Separation of Church and State?

Dell's post #52: God vs. Gov’t: What Does the Constitution Really Say About the Separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
What this is saying is that Congress CANNOT tell a church how to preach its religion. READ MY LIPS: CHRIST ALREADY SEPARATED CHURCH AND STATE QUIT LETTING THE, a-hem, ATHEIST GETTING CREDIT FOR IT!!! Matthew 22:20-22, and Mark 121:17. God doesn't belong in Government ands Government doesn't belong in God. God and Government are the Muslim belief not the Christians.


'SLOW your ROLL'..big Dude.

jesus doesn't get credit for separation church/state !

Thier were/are religions and spiritual beings (think aboriginal peoples) around looooooooong before jesus !
Well LAME BRAIN, since your filling us all in, on what another person "Bows to, and the specific CHURCH in which he does so,
Now I have a question for you.
WHO do you BOW to, and at which Church ???

We'll ALL wait patiently, for your RESPONSE, ASSUMING that you HAVE ONE,....OR, are keeping your Cards-close-to-your-vest ??????

TICK....TICK.......TICK !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to take a "Tree-pass" here , BIGOT!

Dell's post #52: God vs. Gov’t: What Does the Constitution Really Say About the Separation of Church and State?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
What this is saying is that Congress CANNOT tell a church how to preach its religion. READ MY LIPS: CHRIST ALREADY SEPARATED CHURCH AND STATE QUIT LETTING THE, a-hem, ATHEIST GETTING CREDIT FOR IT!!! Matthew 22:20-22, and Mark 121:17. God doesn't belong in Government ands Government doesn't belong in God. God and Government are the Muslim belief not the Christians.

Well, you just blew Tree's sh!t out of the water ! Might have to remove his sig !
I'm going to take a "Tree-pass" here , BIGOT!

Well, you just blew Tree's sh!t out of the water ! Might have to remove his sig !

His statement regarding the meaning of the 1st is only partially correct. His statement only addresses "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". He conveniently neglects to address the first part of the amendment which reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" which is why the schools in Muldrow KY removed the 10 commandments under threat of law suit. They knew it was a lost case and a clear violation of the 1st amendment. My sh1t in the water is still perfectly intact. Signature shall remain in place.
His statement regarding the meaning of the 1st is only partially correct. His statement only addresses "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". He conveniently neglects to address the first part of the amendment which reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" which is why the schools in Muldrow KY removed the 10 commandments under threat of law suit. They knew it was a lost case and a clear violation of the 1st amendment. My sh1t in the water is still perfectly intact. Signature shall remain in place.

Twist it and turn it, to which ever way makes you feel better about yourself !
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His statement regarding the meaning of the 1st is only partially correct. His statement only addresses "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". He conveniently neglects to address the first part of the amendment which reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" which is why the schools in Muldrow KY removed the 10 commandments under threat of law suit. They knew it was a lost case and a clear violation of the 1st amendment. My sh1t in the water is still perfectly intact. Signature shall remain in place.

So you can quote a law that Congress made respecting establishment of a religion?

Let us hear your scholarly Constitutional expertise above and beyond a person in academia who teaches on a daily basis and how you feel he is wrong?

What law would that be, BTW?
Dude, you got ahold of some good sh!t, didn't you ?


You accusing Dude of being a Stoner?
Twist it and turn it, to which ever way makes you feel better about yourself !

Go read the case law if you do not understand what I wrote. Hell, read the 1st amendment for that matter. Not sure how case law can be twisted. Show me a case where a public s cool was allowed to keep the 10 commandments in the room?

Justice Roy Moore from AL had a huge monument of the 10 comments installed at the court house. He was ordered to remove them by a Federal judge who found that the display violated the COTUS.

He was ousted by a judicial ethics committee.

Apparently the good people of AL are not too bright because the idiots re-elected the fool to the state supreme court in 2006. The guy has no clue about the COTUS.

So go ahead and find some case law to support your POV or stop flapping your gums about crap that you have no understanding about.
Go read the case law if you do not understand what I wrote. Hell, read the 1st amendment for that matter. Not sure how case law can be twisted. Show me a case where a public s cool was allowed to keep the 10 commandments in the room?

Justice Roy Moore from AL had a huge monument of the 10 comments installed at the court house. He was ordered to remove them by a Federal judge who found that the display violated the COTUS.

He was ousted by a judicial ethics committee.

Apparently the good people of AL are not too bright because the idiots re-elected the fool to the state supreme court in 2006. The guy has no clue about the COTUS.

So go ahead and find some case law to support your POV or stop flapping your gums about crap that you have no understanding about.


How on earth do you expect a religious FANATIC, (and FOOL to Boot) to understand a clearly worded 1st amendment, AND for 'Sh!ts and giggles', a ruling from a conservative leaning Supreme Court ????????????????
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Sounds like he and BaRack, ought to get along great !

Tree says they made a ever heard of a law like he refers to SW?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" which is why the schools in Muldrow KY removed the 10 commandments under threat of law suit.

Maybe Tree can show us this law they passed that established a religion.
If BaRack-O-Care is going to tell certain religions, how to run their healthcare, then I believe the 10 Commandments, should be posted on all government buildings !
How's that ?