*walks out of the Cornfield and motions to the Zebras to make a Moderator relief change*


Moderator Relief
2007 Stats:
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I have been told that my services are not needed at this time.

Don't give up USCREW! They just haven't gotten to your LTO yet, but they will eventually. ;) Then you can moderate until your heart's content. Or you could transfer to another board where you will have more seniority and will hopefully be able to hold a consistent moderator position. I bet you could even drop, swap, and ETB your moderator assignments if you are not able or willing to perform your duties at a given time. Just a thought! Good luck!
Don't give up USCREW! They just haven't gotten to your LTO yet, but they will eventually. ;) Then you can moderate until your heart's content. Or you could transfer to another board where you will have more seniority and will hopefully be able to hold a consistent moderator position. I bet you could even drop, swap, and ETB your moderator assignments if you are not able or willing to perform your duties at a given time. Just a thought! Good luck!
It's so unfair. I've been here for over a whole year; I can't help when I was born; the fact that I am so youthful. Sometimes I sit around for days without any meaningful blogging and WHAM, at 0200 someone posts something so exciting that I must respond, causing my rest to be further interrupted. It is inhumane, and what is my premium membership doing for me? Nothing I tell you. It should be reported to some paper-pushing agency, I just don't know which one. Why is it that the long-timers get everything? Shouldn't they all be dead by now?
It's so unfair. I've been here for over a whole year; I can't help when I was born; the fact that I am so youthful. Sometimes I sit around for days without any meaningful blogging and WHAM, at 0200 someone posts something so exciting that I must respond, causing my rest to be further interrupted. It is inhumane, and what is my premium membership doing for me? Nothing I tell you. It should be reported to some paper-pushing agency, I just don't know which one. Why is it that the long-timers get everything? Shouldn't they all be dead by now?

Maybe they will offer a separation package so they will voluntarily leave and then you can move up. Then they will hire more junior moderators and you will be a senior moderator before you know it. You will be the Queen B of the moderators. You would be a great moderator. After all, you are young, spunky, and I bet you have good vision too. Those things are important because I bet the older ones have a hard time reading all those posts, especially if they lose their glasses or have frequent visits to the bathroom. One day, you too will rise up the moderator chain and you will have the prime moderator position and you will be able to choose when you want to work and not work. Keep in mind though, our senior moderators have put in years of blood, sweat, and tears on this forum and they have fought so hard to make this forum what it is today. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have a place to even moderate. Show them some respect, Ok? Don't ever forget that! Give the long timers a break they because they deserve their status and luxuries, even if does inconvenience you at times.

I'm sorry you feel that the current moderator system is inhumane but that's usually what happens when you start out. Think about what the senior moderators went through when they began! As for your rest, you're young right? So why are you so worried. I thought young people were full of energy! Stop your whining! Man, young people are so lazy nowadays. You can report it all you want but it will never change. That's just how it works around here.

Just hang in there. Things will get better for you in time. Don't give up!
It is time for a change around here. Heck when these old-timers started, they were using a humongous mainframe computer--the one that fills an entire large room. I only know this through my history class. They had to use data punch cards--you know, using the binary system...0101010101. Gawd, how antiquated. I zip around with my ultra-portable in my pocket all the time. Anyway, this place needs young blood with new and progressive ideas. They will all croak soon won't they? No one seems to be leaving this place, not for any amount of money.
I only know this through my history class. They had to use data punch cards--you know, using the binary system...0101010101.

OMG, I hate you. I had a summer college job in 1985 at a bank and we used those cards. The first law firm I worked at just stopped using Wangs. Floyd, stop giggling.
Naaaah, she doesn't drink. Oh, wait, USCREW, were you ever in rehab?

Trust me, as a junior moderator, USCREW will learn to drink real fast and real often! She has it so hard and there's nothing else to do while she is sitting around for days on end and waiting to moderate. Many junior moderators seem to revert to drinking just to pass time and to keep them sane.
Naaaah, she doesn't drink. Oh, wait, USCREW, were you ever in rehab?
Well, technically yes, but only for observational purposes. I know you'll find that an unlikely story. I had a research paper to write on drugs, alcohol, and levels of consciousness as it relates to anesthesia. So, I know a little about inpatient and outpatient rehab. I own a copy of 'The Big Book' <----ever read that one?
I own a copy of 'The Big Book' <----ever read that one?

If you are talking about the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog...of course...if it is that AA thing--I haven't, but let's just say, there are some people on here who should.
Brings back memories huh? Remenber FORTRAN and COBAL? Of course, I've only read about those extinct languages too.

You'll need duct tape one day....just remember that....of course I remember those...i was writing computer programs in BASIC in high school.