US Pilots Labor Discussion 10/13-- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Dec 15, 2005
We are way overdue for a new pilots' thread for the period, so here you go.

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Here we go again. I say I never wanted a west job and you say that USAPA's scheme would furlough west pilots. Do you see the disconnect there? You keep putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it. Why do you have such a problem following along?

You support and defend USAPA and USAPA's plan steals West jobs, especially evident if we furlough.

The disconnect is in your thinking.
Heard Lee Moak is the new ALPA president.

So the Delta independent union movement is probably over with now that it has served its purpose.
You support and defend USAPA and USAPA's plan steals West jobs, especially evident if we furlough.

The disconnect is in your thinking.

Tell me oh wise one, exactly how do I support USAPA? What I have I told them about the seniority battle and other issues? I want to hear all you know about me and my actions so you can show us all how you have come to your conclusions.

The disconnect is in my thinking? Wow, no arrogance there.
Tell me oh wise one, exactly how do I support USAPA? What I have I told them about the seniority battle and other issues? I want to hear all you know about me and my actions so you can show us all how you have come to your conclusions.

The disconnect is in my thinking? Wow, no arrogance there.
Do you call the USAPA leadership daily and ask for a contract to vote on? If not, You might be a USAPA supporter....

Do you demand and Industry Standard pay raise in this decade? If not, You might be a USAPA supporter....

Do you believe USAPA should give the Profit Sharing to the East Pilots only (DFR)? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter...

Do you enjoy flying your little 737 up and down the East coast at the lowest payscale of a major airline? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter...

Do you think that its "OK" for USAPA to circumvent the NIC Award? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter....

Get the hint?

USAPA = Bad choice...
Do you call the USAPA leadership daily and ask for a contract to vote on? If not, You might be a USAPA supporter....

Do you demand and Industry Standard pay raise in this decade? If not, You might be a USAPA supporter....

Do you believe USAPA should give the Profit Sharing to the East Pilots only (DFR)? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter...

Do you enjoy flying your little 737 up and down the East coast at the lowest payscale of a major airline? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter...

Do you think that its "OK" for USAPA to circumvent the NIC Award? If so, you might be a USAPA supporter....

Get the hint?

USAPA = Bad choice...

Another smart one. Go ahead, you answer those questions for me and let's see which one gets them right first,you or the Trader.
No, the west had no obligation to change the Nic one comma, and they didn't, that's part of the reason we are where we are today.
Classic blame-the-victim mentality. A contract was 80% complete in 2007 when joint negotiations were ceased. Which side broke off during a booming economy? The East. The current time of profitability will likely slip away while the East continues delaying getting a new contract. Amazing. The East is shooting off its nose to spite its face.
Who flies the airplanes the West brought to the merger if we furlough a thousand pilots under USAPA's plan?

The Chinese are looking for hulls - probably end up over there.
Classic blame-the-victim mentality. A contract was 80% complete in 2007 when joint negotiations were ceased. Which side broke off during a booming economy? The East. The current time of profitability will likely slip away while the East continues delaying getting a new contract. Amazing. The East is shooting off its nose to spite its face.

Typical "I am a victim" mentality.
Thank you for acknowledging the fate Nic could bring.

Once again after telling me how I think, you fail to answer my questions about how I feel and operated with respect to USAPA. Let me ask you a few more questions about YOU and your dealings with USAPA:
1) Are you a member?
2) Are you a member in good standing?
3) If not, why?
4)If not, how does letting the so called liars and thieves run unchecked fit in with your high standard of right and wrong?
5) If not, you didn't to vote on things you complain about, right?
6) Do you, and have you always paid your dues as required by our contract, because one so worried about the right thing would certainly do what is required of him/her by their contract, right?

Looking forward to you answers and the other one I asked.
I know you are asking Traderjake. I'd like to answer.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. N/A
4. I am a member of the West class. Our voice has been stiffled, by design, so that we have little effect on the tyrrany called AFOUSAPA.
5. I do vote.
6. Yes. Doing the right thing, leading by example, taking charge, owning up to mistakes are all fine examples of how a person or group with INTEGRITY should act. USAPA has done the complete opposite.

A lot of East postings point out "well if this happened like this" or "we are doing the right thing by the CB&L, blah, blah...". All the while these decisions were made after the fact. These subsequent problems all stem from the East's decision to NOT HONOR their decision.

USAPA = what will we think of next?
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