CWA/Teamster labor thread -

The Union is way to silent here? We are 6 months away from a new contract?

With aging employees and their rising health care cost, it seems like the company would put together a substantial buy-out for those over 55. One trip to the hospital and they are looking at a $100,000.00 plus medical bill, per employee..... But if the Ryan plan is passed, most of us couldn't go for a buy-out even if they offered us a $100,000.00 a piece?

The IBT/CWA Association will begin Section 6 negotiations with US Airways in Phoenix, AZ on July 14, 2011.

Preparations and meetings have begun for the CWA bargaining team and meetings have been set up with the IBT to coordinate our bargaining goals.

The IBT/CWA Association will be sending out regular updates. We also will be seeking mobilization coordinators from each local to assist in our goals to gain the pay, benefits and working conditions that we know our membership deserves. We have compiled and reviewed the recent bargaining surveys and are utilizing them to guide us in this very important matter.
The Union is way to silent here? We are 6 months away from a new contract?

With aging employees and their rising health care cost, it seems like the company would put together a substantial buy-out for those over 55. One trip to the hospital and they are looking at a $100,000.00 plus medical bill, per employee..... But if the Ryan plan is passed, most of us couldn't go for a buy-out even if they offered us a $100,000.00 a piece?
Have you been paying attention?
This company is not going to give any increases in pay benefits or work rules without a threat or a job action

This Velvet person. Is there any chance she was at the Greentree Closing reception with Chris Fox? I seem to recall meeting her.

Who is she exactly? Everytime I hear the name I think of the SNL character created by Eddie Murphy, "Velvet Jones, be a ho in your spare time"
Yep and the members elected to bargain the passengers service contact need to be held accountable.

Who elected them? I dont remember seeing anything about volunteering to serve, putting your name in to run or actually electing someone to do it. How were the people on the bargaining committee selected and who are they? Nothing from our Local about any of this.
Who elected them? I dont remember seeing anything about volunteering to serve, putting your name in to run or actually electing someone to do it. How were the people on the bargaining committee selected and who are they? Nothing from our Local about any of this.
June 1, 2010

To: CWA Local Presidents Representing Members at US Airways Passenger Service

From: Annie Hill, Executive Vice President

Subject: Election of US Airways Passenger Services Bargaining Team

It is time to elect a new Bargaining team. Following are the rules for that election which will take place at your next meeting on June 22, 2010, in Phoenix, Arizona.


The CWA /US Airways bargaining team's responsibilities will be to assist in negotiating the 2012 CBA with US Airways and will be included in the formulation of any mid-agreement Letters of Agreement. Bargaining will begin sometime in the middle of 2011.

The new bargaining team will take affect immediately upon completion of the election. The term of office is three years.

Positions: Bargaining Committee - The Committee will consist of two airport representatives, two alternates, one reservations representative and one alternate.

Airport Representatives:
The two candidates that place 1st and 2nd in the election will be elected as the bargaining committee representatives. The two candidates that place 3rd and 4th in the election will be elected as the alternates for the bargaining committee.

Reservations Representatives:
The candidate that receives the most votes will be elected as the bargaining committee representative for reservations. The candidate that receives the second highest amount of votes will be elected as the bargaining committee alternate for reservations.


Reservations members will vote for the reservations representatives.
Airport members will vote for the airport representatives.

For those interested in running, please send a letter of interest by e-mail prior to June 8, 2010 to Velvet Hawthorne. You may also include a letter or flyer about your candidacy that will be forwarded to each of the locals. Please send them to the attention of Velvet Hawthorne. The letters/flyers received will be forwarded to Locals on June 10, 2010.

The Nominations and Election will be held on June 22, 2010 at the next Association meeting. Any candidate that is nominated also needs a second at the meeting.

Delegates will carry their voting strength as assigned for the upcoming 2010 National Convention.

In addition to these elected bargaining members, the Chair and Co-chair may bring in local representatives on an ad hoc basis should we need expertise in a particular area during negotiations.