talk to him and find out the specifics ! 75% yes .... So they shoved it down their own throats or maybe just swallowed it !