New employee uniforms


Feb 1, 2012
Oh god no!!!! These are just horrible!! Lite gray??? with colored stripes?? What group of clowns is responsible for this? probably some guy that works in a cubical!
Here you go. If you like bowling and your favorite show was Two and a Half Men or have a passion to dress like Charlie Harper then they hit it just right.
We had a uniform shirt about 10 years back. It was beige and short lived because it was to light in color and every piece of dirt and grease stood out like a target. Then they went to current dark color. The company no longer launders our uniforms. What were they thinking? This is the third work group they screwed up. Pilots and flight attendants went back and made changes from feedback from the employees. I say become a tester and get them dirty to the point it's embarrassing to wear. Dark colors is common sense. I wonder if bowling shoes will be mandatory footwear with these shirts. In the meantime I have to dig out my bowling ball from the closet.
1AA said:
Here you go. If you like bowling and your favorite show was Two and a Half Men or have a passion to dress like Charlie Harper then they hit it just right.
I actually like them, but agree that they're a horrible choice for most workgroups.

I worked at YV a million years ago. At one point, they rolled out a white polo as part of our uniform. That lasted about a month before the navy blue ones came back.
Those will not stay light grey for long. I still have the ole dark blue shirts with the old AA emblem.

Heard the new Association shirts are going to have a yellow stripe on the back.?
The company has a uniform policy. Keeping neat and clean uniforms is one of them. What happens when they get dirty beyond effective cleaning? I'm sure they will get enough feedback in time to realize their poor choice of color.
I like them. Dark colors are the absolute worst for anyone working outside here in Phx. Imo light grey is the best choice as it doesnt absorb the heat as much and hides the grit fairly well.
I don't believe this. What moron chose a retro bowling shirt? We will look like fools walking through the terminals. Everyone in the industry will be laughing at us. I would be embarrassed to be seen in public wearing this. Do we have to wear matching bowling shoes too?
Who cares what they look like...that's on the company. As long as they fit well, are comfortable and weather tolerant, I'm fine with them. Uniforms are way, way down on my priority list of things to worry/complain about.
Bright colors? A little bit of turbine oil, hydraulic oil and gear grease mixed in with whatever we come into contact with. I'm sure your home washing machine will wash out all the dirt without leaving stains. We all know turbine engine oil will leave permanent stains on bright colored clothing, not to mention what hydraulic oil will do as well.