Philly employees not welcome

I had flown through PHL late September (before the official merger) and early October (after the official merger). There were GREAT people on both legs but there were also some terribly rude and uncaring employees on both legs. But in all honesty, the rude and uncaring employees always come to mind first. But I do remember the great ones. Very only takes a few to skew the perception of an entire city.

I, as I'm sure others are, waiting to hear how the Town Hall went. Please let us know.
I enjoy the irony of the post. From the city where liberty was born comes a statement that if you disagree with the guy or say something he doesn't like, he will perform an act of violence against the offending party. Classy. Must be a real tough guy.

You can disagree all you want....I disagree with the teamsters calling me at home....I disagree with the IAM telling me I was confused....and you know what I do?????Take it out on the company, every day in every way!
You can disagree all you want....I disagree with the teamsters calling me at home....I disagree with the IAM telling me I was confused....and you know what I do?????Take it out on the company, every day in every way! how do you take it out on the company? Please, tell me I'm interested. :)
Hmmm, That's the same kind of logic used in the riots in the '60's. I'll burn down the only asset I have because I'm opressed and impoverished. I'll ruin my neighborhood! That will show "The Man"!!!

Somethings NEVER change.
Stoopidute - Reinforcing the "Lazy Union Worker" stereotype one post at a time!

They don't call him stoopid for nothing.
You can disagree all you want....I disagree with the teamsters calling me at home....I disagree with the IAM telling me I was confused....and you know what I do?????Take it out on the company, every day in every way!

Here's a classic example why Philly is such a cesspool. People like this do nothing but drive that fact home. Real tough guys (when in a group of other so called tough guys) but not so tough when they're by themselves nose to nose having to defend the drivel coming from their mouths. Funny thing is when they're all alone they get real quiet and don't have much to say when face to face with someone that'll stand up to them.
I've been in PHL and seen these "tough guys" and stood face to face with them. Until this boneheaded mentality is taken out of the operation nothing will ever change in PHL.
Real tough guys (when in a group of other so called tough guys) but not so tough when they're by themselves nose to nose having to defend the drivel coming from their mouths. Funny thing is when they're all alone they get real quiet and don't have much to say when face to face with someone that'll stand up to them.
I've been in PHL and seen these "tough guys" and stood face to face with them.


At least the "cesspool" part of your post was correct.
Hey Stoopidute

Bob is right on in this case-your personal attack on him is both unwarranted and unacceptable.

What does the company have to do with the IBT calling you at home or the IAM misinforming you? So your answer is taking it out on the company? By doing so you are taking it out on the customers, who last time I looked pay the bills. Without customers, you don't have a company.

Your statement is indicative of the terrible attitude which is unfortunately pervasive in PHL. While you represent the vast minority of employees, you do a disservice to the 90% of employees in PHL who DO care and who ARE trying to make things better.

If you don't like what's going on leave--but don't drag EVERYONE down with you. It is because of this type of attitude that PHL has such a bad rap, and the only hope of improvement is to show people with this kind of attitude the door, and FAST.

People like Stoopidute may do a disservice to 90% of the employees, but they do so to 100% of our customers, which is wholly unacceptable. We appreciate loyal and well-mannered customers such as yourself, and the fact that you put up w/ the PHL nonsense is a testament to your excellent duties as a customer (either that or your a complete masochist :wacko: ).

In my own experiences nonrevving through PHL, most all employees are outstanding - they just need the tools to do their jobs, and they're getting them. Those of you that don't want to be there, I hear there's OAL hiring in PHL - ramp, no less...

It took 2 1/2 years to make PHL the mess it is. We're not going to be able to correct it in 2 months. :ph34r:

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