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The Letters have arrived...


Aug 20, 2002
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I must say I was a bit surprised to come home from work and see a recall letter already here so soon after the announcement to recall last week. No e-line, no additional information, it just shows up with barely a word from anyone. How unceremonious, not that I was expecting trumpets sounding and banners waving of course. I just thought the #'s would have been leaked before the letters arrived.

Anyway...here are the #'s if anyone else is interested:

25 f/a's to BOS
20 f/a's to DCA
25 f/a's to LGA
20 f/a's to PHL

I don't think there will be any trouble staffing PHL, but I wonder if there are 70 people on the recall list that would actually accept recall to BOS, DCA or LGA?
they had to dip pretty far down the seniority list for the last round of recalls, didn't they?
does anybody know what the comprehensive (including all voluntary furlough programs) recall procedure(s)is/are?
thanks in advance!
they had to dip pretty far down the seniority list for the last round of recalls, didn't they?
does anybody know what the comprehensive (including all voluntary furlough programs) recall procedure(s)is/are?
thanks in advance!

Last recall (for June 2006) they got to Sep 18 00 for both Boston and LGA. PHL got to Aug 21 00. I think a lot of people passed because they were waiting for the additional 2 recalls that never came in Aug 06 and Dec 06. Others have moved on.

I believe they go back to the top of the involuntary furloughed list and offer recall first, moving down in seniority.

An invol can pass as long as there is no one junior in seniority left.
Voluntary furloughees also get the option to come back but I'm not sure how that one works.

Because of the VFLR (voluntary furlough with limited recall), those F/A's also have the right to return after all involuntarily furloughed flight recall options have been exhausted.

From AFA website:
A flight attendant who leaves the service of the Company on a VFLR will be offered one recall
opportunity but only after the actual recall of all other voluntary and involuntary furloughees, and
subject to the forfeiture of his/her prior longevity and seniority (i.e., he/she will start as a new hire
employee in all ways except that he/she will not be subject to the normal probationary period
). :shock: Don't imagine too many would be coming back!
A flight attendant who is offered such recall and declines it will be deemed to have resigned. If the
flight attendant accepts the recall, all non-cash benefits under the VFLR Program shall immediately cease upon return to work.

As you can see there are many flight attendants furloughed. I had heard about 1600 involuntary and over 3,000 voluntary. I wonder if they'll want to get all of the invols back on line before the combined seniority list gets published.
Before the last recall, we had 1650 on the invol list according to the e-line sent out in May 2006 with the recall list.

My friend called the company and the union asking about the recall and received no clear answers and yet the letters were already sent out. *shrug* Guess it is either double top secret or the union wasn't aware that the letters have already been sent.
I wonder if they'll want to get all of the invols back on line before the combined seniority list gets published.

I spoke to the former VP of Inflight awhile back before he retired (can't remember his name). He told me that they did infact want everyone back by the time we integrate seniority lists (basically to get rid of the "dead leaves") as I stated elsewhere. However, at that point he had NO IDEA how this could be accomplished.

Bottom line, it should be done, but probably won't!
I spoke to the former VP of Inflight awhile back before he retired (can't remember his name). He told me that they did infact want everyone back by the time we integrate seniority lists (basically to get rid of the "dead leaves") as I stated elsewhere. However, at that point he had NO IDEA how this could be accomplished.

Bottom line, it should be done, but probably won't!

Yes, why would a new hire want to work for US Airways?

1. There would be over xxx amount of people from the start going to bump them down to reserve or worse (having no chance of a line)

2. There are other (to date) airlines that start at a better pay!

3. There are other major airlines, that one would have a line within 2/3 years and flying to international destinations...

4. The negative vibes from the media, and other locations, Union unrest, labor disputes, Frequent Flyers vowing to leave, and depts.(catering, ops, etc) in shambles that in-flight depends on.

5. At this moment we do not have a combined contract, with (non - gray language)

5. There is a 99.9% of a chance to be moved from your domicile after being hired. Look at our combined past?

6. Any other reasons?
I can't even fight you on that one.

You are absolutely correct.

Oddly enough, you will always get people that do want to work for this airline for one reason or another. :shock:
I can't even fight you on that one.

You are absolutely correct.

Oddly enough, you will always get people that do want to work for this airline for one reason or another. :shock:
Does anyone know how many recall letters were sent out? Last recall, June 2006, they sent 2 different letters:
1) You have been recalled
2) You MIGHT be recalled

Are they doing that again? If I remember correctly,(last June) 900+ were offered the recall to get 200 to come back?

Just wondering about the process and the time frame?
Thanks for the info in advance.
Oh, and one more question, will recall information be posted on the HUB?
Does anyone know how many recall letters were sent out? Last recall, June 2006, they sent 2 different letters:
1) You have been recalled
2) You MIGHT be recalled

Are they doing that again? If I remember correctly,(last June) 900+ were offered the recall to get 200 to come back?

Just wondering about the process and the time frame?
Thanks for the info in advance.
Oh, and one more question, will recall information be posted on the HUB?

Got my letter today. Say's I'm not within the most senior 90 f/a's but may still be recalled. My guess then is that they sent letters to all of the invols. After almost 6 years they'll probably get through the entire list this time to get what they need since so much time has passed.
Just wondering since, as of today's mail, I have not received a letter yet.....

Has anyone in the Northeast received a letter yet?

Were the letters sent (post marked) from AZ?

Were they sent US Mail, Certified US Mail, FedEx?

Thanks in advance!