JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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From Doug's mouth, "it's gonna take a long time". As you also heard, they (AA) are under the impression that beginning Saturday we can mix and match crews since they gave us that raise. We only agreed to have full LUS crews work AA metal, and full LAA crews work US metal. The Associations stance is no JCBA, no crew mixing. That is a thorn right now in negotiations and I hope the ASS doesn't cave. Then AA management will have everything they need from us for the foreseeable future.
Just another problem that the Association and the company have dealing with each other. In one way it looks like the company thinks since they paid us they can do as they please. Makes you wonder if the agreement has some loophole the company can use.The TWU has not performed well with many things such as the stock equity deal, and the prefunding arrangement. This Association gives me no reason to expect improvement. The thought comes that here it comes again. What we thought we would get turns into something very different.
Congrats on getting $10 an hour 3 years after your merger. At UAL we have been working on both sides planes for 6 years and never got a dime for it. The crap TA will probably not pass and we still wont have a dime. 
Things must be peaches and cream for everybody since the lump sum. This thread is dead.

Word around the campfire is that there is a lot of grumbling from the IAM leadership regarding the Helping Hands, even going so far as to draw that line in the sand calling it a violation of the agreement. If somehow the Company loses that battle, I would expect that $5+/hour raise to evaporate like a snow cone on a PHX summer ramp underneath an APU exhaust duct. Even the AA guys recalled to PHX to work exclusively their own metal aren't happy with the arrangement as they are stuck working only the line positions. No bag room, no local bag runners, and no conx drivers as those given to typically lower seniority US agents instead.
Word around the campfire is that there is a lot of grumbling from the IAM leadership regarding the Helping Hands, even going so far as to draw that line in the sand calling it a violation of the agreement. If somehow the Company loses that battle, I would expect that $5+/hour raise to evaporate like a snow cone on a PHX summer ramp underneath an APU exhaust duct. Even the AA guys recalled to PHX to work exclusively their own metal aren't happy with the arrangement as they are stuck working only the line positions. No bag room, no local bag runners, and no conx drivers as those given to typically lower seniority US agents instead.
I know a few of the guys you refer to. They are just happy to be home.
I know a few of the guys you refer to. They are just happy to be home.

Home is home, and I can appreciate that. I still speak with a few of the LAS guys who accepted the recalls back to their home, and some were even willing to step down to part-time. (I heard from them that you were even considered to be a funny guy and hard worker in LAS... I guess anything is possible!) I would imagine that commuting as stand-by gets old after awhile, especially with average load factors pushing 85%.
Word around the campfire is that there is a lot of grumbling from the IAM leadership regarding the Helping Hands, even going so far as to draw that line in the sand calling it a violation of the agreement. If somehow the Company loses that battle, I would expect that $5+/hour raise to evaporate like a snow cone on a PHX summer ramp underneath an APU exhaust duct. Even the AA guys recalled to PHX to work exclusively their own metal aren't happy with the arrangement as they are stuck working only the line positions. No bag room, no local bag runners, and no conx drivers as those given to typically lower seniority US agents instead.
Now THAT sounds like the AA I know.

Frankly I like to see people that have been hiding in high seniority jobs get a little taste of the low seniority life once in a while. Some of them need to be knocked out of their sense of entitlement to come to work and do the least amount possible while receiving top pay.
I'm so confused now as to when the NC and the company meet. Was this past week a negotiation week or a "taking a break" week. Also, any update as far as cross-utilization goes??
I'm so confused now as to when the NC and the company meet. Was this past week a negotiation week or a "taking a break" week. Also, any update as far as cross-utilization goes??

The word I am hearing is that the Company will start early December cross-utilization of fleet service. The Association is making noise they will not agree to any start date at this time. Various issues have been raised regarding mixed teams (US/AA) handling flights, not to mention, mismatched teams with leads (crew chiefs). Related issues of overtime has been considered as US and AA have different steps in the issuance for possible overtime or mandatory hold overs.

I suspect Management is working out the details "fairly" to preempt a grievance later which would further delay the implementation of the cross-utilization.
Things must be peaches and cream for everybody since the lump sum. This thread is dead.

Nah. Just there's a particular bad stench on the page that reminds me of a rotting dead rodent that's up in the attic somewhere behind some boxes or stuck in a vent maybe that you just can't get rid of.

It's so bad that people had to move out of the house until maybe they (the mods) decide to fumigate?
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