US pilot labor thread 6/21-6/27

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I've written off the lunatic fringe of USAPA, but there is hope for those willing to set aside their biases and work together. I wouldn't bet on a fractured pilot group accomplishing anything.
Lunatic fringe? Now that is good. :lol: Same for us actually. i.e. AWAPPA and AOL. You call it "biases", I / we call it principles. Oh well.
1. I think you've found the subtitle to USAPA's inaugural contract.
2. Is the license plate on your Yugo " ALL4ME"? :lol:
1. You only have yourself to blame. But then we'll have to see what is presented to the membership to vote on.
2. As I've said before, a never ending source of amusement. Thanks. :lol:
So, with oil at $140 , the credit markets collapsing and LCC about to file bankruptcy, how many of you guys are actually going to go down with the ship? Being USAPA members, where do you think you will get preferential interviews at? Serious replies only, please. Thanks.

Serious reply = If/when this place implodes...that'd be enough airline life for many/most east posters. Don't expect much huge, universal concern over any "preferential interviews"...even if one makes the extremely charitable, but fully ridiculous assumption that such "preferential interviews" have ever been of any worth. You might additionally note the inherent irony that the only pax carrier likely to hire anyone isn't, nor ever has been under the auspices of mighty Alpa in any case........
You might additionally note the inherent irony that the only pax carrier likely to hire anyone isn't, nor ever has been under the auspices of mighty Alpa in any case........

Southwest hired very few USAirways pilots before USAPA, how many USAPA pilots do you think want?

Southwest won't hire you and the ALPA carriers won't either.

Good luck.
Southwest hired very few USAirways pilots before USAPA, how many USAPA pilots do you think want?

Southwest won't hire you and the ALPA carriers won't either.

Good luck.

Let me rephrase this so you might actually understand it Trader: In the event of this one going away; I won't be looking for another airline job. Do you "get it" this time around? Additionally sir..your comments bear consideration the very moment that YOU are in charge of hiring at Southwest or elsewhere..and by your example....Lord help the standards for pilot employment at any such a place...Reading comprehension as being but one concern. "Good luck".
Southwest hired very few USAirways pilots before USAPA, how many USAPA pilots do you think want?

Southwest won't hire you and the ALPA carriers won't either.

Good luck.

In the late 80's American Airlines required a pilot applicant to send in a stool sample. The unrequested samples america west pilots sent in to USAPA union through the mail will be forwarded to the American Airlines (no pun intended) human resource department.
Southwest hired very few USAirways pilots before USAPA, how many USAPA pilots do you think want?

Southwest won't hire you and the ALPA carriers won't either.

Good luck.

The implosion of US might be the quickest way for the east to reap what they have sown and watching them scatter off to live on $28K a year might be the sweetest revenge for all the destruction their arrogance and bullying has caused.

Of course there are less drastic alternatives, but those have already been dismissed here.
The implosion of US might be the quickest way for the east to reap what they have sown and watching them scatter off to live on $28K a year might be the sweetest revenge for all the destruction their arrogance and bullying has caused.

Of course there are less drastic alternatives, but those have already been dismissed here.

Let me help you with your pilot resume you will need soon;

"The defendants and their co-conspirators have subjected USAPA, its officers and individual US Airways pilots to a concerted campaign of extortion and sabotage," the lawsuit claims. "This pattern of activity has included a number of criminal acts, including extortion, designed to destroy USAPA and render it incapable of discharging its legal duty to represent the US Airways pilots."

Former america west pilots, reputations known, will be a hot item in future aviation employment.
Now there is an interesting phrase.

If something, anything, is inevitable why would anyone waste time or effort to change or impact anything that is deemed inevitable?
Taking stuff out of context, again? I'll put it back in context for those challenged in literary matters.

Is this better?

Sad that you will not even save yourself by helping shape inevitable "conditions and restrictions".

You know, the same ones the west MEC stonewalled on that would have mitigated the "nic" but as a result of the west MEC's intransigence, directly led to extreme, but legal, measures involving decertification.

The west has a chance to shape how DOH is applied and defer or eliminate any negative effects, until the DOH-LOS/supposed relative "seniority" ratio approaches one. The choice is theirs.
Southwest hired very few USAirways pilots before USAPA......
Let me help your incorrect phrase:

Southwest hired very few former ALPA pilots before, yadda, yadda.

-- From a friend who has hired at SWA

The yaddas were about the cost to "re-train" loyalties to a company from a union.
The implosion of US might be the quickest way for the east to reap what they have sown and watching them scatter off to live on $28K a year might be the sweetest revenge for all the destruction their arrogance and bullying has caused.

Of course there are less drastic alternatives, but those have already been dismissed here.

While that's clearly another in the long listings of "INTEGRITY" filled, and very kind desires for your "fellow pilots", rest assured that the vast majority won't need to struggle along on the PBGC alone. As astonishing as you likely find that though, I'll offer another observation that's also true = I've NO desire to see any ill events come your way, or for any others out west. Your childish desire for some twisted vengeance on the east for not affording you your St Nic/Super-BS "Seniority" gift's indeed very noble of you though.

"..might be the sweetest revenge for all the destruction their arrogance and bullying has caused." I'm all ears sir...exactly what's been "destroyed" thus far?...within "all the destruction"? More bluntly = Specifically; WTF are you babbling about now? Instead of endlessly whining, wishing for 'sweetest revenge", and otherwise, inanely spewing forth worthless adolescant nonsense...wouldn't you think it beneficial to honestly start considering ways you could be of help to the current situation? I'll offer a hint = Blathering about any/all variations of "poor, pitiful me" won't serve your purposes well, nor will sitting on the sidelines, awaiting glossy mailings to you, and up to a 100 visits from USAPA. No one's likely to go to any great lengths just to kiss your tail. I'd think it'd logically behoove you/all there, to grow up a bit, and strive to see what useful actions you might find to help your position.
The implosion of US might be the quickest way for the east to reap what they have sown and watching them scatter off to live on $28K a year might be the sweetest revenge for all the destruction their arrogance and bullying has caused.

Of course there are less drastic alternatives, but those have already been dismissed here.
Wishing misfortune on any group or individual has a way of coming back to bite you. Personally I hope it doesn't happen, but be careful what you wish for. The PBGC payments will make any future job just a little easier. What have you got? Oh yea, thats right "integrity." :lol:
Hey aaa how many west pilots take the deal with usapa? and why is seeham trying to delay the trial?
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